Sport-Number Abbreviation Challenge
Purpose: As an extra credit, behavior management, or rainy-day assignment, students use their knowledge of sports and numbers linked to particular facets or records of a sport to solve a series of brainteasers.
Generic Example:
29 = D in the M of F in a LY (Answer: Days in the Month of February in a Leap Year)
Tempter Solution:
18 = H in a R of G (Answer: Holes in a Round of Golf)
Fifteen Sports Examples (can be modified to in/decrease difficulty):
3 = P in a regulation H game (A: Periods in a regulation Hockey game)
48 = M in a regulation B game (A: Minutes in a regulation Basketball game)
73 = HR record established by BB (A: Homerun record established by Barry Bonds)
755 = all-time HR record of HA (A: all-time Homerun record of Hank Aaron)
8 = maximum allowable W in Y of GP in soccer (A: maximum allowable Width in Yards of Goal Posts in soccer)
21 = winning S in a TT game (A: winning Score in a Table Tennis game)
25 = I pitched in a game of HS (A: Innings pitched in a game of HorseShoes)
53 = height in I of gymnastics PH off the ground (A: height in Inches of a gymnastics Pommel Horse off the ground)
2 = point value of a S in FB (A: point value of a Safety in FootBall)
40 x 10 = dimensions in Y of a FB EZ (A: Dimensions in Yards of a FootBall EndZone)
38 = maximum L in I of a FH stick (A: maximum Length in Inches of a Field Hockey stick)
17 = weight in O of a legal F used in fencing (A: weight in Ounces of a legal Foil used in fencing)
82 = G in an NBA regular S (A: Games in a National Basketball Association regular Season)
60.5 = D in feet from PM to HP in BB (A: Distance in feet from Pitcher’s Mound to Home Plate in BaseBall)
3:43.13 = 1-M WR (A: 1-Mile World Record)