Schedule of Accreditation

Issued To

Central Health Laboratory

Ministry of health and population

19 El-Sheikh Rehan St Abdeen Cairo Egypt

Schedule No.:513012B / Issue No. (1): August 10th, 2016 / Valid to: August 9th, 2020
Sample Type / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Standard Specifications/Techniques Used/ Equipment
Serum / Cholesterol (mg/dL) / Cholesterol oxidase.
Clin Chem 1974;20 (4):470-475. / Auto analyzer
Model :RX Imola
S.N: 7201-0516
Uric acid (mg/dL) / Enzymatic uricase.
Clin Chem 1980;26(2):227- 31.
Serum or plasma / Glucose (mg/dL) / Enzymatic by glucose oxidase.
Analyst; 1972;97(151):142-5.
Standard Specifications/ Techniques Used / Equipment / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Sample Type
Auto analyzer
Cobas e 411
Model: 741-0051
SN: 0846-17
Cobas C6000
Model: E 601
SN: 2263-05 / Electrochemiluminescence (ECL) immunoassay
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics, 5th edition; 2012; p1930-1938. / T3 (ng/mL) / Serum
Free T4 (pmol/L)
Free T3 (pmol/L)
T4 (µgm /dL)
TSH (mu/mL)
Sample Type / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Standard Specifications/Techniques Used/ Equipment
EDTA Blood / HGB (g/dL) / Non-cyanide hemoglobin method
Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology 11th edition 2012: 36-48. / Auto analyzer
Model: KX -21N
Serial No.: B984
Model: XS -500i
Serial No.: 12525
SLS-hemoglobin method
Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology 11th edition 2012: 36-48.
RBC (x 10^6/uL ) / DC detection method
Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology 11th edition 2012: 36-48.
PLT ( x10^3/uL )
WBC (x 10^3/uL ) / DC detection method
Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology 11th edition 2012: 36-48.
Flow cytometry method (using a semiconductor laser)
Dacie & Lewis Practical Hematology 11th edition 2012: 36-48.
Standard Specifications/ Techniques Used / Equipment / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Sample Type
Narcotics and theraputic drugs
Auto analyzer
SN:4-2344 / Enzyme Multiply Immunoassay Technique (EMIT)
Tietz Textbook of Clinical Chemistry and Molecular Diagnostics,5th edition; 2012, chapter 34:1069-75. / Carbamazepine (mg/L) / Serum
Valproic Acid (mg/L)
Phenytoin (mg/L)
Sample Type / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Standard Specifications/Techniques Used/ Equipment
Clinical Bacteriology
Stool / Culture and Antimicrobial sensitivity for Salmonella and Shigella / I-Isolation: by Conventional method
ISO 6579 :2002(E) 4th edition;(18-24 & 30-35).
II-Identification: by Microscopic Examination .
Color Atlas Text Book of Diagnostic Microbiology 5thedition.Elmer W Konman;1997;82-93.
III-Drug Susceptibility testing:
CLSI guided antibiogram M100 S25-2015. / Manual examination
Urine / Culture and Antimicrobial sensitivity for rapidly growing aerobic gram positive and gram negative ;non-fastidious organisms / I-Confirmed biochemical and antimicrobial resistant Biochemical Reaction.
Color Atlas Text Book of Diagnostic Microbiology 5thedition.Elmer W Konman;1997;226-227.
II-Pattern antibiogram: Guidelines for antimicrobial susceptibility.
CLSI guided antibiogram M100 S25-2015. / Manual examination
Sample Type / Discipline/ Types of Tests / Standard Specifications/Techniques Used/ Equipment
Extrapulmonary Specimens / TB culture and drug susceptibility testing / I-Culture:
Petroff's method for culture on Lowenstein Jensen media (solid).
-Microbiological Methods. 8th ed. Collins CH, Lyne PM. Collins CH, Lyne PM. Butterworths, London, 1984;379-393.
-Laboratory services in tuberculosis control, WHO, 1998. / Manual examination
II-Drug Susceptibility testing
Proportional method for DST on Lowenstein Jensen media (solid).
WHO; 1969;41(1):21-43.
Standard Specifications/ Techniques Used / Equipment / Discipline / Types of Tests / Sample Type
Abbott Auto analyzer
Architect i2000
SN:ISR53686 / Chemiluminescent microparticle Immunoassay (CMIA) for the qualitative detection of antibody to hepatitis C virus in human serum.
Immunochemistry 1971;(8):871-4. / HCVAb / Serum
Tecan Freedom EVO sampler
SN: 1106004667
Siemens BEP III
SN: 302070 / Enzyme Linked Immunoassay (ELIZA).
Lancet 1970; (1): 695-698. / HBs Ag
Abbott Auto analyzer
Architect i2000
SN: ISR04051
SN: ISR50595
SN: ISR08046
SN: ISR53702
SN: ISR53686 / Microparticle chemiluminescent Immunoassay (CMIA)
TietzClinical Chemistry, 5th edition;379-400
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