February 9, 2014 Season of Epiphany

Welcome to the worship service of Faith Presbyterian Church. We continue our journey through the most action packed of the four gospels—the Gospel of Mark. We invite you to ponder these quotes in preparation for worship.

To the growth which God gives in the sphere of organic life, in accordance with his own established order, corresponds the series of events by which God leads history toward the end of the world and the beginning of the new aeon, in accordance with his plan of salvation.

Nils Dahl

It takes faith to see how God exalts the lowly tree of the cross

so that persons from every nation can find protection

and an everlasting home

under the outstretched arms of the one hanged upon it.

David E. Garland

Song of Ascent

O For A Thousand Tongues To Sing

O for a thousand tongues to sing

My great Redeemer's praise

The glories of my God and King

The triumphs of His grace

Jesus the name that charms our fears

That bids our sorrows cease

'Tis music in the sinner's ears

'Tis life and health and peace

My gracious Master and my God

Assist me to proclaim

To spread thru all the earth abroad

The honors of Thy name

O for a thousand tongues to sing

My great Redeemer's praise

The glories of my God and King

The honors of They name.

Carl Gotthelf Glaser | Charles Wesley

© Words: Public Domain CCLI License # 1999365

Our Lord Calls His Church to Worship


Psalm 34:1-3

I will extol the Lord at all times;his praise will always be on my lips.

I will glory in the Lord; let the afflicted hear and rejoice.

Glorify the Lord with me; let us exalt his name together.

Prayer of Approach

Worship in Psalms, Hymns, and Spiritual Songs

From Psalm 145


I will extol you, my God and King,

and bless your name forever and ever.


Every day I will bless you

and praise your name forever and ever.


Great is the Lord, and greatly to be praised,

and his greatness is unsearchable.


One generation shall commend your works to another,

and shall declare your mighty acts.


On the glorious splendor of your majesty,

and on your wondrous works, I will meditate.


They shall speak of the might of your awesome deeds,

and I will declare your greatness.


They shall pour forth the fame of your abundant goodness

and shall sing aloud of your righteousness.


The Lord is gracious and merciful,

slow to anger and abounding in steadfast love.


The Lord is good to all,

and his mercy is over all that he has made.


All your works shall give thanks to you, O Lord,

and all your saints shall bless you!


They shall speak of the glory of your kingdom and tell of your power, to make known to the children of man your mighty deeds, and the glorious splendor of your kingdom.


Your kingdom is an everlasting kingdom,

and your dominion endures throughout all generations.

Worship Leader: “The Word of the Lord!”

Church: “Thanks be to God!”



10,000 Reasons (Bless The Lord)


Bless the Lord O my soul

O my soul

Worship His holy name

Sing like never before

O my soul

I'll worship Your holy name

The sun comes up it's a new day dawning

It's time to sing Your song again

Whatever may pass and whatever lies before me

Let me be singing when the evening comes


You're rich in love and You're slow to anger

Your name is great and Your heart is kind

For all Your goodness I will keep on singing

Ten thousand reasons for my heart to find


And on that day when my strength is failing

The end draws near and my time has come

Still my soul will sing Your praise unending

Ten thousand years and then forevermore


Jonas Myrin | Matt Redman © 2011 Said And Done Music

CCLI License # 1999365

Wonderful Merciful Savior

Wonderful merciful Savior

Precious Redeemer and Friend

Who would have thought that a Lamb

Could rescue the souls of men

Oh You rescue the souls of men

Counselor Comforter Keeper

Spirit we long to embrace

You offer hope when our hearts

Have hopelessly lost the way

Oh we hopelessly lost the way

You are the One that we praise

You are the One we adore

You give the healing and grace

Our hearts always hunger for

Oh our hearts always hunger for

Almighty infinite Father

Faithfully loving Your own

Here in our weakness You find us

Falling before Your throne

Oh we're falling before Your throne

You are the One that we praise

You are the One we adore

You give the healing and grace

Our hearts always hunger for

Oh our hearts always hunger for

CCLI Song # 106879 Dawn Rodgers | Eric Wyse

© 1989 Dayspring Music, LLC (a div. of Word Music Group, Inc.) CCLI License # 1999365

Prayers of Praise and Thanksgiving

Worship in Tithes and Offerings



I see the King of glory

Coming on the clouds with fire

The whole earth shakes 2x

I see His love and mercy

Washing over all our sin

The people sing 2x


Hosanna hosanna

Hosanna in the highest

Hosanna hosanna

Hosanna in the highest

I see a generation

Rising up to take their place

With selfless faith 2x

I see a near revival

Stirring as we pray and seek

We're on our knees 2x


Heal my heart and make it clean

Open up my eyes to the things unseen

Show me how to love like You have loved me

Break my heart for what breaks Yours

Everything I am for Your Kingdom's cause

As I walk from earth into eternity


Brooke Ligertwood © 2006 Hillsong

Music Publishing CCLI License # 1999365


Worship Moment Lead by the Next Generation

At this time we invite to the front any children or teens who would like to share a “God Story,” Bible verse, catechism question, song, or some other expression of worship for Christ. Parents can prepare their children ahead of time for this worship, and make sure their contribution is scriptural and appropriate.

