Bug Busting Initiative 2009
The Parent’s Association would like to remind all parents that Bug Busting Kits will be available to purchase in the school yard at 0845 hrs each morning from Monday 28th September to Thursday 1st October at the special rate of €6 per kit. If you would like to purchase a kit and cannot make it to the school yard, please give €6.00 in an envelope clearly marked ‘BUG BUSTING’ to the teacher, including your son’s name and room number, and we will ensure you receive your kit.
In order to combat the ongoing problem of head lice, designated Bug Busting days will be introduced during the school year to maximise the impact of this initiative. By synchronising these days across the school, we can stop the lice from circulating. This is the surest way of eradicating the problem.
All parents are requested to equip themselves with a Bug Busting Kit or Lice comb in preparation for our next Bug Busting Day andwe would encourage all parents to work together to collectively address this problem.
What is Bug Busting? eWe would like to encourage all parents Bug Busting is the surest way to cope with lice. It works by using specially designed combs with your usual shampoo and conditioner. One kit can be used for the whole family for as long as you need it, eliminating the need to purchase any costly chemical or herbal treatments.
How does it work?eWe would like to encourage all parents With the unique combs in the Bug Buster Kit, your usual shampoo and any conditioner, you can detect and clear head lice and remove any nits/eggs. The bevel-edged teeth of the specially developed Bug Buster comb comfortably pick up head lice which the more rounded teeth of other fine tooth combs miss. The teeth are precisely spaced, close enough to swiftly lift out newly-hatched head lice, whilst still allowing easy movement through the hair.
What is included in the Kit? The bug buster comb, removes head lice including, baby lice. 2 x mini bug busters, specially designed for young heads. Nit Buster, removes unsightly egg shells. Wide-toothed comb, untangles and straightens the hair before using the bug busting combs. A Step by Step guide with full illustrations, an explanatory booklet, a waterproof cape and fun stickers for the kids.
What do I need to know? A head louse usually hatches 7-10 days after an egg is laid. A newly hatched head louse becomes full grown after only 6 days. A female can lay eggs on day 7 after she herself has hatched. Therefore, it is critical to remove the lice before the sixth day from hatching in order to break the life cycle. This also helps to reduce the spread of head lice as only full grown head lice move from head to head. Often chemical treatments do not work effectively as the treatment does not kill the lice eggs and lice can hatch the day after a treatment has been applied. They will have reached adulthood and laid more eggs before the second treatment is applied 7 days later. Thus continuing the problem.
Important Facts:
Lice cannot become resistant to the Bug Busting Method.
Bug Busting fits in with the weekly hair-washing routine.
Bug Busting is a safe, no-pesticides way to cope with head lice.
You only need one kit for the whole family.
Combing dry or damp hair with a fine tooth comb is not an effective way of detecting lice as lice move quickly in dry / damp hair and can avoid being spotted!
Head to head contact does not need to be prolonged in order to spread lice.
Metal combs are not suitable for louse detection because these combs are primarily nit combs and lice caught between the tightly spaced teeth can remain unnoticed against the metal and can be combed back into the hair.