PHIL 2552 — Mental Health Ethics — Quiz Fall 2017

This quiz has THREE sections on TWO pages. Please provide a clear and concise answer to the following questions. Given adequate preparation (i.e., coming to class regularly and doing the readings), the whole quiz should take about two hours to complete.

Quizzes are due in class on 3 November. Total Marks 80.

A. Definitions (5 x 5 marks)

Answer FIVE of the following five questions. Each answer should be two or three sentences. A definition needs to state the concept (2 marks) and the significance of the concept for the course (3 marks).

1.  What is meant by “the pathologization of daily life”?

2.  What is a panopticon?

3.  What does Daniel Dennett mean by the “multiple drafts model of consciousness”?

4.  What is ataraxia?

5.  What are “the Freud Wars?”

B. Short Answer Questions (3 x 10 marks)

Answer THREE of the following four questions. Each answer should be about two short paragraphs or one long paragraph of about 250 words. Answers should draw explicitly on course concepts, arguments and materials.

1.  What is the role of the “reality principle” in Freud’s account of mind?

2.  Foucault claims that the medical treatment of mental illness requires the moralization of mental illness. On what basis does he make this claim?

3.  What is the cogito? What does it suggest about the mind’s relation to the world?

4.  Why is it important to distinguish between mental distress and mental disorder?

C. Longer Answer Questions (1 x 25 marks)

Answer ONE of the following two questions in about 800 words. The focus of the answer should be on content and analysis, so please keep introductions and conclusions minimal and skeletal. Answers should draw explicitly on course concepts, arguments and materials.

1.  Can mental health issues be entirely explained by the empirical sciences like psychology or clinical psychiatry? Explain why or why not. Your answer should draw on course materials and concepts.

2.  Freud tells us that we will always be unhappy in civilized life. What argument does he make for this claim?