Getting Started with Round Rock ISD Technology!

Welcome from the Instructional Technology department! We are providing this information to help you get started using your computer. If you have any questions, please contact us by 1) email or 2) voice mail.

Your name here

Instructional Technology Specialists

Network Logon: / User Name:______Password: __password_
ex. John Smith User Name: 004SmithJ password: password
You will be asked to change your password the first time you log in.
Save your files to the server and not “ Documents.”
Shared Drive
To access the shared drive from your desktop – click on “My Computer.” / The Shared Drive is a location that you will find information “shared” with the entire campus.
·  Students Folder –
o  Teachers can create folders and files for students to have access to.
o  Information in this area will be DELETED at the end of the school year.
·  Teacher Folder – Information that staff members need access to
o  Students do not have access to this folder.
o  Teams Folders
o  School Information – all things school
o  Curriculum Folders
o  Specialized folders
Please contact the ITS if you need special permissions set for folders in the Shared Area.
Lotus Notes/Email
generic password: rrisdnotes

remote access:
Email Address for Out of District Purposes is:

/ Note: This is district email and not personal email!
To Change Password
·  Log on
·  Choose: File - Security – User Security
·  Type in old password - OK
·  Click on Change Password
·  Type in old/generic password again
·  Type in new password
·  Type in new password again OK OK

To change Lotus Remote Password
·  Open Lotus Notes to Workspace page
·  Click on’s Address
·  Type your last name and hit Enter
·  Double click on your name
·  Click on Edit Person (top left)
·  In the Internet Password field click on the “Enter Password” button.
·  Type in your new password
·  Click Save & Close (May take 10-15 minutes before remote password works)
Acceptable Use Policy / Highlights:
1.  Email is for school purposes – no selling, no forwarding cute jokes, large files, etc.
2.  Email is subject to the open records act. Be careful what you say!
3.  Internet use is monitored!
4.  Students should ALWAYS be directly supervised by a staff member while on computers.
5.  Login info should NEVER be shared with anyone. Each person on campus should always login as themselves.
eCampus / Registration for ALL Staff Development events in RRISD
Logon: 6 digit ID Password: Last Four Digits of SS#
To find classes choose “Class Catalog” and enter search criteria.
The change Your password:
·  Log on
·  Click on User Tools
·  Click on Modify My Record
·  Scroll down to User Information and change password
(Grades & Attendance)
At School:
At Home:
Initial Login:
Logon: 6 digit ID
Password: Leave Blank / This is the district gradebook program.
Users guide can be found through: Access Central: http://internal/servers/
The program will prompt you to set a new password on your first log in.
To change your password
·  Log on
·  Click on your name
·  Type in old password
·  Type in new password twice
·  Click Change Password
Note: Parents have access to see the gradebook!
Curriculum Management Tools – Aligned Round Rock Curriculum (ARRC)
Access is through GradeSpeed
INTERNAL ACCESS: (on computers in the district)
Login: 6 Digit ID
Password: Your Choice / Click on Edit Profile the first time and make sure your info is correct.
Once inside: Click on Find Groups
Select “ARRC Scope and Sequence” – located on the bottom of the right column.
Choose the appropriate subject.
Open the appropriate grade level folder by clicking on the name
Note: The ARRC is divided into 6 week bundles that are listed inside each grade level.

o  Open the Scope and Sequence for the appropriate six weeks by clicking on the title.
o  Add the Scope and Sequence Bundle to your favorites by clicking on “Add to Favorites.”
Note: Next time you log in you can click on Favorites and go directly to the ARRC instead of navigating through the other pages.
Employee Access Center
User ID: 6 digit ID
Password: social security number
In District Access:
Remote Access:
Note: You must have your email remote password set BEFORE you can access EAC remotely. / Access to your paycheck info, leave banks, W2 info, etc.

SubFinder /

School Technology Info:

Technology on Campus:
/ Technology use should ALWAYS be tied into current curriculum and is not a means of reward or free time.
Students must ALWAYS be closely monitored when using technology.
Student’s Logging on to Machines
Student’s folder are organized by grade level – labeled by the year they leave campus:
2011-- 12th Grade
2012 --11th grade
2013 --10th Grade
2014---9th Grade / Student login information :
Username: 004lastnamefirstintial – ex 004youngr
Password - 6 Digit ID (this has been reset for ALL students)
Students that have 2 last names
Robin Smith Young – Login is 004smith youngr
Robin Smith-Young – Login is 004smith-youngr
Students with common names:
Robin Young – Login is 004youngr
Richard Young – Login is 004youngri
Note: Student login and folders are deleted at the end of every school year.
Teachers have read access only to student folders.
Teacher Web / Teachers should set up their own web sites through Teacher Web.
code: po464rdck
United Streaming / Online streaming video – videos can be shown through the projector using your computer. Also contains lesson plans and other resources for the video. Check with your librarian to get generic user name and password. Be sure to create your own account.
Nettrekker /
Online Databases through Library:
Technology Tutorials /
This website contains tutorials – handouts and videos – on various programs in RRISD.

Frequently asked questions:

What if I can't log on? / Check all connections including network cable to network data port in wall (orange connector).
Make sure User ID and password are spelled correctly and there are no spaces. Domain name must say RRISD.
What if I can't get into the e-mail system? / Check all connections including the network cable to the network data port in wall (orange connector). Try getting on the Internet to see if that works.
What if I forget my new password? / You are responsible for all your passwords. No one else keeps up with them.
Should I turn off my computer before I leave work? / Yes. Shutdown all open applications.
Choose Start\Shutdown
What if I need access to a color printer? / Go to the professional area of the library to print to the color laser.
What if I need additional software/hardware installed on my computer? / You must contact your ITS. RRISD policy is that only district purchased and APPROVED software can be installed on a district machine. Only district purchased and approved hardware can be attached to a RRISD machine.
What if I need to move my computer to another location? / Before you do, please call your ITS.
Computers should be located UNDER the TV or near the wall plate for the projector so the s-video and audio cables can be used to connect the two together. Longer cables are NOT available.
What do I do if my computer freezes up or starts acting erratically? / The first thing you should always do is REBOOT!
Rebooting will fix most of the problems that occur within the operating system. If it doesn’t, contact your technology representative and then please call or email your ITS.
*****Make sure that you SAVE your work often. *****