Artists’ Society of Phillip Island Inc.


Meeting No:183 / Date:June 7 2010 / Venue:32 Birdwood Ave, Cowes
Meeting commenced: 7.36pm / Chair: Jon Hewett / Minutes: Marian Quigley
Present: / Jon Hewett, Marian Quigley, Susan Brereton, John Adam, Diana Bannister, Christine Caldwell, Wilma Payne, Elizabeth Shaw, Gillian Armstrong, Rob McKay
Apologies: / Pauline Grotto, Christine Caldwell
Item No / Subject / Details / Action / By Whom / By When
4 / Minutes of Previous Meeting / Motion: that the minutes of the previous meeting be accepted as an accurate record of the meeting.
Moved: John Adam
Seconded: Elizabeth Shaw
5 / Business Arising / Website: Images from Easter Exhibition due to be posted this week. A steady run of news items now.
Accommodation Subcommittee to comprise Diana Bannister, Sue Brereton, Marian Quigley. Meeting to be arranged soon. / Invite Pauline Grotto / Diana Bannister / ASAP
Relocation of ASPI equipment is no longer necessary. PICC to use old display boards.
Hiring of ASPI Equipment Policy – the draft form was approved by the Committee. The policy outline requires 2 amendments to the wording: ‘refundable’ deposit; ‘current’replacement costs. If stands are to be replaced, a lighter weight version should be found.
John Adam has already used the form when loaning equipment to Landcare. / Amend policy document / Marian Quigley / ASAP
Cup Weekend Judge: Jon Hewett met with Colleen Morris. ASPI to fund travel and accommodation costs. / Book a suitable Cowes motel. / Jon Hewett / ASAP
Cup Weekend Exhibition / Send letters to opener & judge / Marian Quigley / Before next meeting
Entry forms to be mailed with next newsletter / Diana Bannister
Recruitment of ASPI Committee members: possible volunteers for Treasurer, Exhibition Coordinator have been found. To be determined at AGM.
Wayne Caldwell Award: letter has been drafted with input from a number of Committee members. / Send with flyer & membership details to PI primary schools, NewhavenCollege, MaryMcKillopCollege, WonthaggiSecondaryCollege. / Elizabeth Shaw & Jon Hewett to design flyer. Elizabeth to send to art coordinators; Elizabeth (& Christine?) to visit schools. / Beginning Term 4
Membership brochures: still being printed
Winter Solstice Lunch cancelled due to lack of interest. Committee members and partners to have dinner June 23 at Gullivers Restaurant, Cowes.
3MFM: Committee members to tune in & decide next meeting whether to advertise. ABC 774: another possibility.
6 / Correspondence / IN: RAV Annual Report, Statistical Information Form; Invoice for membership fees
Letter from Phillip Island & District Genealogical Society Inc advising of this new name for the organization & new email address:
Letter from Phillip Island Landcare Group requesting hire of display boards. John Adam has already organized this.
Invitation to the official opening of the Water’s Edge Photographic Exhibition at Phillip Island Winery, June 12.
Vic. Gov. Initiative Reports Sep.2008-2009: ‘Increasing the Cultural Participation of People with a Disability in Victoria’.
OUT: Letter to Christine Wutzke, Bass Coast Shire Council requesting extended time to resolve issue of relocation of ASPI equipment. / Pay membership fee
Update ASPI details / Sue Brereton
Marian Quigley / By July 5
7 / Treasurers Report / Auditing almost completed. Current balance: $9323.71. / Buy auditor bottle of wine / Sue Brereton / ASAP
8 / Ibis Report / Wonthaggi workshop well attended & received. Barbara Westwood poetry collection accepted for publication in a chapbook. 2 Ibis members interested in collaborating with ASPI members for Cup Exhibition. / Place article in newsletter requesting expressions of interest from ASPI members re Ibis collaboration / Marian Quigley / June 30
9 / PICC Report / Growing steadily. Photos for Offshore Theatre Production. Past excursions to BriarPark; Sandsculpture, Frankston. Future: Warragul Nationals; Geelong. David Rooks, event manager has been in contact re possibility of running an annual photo marathon on PI.
PICC requested loan from ASPI to cover financial gap in orders for club branded clothing. Motion: ‘That ASPI loan PICC $900 to cover the financial gap in orders for PICC clothing’. Moved: John Adam. Seconded: Marian Quigley. Carried.
PICC hosting VAPS Muster, PI, May 2011. Rob McKay & Gill Armstrong to assist them to select venues.
10 / Membership / 112+
11 / Newsletter / Deadline: June 30
12 / Other Business / AGM – Friday August 20 / Book Heritage Centre / Wilma Payne / ASAP
Draft forms to accompany next newsletter / Marian Quigley / June 30
Religious Art Exhibition: Anglican Church pleased with ASPI’s loan of stands
Elizabeth Shaw suggested the need to provide advice to members re writing an artists resume. / Place information in newsletter. / John Adam & Elizabeth Shaw / Prior to Cup Weekend Exhibition
ASPI Critique Night: small attendance but successful.
Next meeting: Tues. July 6 / Venue: Christine Caldwell’s home, 86-88 Lantana Rd,CapeWoolamai
Meeting closed: 9.13 pm / Signed: