JUNE, 2016 RESEARCH Page 1 of 17

Mothers who could carry Strep infections (and Neisseria Meningitis) could pass the infection to newborns. The statistics vary from country to country but are unfortunately skewed to support an international drive for vaccinations. For instance, please read these statistics from the UK for just the strep B Group. “An estimated 20 -30 % of pregnant women carry the bacteria but 99% of babies born to mothers who carry the bacteria are perfectly healthy. Nearly 10% of babies affected do not survive, and those who recover may have after effects such as deafness, brain damage and problems with movement and co-ordination. The fatality rate is higher in premature babies”. 1/10 of 1% of babies in the UK is hardly enough to justify mandatory vaccinations in the UK for expectant mothers.

As usual you see the behind-the-scene picture of the World Health Organization pushing wealthy countries to mandate the vaccinations so that they pay for the far greater need in Africa. The African need is great and, debatably, justifies the coercion of the wealthy nations. However, these politics skew all the statistics we could find about the incident of meningitis in children.

Our findings show that many children have subclinical infections of the various kinds of meningitis. Multiple meningitis manifestations from childhood remain to shape the personality, the weaknesses and the disabilities when they are adults. We therefore continually refer to childhood manifestations throughout the material with examples of what it leads to in adults.

The summary of meningitis types are:

  1. Strep A Group
  2. Strep B Group
  3. Strep Meningitis Pneumonia
  4. Listeria
  5. Haemophilus Influenza
  6. Neisseria Meningitidis
  7. Picorna Viruses (Coxsackie A16, Enterovirus 71, Picorna Aptho Virus (AKA Foot and Mouth Disease, AKA Hand, Foot and Mouth Disease)
  8. Misc conditions called meningitis


Common Strep A Infections

The non-invasive infections caused by Group A Strep (GAS) tend to be less severe and more common. They occur when thebacteriacolonizes in the throat area, where it recognizesepithelial cells.The two most prominent infections of GAS are both non-invasive:strep throat(pharyngitis) where it causes 15-30% of the childhood cases and 10% of adult cases, andimpetigo.Scarlet Feveris also a non-invasive infection caused by GAS, although much less common.

Post-streptococcal A Glomerulonephritis

Post-streptococcal (PSGN) is an uncommon complication of either a strep throat or a streptococcal skin infection. It is classified as a type III hypersensitivity reaction. Symptoms of PSGN develop within 10 days following a strep throat or 3 weeks following a Group A Strep (GAS) skin infection. PSGN involves inflammation of the kidney. Symptoms include pale skin, lethargy, and loss of appetite, headache, and dull back pain. Clinical findings may include dark-colored urine, swelling of different parts of the body (edema), and high blood pressure. Medical treatment of PSGN consists of supportive care.

Severe Streptococcal A Infections

Some strains of Group A Streptococci (GAS) cause severe infection. Severe infections are usually invasive, meaning that thebacteriahas entered parts of the body where bacteria are not usually found, such as theblood,lungs, or deepmuscleorfat tissue.Those at greatest risk include children withchickenpox;persons withsuppressed immune systems;burn victims; elderly persons withcellulitis,diabetes,blood vessel disease, orcancer; and persons takingsteroidtreatments or chemotherapy.Intravenous drugusers also are at high risk. GAS is an important cause ofpuerperal feverworldwide, causing serious infection and, if not promptly diagnosed and treated, death in newly delivered mothers. Severe GAS disease may also occur in healthy persons with no known risk factors.Impetigo (red, skin, dot-like infections) are caused by Strep A3. Strep FE is used for Necrotizing Fasciitis.

All severe GAS infections may lead toshock,multisystem organ failure, anddeath. Early recognition and treatment are critical.Medical diagnostic tests for GAS includeblood countsandurinalysisas well as cultures of blood or fluid from a wound site.

Severe Group A streptococcal infections often occur sporadically but can be spread by person-to-person contact.Close contacts of people affected by severe Group A streptococcal infections, defined as those having had prolonged household contact in the week before the onset of illness, may be at increasedrisk of infection. This increased risk may be due to a combination of shared genetic susceptibility within the family, close contact with carriers, and the virulence of the Group A streptococcal strain that is involved.

