Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 1
Percentage of staff in each of the AfC Bands 1-9 and VSM (including executive Board members) compared with the percentage of staff in the overall workforce.
Trust Position 2015/16
Non Clinical Staff
- Percentage of White staff in every pay band was higher than the Trust White average of 84.1% of (Non-Clinical Staff) with the exception of band 1 and VSM.
- Percentage of BME staff in every pay band was lower than the Trust BME average of 15.9% of (Non-Clinical Staff) with the exception of band 1 and VSM.
Clinical Staff
- Percentage of White staff in every pay band was higher than the Trust White average of 80.1% of (Clinical Staff) with the exception of band 1, 2, 5 and VSM.
- Percentage of BME staff in every pay band was lower than the Trust BME average of 19.9% of (Clinical Staff) with the exception of band 2, 5 and VSM.
ACTION / LEAD RESPONSIBILITY / Support / Timescale / Comments
1.1 / Continue to build the reverse mentoring scheme going within the Trust. / Head of OD&T / On-going
1.2 / Develop BME Nursing and Midwifery Professional Forum within the Trust. / Deputy Director of Nursing / Assoc Director ED & I / On-going
1.3 / Set up Nursing and Midwifery Recruitment Group with representation from Nursing and Midwifery Professional Forum. / Head of Nursing / Dec 2016
1.4 / Set up a Task and Finish Group to examine the recruitment process of CSW’s with representation from Nursing and Midwifery Professional Forum. / Head of Nursing / March 2017
1.5 / Continue to support the running of the BME Network and support the developing BME Manager groups. / HR ED&I Manager / On-going
1.6 / Develop WRES workforce data at a Divisional level. / HR ED&I Manager / Nigel Moloney / Oct 2016
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 2
Relative likelihood of staff being appointed from shortlisting across all posts.
Trust Position 2015/16
Relative Likelihood of White staff being appointed from shortlisting compared to BME staff: 1.4 times greater
SCALE / Comments
2.1 / To increase the knowledge and experience around best practice recruitment & selection of divisional recruitment leads either through attendance of training workshop or alternatively through electronic guidance as part of the Recruitment intranet portal. / Resourcing Manager / E & D Manager / March 2017
2.2 / Agree and implement a CMFT diversity statement to use on all attraction mediums. / Resourcing Manager / E & D Manager / Jan 2017
2.3 / Improve the mediums of attraction to reach a more diverse audience for roles Band 8a and above. / Resourcing Manager / E & D Manager / Feb 2017
2.4 / Pilot diversity champions to support assessment & selection processes for roles Band 8a and above. / Associate Director of ED & I / Resourcing Manager I / Sept 2016
2.5 / Launch careers website that demonstrates CMFT as an inclusive employer of choice. / Head of Resourcing / Resourcing Manager & Associate Director of ED &I / Sept 2016
2.6 / Review Recruitment & Selection process for
Apprenticeships and Graduates. / Head of
OD&T / Assoc Dir ED &I ,
Resourcing Manager,
E & D Manager and Graduate Development Programme Co-Ordinator / Dec 2016
2.7 / Pilot Values based interviewing across a minimum of one area within at least 4 divisions / Resourcing Manager / Divisional HRBP / June 2017
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 3
Relative likelihood of staff entering the formal disciplinary process, as measured by entry into a formal disciplinary investigation.
Trust Position 2015/16
Relative likelihood of BME staff entering the formal disciplinary process, compared to that of white staff was 1.6 times greater
SCALE / Comments
3.1 / Ensure that there is a consistent approach to identifying which cases enter into a formal process and challenge where appropriate. / Operational HR Services Manager / HR Team / On-going
3.2. / Develop a robust process of monitoring and analysing data/cases. / Operational HR Services Manager / Nigel Moloney / On-going
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 4
Relative likelihood of staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD.
Trust Position 2015/16
Relative Likelihood of White staff accessing non-mandatory training and CPD is 1.2 times greater than BME staff.
