January 2015doc.: IEEE 802.11-15/0028r0

IEEE P802.11
Wireless LANs

Fixed Annex C
Date: 2015-01-07
Name / Affiliation / Address / Phone / email
Hitoshi Morioka / SRC Software / Fukuoka JAPAN /

Annex C

MIB Detail

In the Major Section of the Annex, insert the following comment to the end of SMT attributes:

--dot11FILSConfigTable::= { dot11smt <ANA> }

Insert the following entry at the endChange the last entryof Dot11StationConfigEntryas following

Dot11StationConfigEntry ::= SEQUENCE


dot11GDDEnablementValidityTimer Unsigned32,



Insert the following new element at the end of theDot11StationConfigTable element definition

dot11FILSActivated OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


“This is a control variable. FILSIt is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation. This attribute, when true, indicates that FILS is enabled.”

DEFVAL {false}

::= { dot11StationConfigEntry <ANA> }

After the definition of the dot11TVHTStationConfigTable, insert the dot11FILSConfigTable as defined below

-- **********************************************************************

-- * dot11FILSConfigTable TABLE

-- **********************************************************************

dot11FILSConfigTable OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"The table containing fast initial link setup configuration objects."

::= { dot11smt <ANA> }

dot11FILSConfigEntry OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Dot11FILSConfigEntry

MAX-ACCESS not-accessible

STATUS current


"An entry in the dot11FILSConfigTable."

INDEX { ifIndex }

::= { dot11FILSConfigTable 1 }

dDot11FILSConfigEntry ::=


dot11FILSFDFrameBeaconMinimumInterval Unsigned32,

dot11BeaconResponseWindow Unsigned32,

dot11OmitReplicateProbeResponses TruthValue },


dot11FILSProbeDelayuUnsigned32 },

dot11HLPWaitTime Unsigned32


dot11FILSFDFrameBeaconMinimumInterval OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..255)

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


“This is a control variable. It is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation. This attribute indicates the duration in units of milliseconds. It indicates the minimum duration from the transmission of a FILS Discovery frame and the transmission of a Beacon frame. The FILS Discovery frame shall not be transmitted before or after a Beacon frame transmission within a duration defined by this value.”


::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 1 }

dot11BeaconResponseWindow OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..100)

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS Ccurrent


“This is a control variable.

It is written by an external management entity.

Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation.

This attribute indicates the duration in units of 0.1 milliseconds. If the duration from the reception of the Probe Request frame to the TBTT is less than the value, the STA does not transmit a ProbeResponse frame as response to the Probe Request frame.”


::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 2 }

dot11OmitReplicateProbeResponses OBJECT-TYPE


MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"This is a control variable. It is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect for the next Probe Response frame.

This attribute, when true, indicates that the station may respond to one or more received Probe Request frames with a single Probe Response frame addressed to the broadcast address or alternatively, by not transmitting a Probe Response frame and instead letting the next Beacon frame be the response to the Probe Request frame(s). "

DEFVAL { false }

::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 3 }

dot11DILSActivated OBJECT-TYPE

SYNTAX TruthValue

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"This is a capability variable. Its value is determined by device capabilities. This attribute, when true, indicates that the station implementation is capable of supporting fast initial link setup category. The capability is disabled, otherwise."


::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 4 }


SYNTAX Unsigned32(0..1000)

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS Ccurrent


"This is a control variable. It is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation. This attribute indicates the duration in units of 0.1 microseconds. This delay specifies a time that the STA with dot11FILSActivated equal to true waits for Probe Request, Probe Response, Beacon, FILS Discovery and Measurement Pilot frames in order to cancel transmission of own Probe Request frame.”

DEFVAL {200}

::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 5 }


SYNTAX Unsigned32

MAX-ACCESS read-write

STATUS current


"This is a control variable. It is written by an external management entity. Changes take effect as soon as practical in the implementation. This attribute indicates the duration in units of TU. This value specifies a time that the AP STA with dot11FILSActivated equal to true waits incoming HLP packets from receiving Association/Reassociation Request.”


::= { dot11FILSConfigEntry 6 }

-- **********************************************************************

-- * End of dot11FILSConfigTable TABLE

-- **********************************************************************


Some double-quotes are not ASCII character in Word file. They causes MIB compilation error.

The MIB still have some warnings in compilation as following.
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15917: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11FILSFDFrameBeaconMinimumInterval' must be contained in at least one conformance group
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15926: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11BeaconResponseWindow' must be contained in at least one conformance group
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15938: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11OmitReplicateProbeResponses' must be contained in at least one conformance group
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15948: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11DILSActivated' must be contained in at least one conformance group
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15957: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11FILSProbeDelay' must be contained in at least one conformance group
mibs/REVmc3.0-TGai3.0.txt:15966: [4] {group-membership} warning: node `dot11HLPWaitTime' must be contained in at least one conformance group

Other parts of REVmc MIB also have same warnings.

Should we describe conformance group?

Submissionpage 1Hitoshi Morioka, SRC Software