Strep Rheumaticus leads to Rheumatic Heart Disease (see Reyes), Rheumatic Fever and occasionally to Sydenham's Chorea(historically referred to asSaintVitusDance, a disorder characterized by rapid, uncoordinated jerking movements primarily affecting the face, hands and feet). Other neurologic symptoms include behavior change,dysarthria, gait disturbance, loss of fine and gross motor control with resultant deterioration of handwriting,headache, slowed cognition, facial grimacing, fidgetiness andhypotonia.Also, there may be tongue fasciculations ("bag of worms") and a "milk sign", which is a relapsing grip demonstrated by alternate increases and decreases in tension, as ifhand milking.

Healers Who Share has found a discrepancy in results compared to currently presented pictures of Strep A. Current science (6/14) equates Strep Pyrogenes and Strep A and we find they are different. For instance, it is common to find a Strep A infection in birthing mothers that leads to puerperal fever in children. We have found both mother and child may carry puerperal fever for decades with few symptoms other than a weak liver. No Strep Pyrogenes remedy tests as the cause of this well-known Strep A infection. We recognize the field is changing. In 1984, many organisms formerly consideredStreptococcuswere separated out into the generaEnterococcusandLactococcus. There are currently over 50 species recognized in this genus.PANDAS(Pediatric Autoimmune Neuropsychiatric Disorders Associated with Streptococcal infections) turned out to be based on one of those transferred from strep to enterococcous. The infamous Enterobacteriaceae (Vancomycin-Resistant of hospital infamy) can also cause meningitis.

In miasmic form, Strep Rheumaticus shows as the base cause of Hodgkin’s Lymphoma (Rheumatic Fever with Basic Four) and Non-Hodgkin’s (Rheumatic Bone with Basic Four). Rheumatic Pancreas and Rheumatoid Arthritis are also based on the miasm of Strep Rheumaticus.

STF/STR / STAPH/STREP / 1-3 / B / Two common bacteria that can appear together.
STR / STREP / 1-3 / B / Multiple kinds of strep together.
STR A1 / STREP A 1 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR A2 / STREP A 2 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes. Said to be the cause of Erysipelas Grave Internum.
STR A3 / STREP A 3 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes. Large red nose.Impetigo. In the gall bladder it causes “raccoon black eyes”
STR A4 / STREP A 4 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR A5 / STREP A 5 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes. Mild to severe cellulitis.
STR A6 / STREP A 6 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR A7 / STREP A 7 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR A8 / STREP A 8 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR A9 / STREP A 9 / 1-4 / B / Puerperal Fever. Breasts. General vaginal sensitivity and ease of infection is a clue. Common liver infections and malfunctions are another clue. There is sometimes a mistaken identification as genital herpes.
STR FE / STREP FE / 1-5 / B / Although the FE stands for "flesh eating", the rate of destruction can be very, very slow. Our experience says this can be at the same rate as a regular strep infection, even though it is still destructive. It deserves high priority, but not panic unless there is evidence of a very fast (rare) rate.
STR FOE / STREP FOETIDUS / 1-4 / B / A species that ferments glucose only, isolated in humans from cases of gangrene, infected wounds puerperal fever, appendicitis, pleurisy, paranasal sinusitis and osteomyelitis; and from the intestinal tract, oral cavity and genital secretions. We find this that wide variety of locations can harbor this bacteria for decades without clear proof of its existence. Its nature is to very slowly deteriorate, even to the point of mimicking "aging". There seems to be a pattern of this existing with appendicitis and even post appendectomy. Also called Peptostreptococcus Anaerobius.


STR BHB / STREP B HEMOLYTICUS, GROUP B / 1-6 / Brain Irritations causing irritation in personality.
STR BHC / STREP B HEMOLYTICUS, GROUP C / 1-6 / This is the most commonly found.
STR BHF / STREP B HEMOLYTICUS, GROUP F / 1-6 / Finger fissures, sometimes pituitary lumps
STR BHG / STREP B HEMOLYTICUS, GROUP G / 1-6 / Predilection to complicate gangrene.


Despite the name, the organism causes many types ofpneumococcal infectionsother thanpneumonia. There is a form of Strep Pneumonia (remedy is the same name) that could be mixed with this form. Accordingly we have invented a name to distinguish between the two. These invasiveStrep (Meningitis) Pneumonia diseases includebronchitis,rhinitis,acute sinusitis,otitis media,conjunctivitis,meningitis,bacteremia,sepsis,osteomyelitis,septic arthritis,endocarditis,peritonitis,pericarditis,cellulitis, andbrain abscess.We found a Blanca Meningitis of the white matter of the brain that seems to fit this family.