SCALE / Comments
4.1 / Update the Trust’s Learning & Development policy and include a section that all staff can request time off to train. / Lyndon Wade / OD&T
Team / August
2016 / Draft policy developed and agreed in principle at SWEC and distributed to staff Side for further discussion.
4.2 / OD&T Intranet pages being updated to ensure that the process for booking on training courses is clear to all staff. / Kerry Irvine / OD&T
Team / July 2016 / Updates are currently On-going
4.3 / Continue to E&D monitor key programmes. / Lyndon Wade / OD&T
Team / On-going
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 5
KF 25. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in last 12 months
Trust Position 2015/16
(White 25%, BME 17%) BME staff are less likely to experience harassment, bullying or abuse from patients, relatives or the public in the last 12 months compared to their white counterparts.
SCALE / Comments
5.1 / Results for specific Key Findings broken down by Division, Staff Group and Bands and shared across all areas to underpin local actions. / Kash Haroon / Jo Roberts / April 2016 / Complete
5.2 / Review of Divisional actions as part of 6 monthly OD business plan update. / Helen Parker / Lyndon Wade / December 2016 / Business plan will be finalised in June.
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 6
KF 26. Percentage of staff experiencing harassment, bullying or abuse from staff in last 12 months
Trust Position 2015/16
(White 24%, BME 23%) BME staff are slightly less likely to experience harassment, bullying or abuse from staff compared to their white counterparts
SCALE / Comments
6.1 / Results for specific Key Findings broken down by Division, Staff Group and Bands and shared across all areas to underpin local actions. / Kash Haroon / Jo Roberts / April 2016 / Complete
6.2 / Further diagnostic work being undertaken via the staff opinion pulse checks. Will be implemented quarterly, commencing June 2016. / Kash Haroon / Jo Roberts / June 2016 / Need to include a pulse check question relating to bullying and harassment.
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 7
KF 21. Percentage believing that trust provides equal opportunities for career progression or promotion
Trust Position 2015/16
(White 89%, BME 82%) More BME staff believe that the Trust does not provide equal opportunities for career progression or promotion compared to their White counterparts.
SCALE / Comments
7.1 / Making improvements to the appraisal process following an audit of Trust wide practice; focusing managers on leading conversations and identifying meaningful training needs for all staff. / Kash Haroon / OD&T
Team / May 2016 / Audit complete and appraisal forms updated in line with feedback
7.2 / Providing local support for divisions in conducting meaningful appraisals through delivering local training sessions for staff and managers. / Kash Haroon / Craig Parsons / September 2016 / Sessions held include:
DMACS cluster meeting,
Dental Secretaries,
A&C Professional Forum
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 8
Q17. In the last 12 months have you personally experienced discrimination at work from any of the following?
b) Manager/team leader or other colleagues.
Trust Position 2015/16
(White 7%, BME 7%) Same percentage of BME Staff experienced discrimination at work compared to White staff in the last 12 months.
SCALE / Comments
8.1 / Results for specific Key Findings broken down by Division, Staff Group and Bands and shared across all areas to underpin local actions. / Kash Haroon / Jo Roberts / April 2016 / Complete
8.2 / Further diagnostic work being undertaken via the staff opinion pulse checks. Will be implemented quarterly, commencing June 2016. / Kash Haroon / Jo Roberts / June 2016 / Need to include a pulse check question relating to discrimination.
8.3 / Ensure that where allegations of discrimination are identified the terms of reference of the investigation are clear and that, regardless of the outcome, lessons are learnt and fed back into the organisation where appropriate. / Operational HR Services Manager / HR Team / Ongoing
Workforce Race Equality Standard indicators 9
Percentage difference between the organisations’ Board voting membership and its overall workforce
Trust Position 2015/16
(White: 82.3%, BME: 17.6%) Please note that BME representation at board level is slightly higher than the Trust BME workforce (17%) and GM BME population (16.3%). This figure has improved significantly over the last two years as a result of a positive recruitment drive by the Trust.
SCALE / Comments
9.1 / Continue to monitor the diversity of the Board. / Alwyn Hughes / On-going
9.2 / Continue to ensure that any Board recruitment draws a diverse set of candidates. / Alwyn Hughes / On-going