Instructions for on line submission of papers to the Journal of Plant Pathology

Preparing a manuscript. Before submitting a paper, authors must carefully read the JPP Instructions for authors and prepare the manuscript accordingly. Papers will be considered for publication only if submitted on line to the JPP web site, but not if sent by mail or e-mail. Please check that:

(i)your manuscript is organized as a single PDF file, containing all tables and figures at the end of the text;

(ii)the file size does not significantly exceed 1 Mb;

(iii)continuous line numbering is used throughout the text.

A PDF file is easily created as follows:

for Macintosh users, select the “Print” option, then select the “Save as PDF file” option;

for Windows users, you can download a PDF creator at or

How to register. Before submitting a paper, the corresponding author must register at the Journal of Plant Pathology web site,clicking on Register. The author mustcompletethe formstating his/her e-mail address in the appropriate box. A personal password is also requested. Please read and accept the JPP conditions of use, then click on Send. Your e-mail address and your personal password will be requestedeach time you want to log on. Once you have logged on, you can change your data and password in the Personal data panel.

How to submit a paper. Once you have logged on, click on New Submission and completethe form. Then select the Senior Editor in the Category field, indicate the type of paper you are submitting (research paper, short communication, disease note, or review), and insert the abstract of the paper. Authors can senda covering message to the Senior Editor, and suggest the name of one referee in the Referee field. The Senior Editor may take this suggestion into account. Submission then requires two steps: first, select your paper by clicking the button next to Submission PDF file. Then click ONCE on Send. This operation may take a few minutes, however do not press Send again. If the operation was correctly done, a message will appear to confirm submission.

In the Submission list, authors are kept informed on the status of their paper. In any correspondence, authors should refer to their paper using the JPP reference number, displayed in Id. Authors will also find all communications regarding their papers.

Uploading a file. When authors receive the Senior Editor’s response and referees’ comments, they are requested to log on their JPP area, select the message in the Communication section and answer specific comments in Reply. Please do not reply by e-mail. Any revised version of papers must be prepared as indicated in the Instructions for Authors, and saved as a single PDF file. To submit a revised version, authors must go to the Submission list and Upload the revised file. Please remember to click ONCE only when uploading the revised file: the uploading may take a few minutes.

Acceptance of papers. When a paper is accepted, authors are invited to submit the final versions of the textand the figures as separate files. As the PDF file is not suitable for print processing, a single Word file is requested for the manuscript, including tables and figure legends but not the figures. Please note that tables must be prepared as indicated in the Instructions for authors. For figures, the minimal resolution should be 300 dpi. TIFF or PowerPoint formats are preferred. Figures must be saved as single files (i.e., one figure per file) in one compressed (zipped) folder. This because it is safer to send figures all together than as separate files.

To make a compressed (zipped) file (ZIP) you can use softwares like Winzip or Stuffit Expander. If you do not have access to any of these softwares, proceed as follows:

For PC users: you need to select your folder clicking it with the right click of your mouse, then select the "Send to" option. From the new menu, select "Compressed (zipped) folder". In this way a zipped folder will be created.

For Macintosh users: either you select the folder to be zipped with the right click of your mouse or with Ctrl+click, then "Make archive"

The zipped file containing all the figures must be selected clicking Additional file.

Please remember to click ONCE only when uploading the Word file and the additional file, even if the uploading may take a few minutes.

Transfer of copyright. Accepted papers become copyright of the Journal. Therefore the authors (or the corresponding author on behalf of other authors) must send a signed copy of the copyright transfer form to the Editorial Office by fax (+39.080.5442911). Alternatively a signed hard copy of the copyright transfer form can be scanned and sent as an e-mail attachment to the Editorial Office (). The form can be downloaded in PDF format.