Strep Viridans is often compared to it as a similar, but milder infection. Strep Mutans (the infection that causes cavities) is one of the members of the Strep Viridans group. We call the remedy Dental Carries and it is included in Dental Dynamite.


Listeriacan be found in soil, which can lead to vegetable contamination. Animals can also be carriers.Listeriahas been found in uncooked meats; uncooked vegetables, fruit such ascantaloupes, pasteurized or unpasteurized milk, and foods made from milk, and processed foods. Pasteurization and sufficient cooking killListeria; however, contamination may occur after cooking and before packaging. For example, meat-processing plants producing ready-to-eat foods, such as hot dogs and deli meats, must follow extensive sanitation policies and procedures to preventListeriacontamination.Listeria monocytogenesis commonly found in soil, stream water, sewage, plants, and food.

Listeriais the most common pregnancy infection known, although little is said about it. We have seen it in mother and children 40 years after childbirth. It diminishes the whole immune system very subtly. It has been the primary cause for many hysterectomies and the supporting cause for countless others.


In infants and young children,H. influenzaetype b (Hib) causesbacteremia,pneumonia,epiglottitisand acute bacterialmeningitis. On occasion, it causescellulitis,osteomyelitis, andinfectious arthritis.

Some versions cause ear infections (otitis media), eye infections (conjunctivitis), andsinusitisin children, and are associated withpneumonia.



This is the most likely form of meningitis to be accurately diagnosed in the medical field. Below is a simple test that can be done to determine a stiffening effect of meningitis.

Among the 13 capsular types ofN. Meningitidisthat have been identified, six of these (A, B, C, W135, X, and Y) account for most disease cases worldwide. Most of our usage has been with A, B, C, and W135. Version X is thought to be in a “belt” across mid Africa and very little is even written about version Y. Gonococcal meningitis is the subject of frequent outbreaks in schools followed by shutdowns of the schools for several days.

In addition to stiffness, all forms of meningitis can cause skin outbreaks and this form produces the most explosions of blood and capillaries. Purple splotches are common and they can lead to such gangrene that amputation is necessary.

This child contracted Neisseria Meningitis (Type unspecified) coming through the birth canal. Within a few days both arms and both legs were amputated. She became the poster child for meningitis until her death. The purple splotches becoming completely black and consuming the limb are common.

G. MEN / GONOCOCCAL MENINGITIS / 3-5 / B / Inflammation of nerves coverings of the brain and spine. tiredness, tight neck, headaches, irritability, changing pulse rates, changing temperatures, nausea, vomiting delirium are common in some combination of the preceding.
NES HEM / NEISSERIA HAEMOLYTICUS / 2-5 / B / Most subjects feel this like a urinary tract infection (urine is filtered blood). There is evidence that it also causes vascular constriction.
NES MNA / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS A / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction.
NES MNB / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS B / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction.
NES MNC / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS C / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction. This is especially noticeable in children who walk on their toes.
NES MNW / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS W / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction. This version is most commonly seen to negatively affect the adrenals with irritable behavior, back pains and hormonal imbalance.
NES MNX / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS X / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction. Although cases are reported in North America and Europe, most are reported on the "meningitis belt" in Africa where it develops into septic meningitis.
NES MNY / NEISSERIA MENINGITIDIS Y / 2-5 / B / This bacteria is known to cause severe cases of meningitis with symptoms ranging from fever to headaches to neck stiffness, coma and death. Severe cases with septicemia (purple blotches on skin) are considered a medical emergency with only a few hour difference between life and death. Most of the cases we see are sub clinical, often persisting from birth for decades. There is usually a depleting effect on adrenals that causes people to go from spurts of anxiety to exhaustion, with weight fluctuations included. Small purple blotches can come and go, because of circulation of the blood that carries it. There can be a spleen/liver swelling, tightness in muscles, joint pain, heart dysfunction, eyesight problems and genital dysfunction. This is the rarest form with almost no literature to describe its symptoms. We see contractions of muscles on the skeletal structure that makes severe stiffness look like a breeze.
NES RIA / NEISSERIA / 3-7 / B / A generic form that in its broadness covers multiple forms. The specific form is usually more effective than the generic.