Arusha Topazzini
Date of birth: 07/09/1980
Nationality: French
Languages known: French and English mother tongue, fluent in Italian, Spanish and German, beginner's level in Hindi.
BA in literature, 2.1 from King's College, Cambridge, UK.
Work experience:
1996: STP Productions, Paris based wildlife documentary company.
Translating scripts from French into English.
1996-1998: translating numerous news stories for a Paris-based News Television Channel, English into French.
1999-2000: library assistant in King's College, Cambridge.
2001: copy-editing anthropology PhD thesis on Chiapas for student at King's College, Cambridge.
2000-2003: care work for disabled people in Cambridge, England. Working with languages, especially from French into English, an important part of the task. Development of a methodology for increasing mobility skills.
2000-2003: translating articles for a London based cinema journal, Vertigo, and translating news stories for various independent news networks :English into French, Italian into French, Spanish into English, German into English.
2003: translating for subtitling of a 90 minute documentary Injustice (social) by London director Ken Fero, English into French.
Recent and current work includes:
-a historical essay on Women in Roman Law. German>French.
-ongoing translation and transcription work for World Circuit, UK. English/French>English.
-copyediting French and English pages of CIRAH website, Center for Investigation and Rehabilitation of Hereditary Ataxias. (ongoing)
-translation of film scripts for 'Purple Cow Project' to be published during the 2005 Cannes Film Festival. (voluntary)
-translation of French version of Gay Games website for the 2006 Chicago Gay Games. English>French.
-translation of Press File for the Pommery Domain, France, hosting prestigious contemporary art exhibition, The Pommery Experiments. French>English.
-ongoing translation of tourist website for a travel guide to Piedmont. Italian>English.
-contribution to theFrench translation ofJonathan Israel's, 'Radical Enlightenment: Philosophy and the Making of Modernity 1650-1750', published by Oxford University Press. English>French.
-translation of Donna Raskin's book 'The Buddha: His Life and Teachings', published by Fair Winds Press.English>French.
-translation of the lyrics of Spanish band Ojos de Brujo for their upcoming album. Spanish>