The New City Catechism: Use it online at

Q 6How can we glorify God?

A We glorify God by enjoying him, loving him, trusting him, and by obeying his will, commands, and law

Deuteronomy 11:1

Love the LORD your God and keep his requirements, his decrees, his laws and his commands always.

FaithChurch Year Verse for 2014

Romans 12:1-2

Therefore, I urge you, brothers and sisters,

in view of God’s mercy,

to offer your bodies as a living sacrifice,

holy and pleasing to God—

this is your true and proper worship.

Do not conform to the pattern of this world,

but be transformed by the renewing of your mind.

Then you will be able to test and approve

what God’s will is—his good, pleasing and perfect will.








Song of Preparation

O The Deep Deep Love Of Jesus

O the deep deep love of Jesus

Vast unmeasured boundless free

Rolling as a mighty ocean

In its fullness over me

Underneath me all around me

Is the current of Thy love

Leading onward leading homeward

To my glorious rest above

O the deep deep love of Jesus

Spread His praise from shore to shore

How He loveth ever loveth

Changeth never nevermore

How He watches o'er His loved ones

Died to call them all His own

How for them He interceedeth

Watcheth o'er them from the throne

O the deep deep love of Jesus

Love of every love the best

'Tis an ocean vast of blessing

'Tis a haven sweet of rest

O the deep deep love of Jesus

'Tis a heav'n of heav'ns to me

And it lifts me up to glory

For it lifts me up to Thee

Rick Riso | Samuel Trevor Francis | Thomas John Williams

© Words: Public Domain CCLI License # 1999365

Pastoral Prayer

The Gospel Proclaimed

Sermon Series: Mark: The Essential Gospel

Sermon Title: Ears to Hear

Sermon Text: Mark 4:1-34

Intro: Listen! You could miss the kingdom! Don’t let the crowds fool you!

  1. Some outright reject him.
  2. Some are using him.
  3. Some are trying to squeeze him in.
  4. Some are giving their whole hearts to him: hearing, following, doing.

Reasons why Jesus now shifts into teaching in Parables

  1. To further soften and draw those inside the kingdom to receive a greater grasp, andfurther challenge the “outsiders,” who are already hardened.
  2. To leave open the possibility for the hardened to soften and be forgiven.
  3. To expose, to bring to light what would otherwise be hidden.
  4. To establish the law of return:
  5. If you really seek to listen, that is understand to believe and obey, kingdom wealth will be yours.
  6. If you don’t get it or try to get it, even common grace will be taken away.
  7. Auxiliary Parable #1: The sower has complete confidence in the seemingly slow but unstoppable progress of the kingdom which will culminate in a sure harvest of salvation and judgment .
  8. Auxiliary Parable #2: The seemingly small and insignificant launch of the kingdom will indeed grow and expand to become the saving refuge of people from every nation.

The Meaning and Purpose of the Parable of the Sower and Soils:

The Seed is the Word:God, in thePerson of Jesus Christ, has come to establish his visible rule on earth and characterize his pouring out of the Holy Spirit who brings the blessings of forgiveness, healing, and the defeat of Satan’s kingdom. The proclamation includes the necessity of turning your heart away from whatever it was trusting for its security, validation, and acceptance, to this gospel.

The soils representfour different heart conditions:

  • The Hard Heart
  • The Shallow Heart
  • The Weedy Heart
  • The “Good” Heart

“He who has ears to hear, let him hear.”

Hymn of Response

Blessed Assurance

Blessed assurance Jesus is mine

Oh what a foretaste of glory divine

Heir of salvation purchase of God

Born of His Spirit washed in His blood


This is my story this is my song

Praising my Savior all the day long

This is my story this is my song

Praising my Savior all the day long

Perfect submission perfect delight

Visions of rapture now burst at my sight

Angels descending bring from above

Echoes of mercy whispers of love


Perfect submission all is at rest

I in my Savior am happy and blest

Watching and waiting looking above

Filled with His goodness lost in His love

Fanny Jane Crosby | Phoebe Palmer Knapp © Words: Public Domain

Music: Public Domain CCLI License # 1999365

The Word Made Visible: The Mystery of the Lord’s Table

The Lord’s Supper, also called Communion, or the Eucharist, is one of the two sacraments of Christ’s church, the other being Baptism. While Baptism is the sacrament that signifies the new birth initiation into the New Covenant, the Lord’s Supper, patterned after the Feast of Passover, signifies the ongoing New Covenant grace promised to live the Christian life. We invite all baptized members of any Christ-Centered church to join us at this sacred table.

If you are not a Christian, we encourage you to spend this time in meditation. Consider the prayer written in the back of the program to help you come to terms with the Gospel of Christ and be reconciled to God through repentance and faith in Him. Take advantage of our many growth opportunities, be baptized, and join us for this feast soon.

In 1 Corinthians 11, the Apostle Paul urges the church to partake in a worthy manner. To partake worthily requires us to examine ourselves so that we will not participate “without discerning the body.” This phrase is rich in meaning and includes at least four areas of examination. May the following questions guide you in your preparation:

1) Do you really believe that the Lord Jesus Christ is the Son of God and Savior of sinners and do you receive and rest upon Him alone for your salvation from sin, death and Hell, to righteousness, life and heaven?

2) Do you desire to let go of anything in your life that would profane this communion with Christ? How vile it would be to want to hold on to something Jesus had to suffer and die to release you from.

3) Are you reconciled with all members of the Church? “Discerning the body” in its context also requires us to examine our relationships with one another as members of the body of Christ. How can we in good conscience participate in a Supper that showcases the very means of God’s forgiveness if we haven’t forgiven our brother or sister?

4) And finally, do you view this holy Supper as nourishment from your Master to fulfill the purposes He has revealed in his Word for you to accomplish as a member of His body: advancing His kingdom, by His power, for His glory in the world?

Let us lift our hearts:

Pastor: The LORDbe with you.

Church:And with your spirit.

Pastor:Lift up your hearts.

Church:We lift them up to the LORD.

Pastor:Let us give thanks to the LORDour God.

Church:It is right and just to do.

Words of Institution: 1 Corinthians 11:23-29

For I received from the Lord what I also delivered to you, that the Lord Jesus on the night when he was betrayed took bread, and when he had given thanks, he broke it, and said, “This is my body which is for you. Do this in remembrance of me.” In the same way also he took the cup, after supper, saying, “This cup is the new covenant in my blood. Do this, as often as you drink it, in remembrance of me.” For as often as you eat this bread and drink the cup, you proclaim the Lord’s death until he comes.

Prayer of Confession and Covenant Renewal

Our Father in Heaven,

We pause to assess how good our hearing really is. What is the soil condition of our heart?

Are we harder than we think? Have I constructed a self-salvation project that is so air tight it has kept Him out?

Are we shallower than we think? Have I viewed Jesus only as a means to an easy comfortable lifeand my obedience as a way to obligate him to keep me safe and dry?

How weedy are we? Have I tried to fit Jesus and his eternal kingdomin between what I really care about, maintaining the standard of living to which I have grown accustomed?

Where’s the fruit?

Today we abandon our self-made fortresses of righteousness, our non-negotiable expectations, and our total pre-occupation with this age.

By your grace we now want to listen, ponder, turn, trust, worship, and obey this King who died for us, to forgive us, restore us, and produce in us lasting fruit to His glory.

Assurance of Pardon

Colossians 1:13-14

He has delivered us from the domain of darkness

and transferred us to the kingdom of his beloved Son,

in whom we have redemption, the forgiveness of sins.

(The Apostles' Creed -- Fourth Century AD)


I believe in God the Father, Almighty,

Maker of heaven and earth.

And in Jesus Christ,

His only begotten Son, our Lord;

who was conceived by the Holy Spirit,

born of the virgin Mary;

suffered under Pontius Pilate;

was crucified, dead, and buried;

He descended into hell;1

the third day He rose again from the dead;

He ascended into heaven,

and sits at the right hand of God

the Father Almighty;

from there He will come to judge

the living and the dead.

I believe in the Holy Spirit, the holy catholic Church,2

the communion of saints;the forgiveness of sins;

the resurrection of the body;and the life everlasting.

1That is, He truly suffered the punishment deserved by sinners.

2"Catholic" means "universal"; God's people are all around the world.


Prayer of Consecration and Lord’s Prayer

(Share the bread, hold the cup, tinted glasses are grape juice)

“The Gifts of God for the people of God”

“Feed on Him in your hearts by faith with thanksgiving”

Songs of Adoration

How Deep The Father's Love For Us

How deep the Father's love for us

How vast beyond all measure

That He should give His only Son

To make a wretch His treasure

How great the pain of searing loss

The Father turns His face away

As wounds which mar the Chosen One

Bring many sons to glory

Behold the Man upon a cross