Academic Year 2014/2015 Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

Academic Year2014/2015(Sept 2014to Aug 2015)

Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

To register as UM Sport team, please complete and submit the following documents to Office of Sports Affairs (OSA):

Document1:Documentsabout the Sports Team (to be signed and submitted by Team Coach):

1.1 2014/2015Submission Cover Page of UM Sports Team Registration Documents (Paper Copy)

1.2 UM Sport TeamYear Goals and Year plan (E-Copy and Paper Copy) Attachment 1

1.3 UM Sport Team Registration list and Information (E-Copy and Paper Copy) Attachment 2

1.4 Health certificate report of UM Sports Team Athletes(Paper Copy) Attachment 3

Document2:Documents about individual member (to be gathered and then submitted by Team Captain / Vice Captain / Team Assistant):

2.1Agreement of Rights and Obligations of UM Sports Team Athlete
(Paper Copy with Personal Photo) Attachment 4

2.2 Photocopy of member’s UM student’s card (Paper Copy)

*If the memberis team Captain / Vice Captain / Team Assistant, please also submit:

Team Captain / Vice Captain:Agreement of Rights and Obligations of UM Sports Team Captain and Vice Captain (Paper Copy with Personal Photo) Attachment 5

Team Assistant:Agreement of Rights and Obligations of UM Sports Team Assistant(Paper Copy with Personal Photo)  Attachment 6

Documents Submission Method:

Document1:UM SportsTeam Captain / Vice Captain / Team Assistantplease first email the completed documents to your Team Advisor or Manager (please state your identity and team’s name in the e-mail). After that, please submit the Paper Copies for Coach if needed to Room 1017, 1/F, UM Sports Complex (N8), University of Macauduring office hours

Document2:UM Sports Team Captain / Vice Captain / Team Assistantplease gather all the completed documents from team members and double check, then submit all the documents and submit to Room 1017, 1/F, UM Sports Complex (N8), University of Macauduring office hours

Office hours of OSA:Monday to Thursday9:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:45
Friday9:00-13:00 / 14:00-17:30

(Close on weekends and at holidays)

Deadline of Submission of Documents: 22 October2014(Wednesday), 17:45

Attention: Teams which fail to submit the aforementioned documents may not be accepted to register as UM Sports Teams in the academic year 2014/2015.



Sports TeamAthletes (Members):Team Captain, Vice Captain, Team Assistantand Members

2)Team Captain and Vice Captain

A Team must have a Team Captain. OSA will only recognize one Vice Captain in one Team.

3)Team Assistant

Team Assistant’smain responsibility is to liaiseand coordinate of all kinds of affairs related to the Sports Team. OSAwill only recognize one Team Assistantin one Team. ATeam Assistant has to be one of the Sports Team Athletes of the Team.

4)Upper limit of number of Team Members and subsidy of purchase of team uniforms

Staff of OSA or Team Manager of each team will contact coaches and captains to confirm on these two issues.

5)Successful Registration

The registration result will be announced by 31 October2014.

6)“Health certificate of UM Sports Team Athletes” and its subsidy

“Health certificate of UM Sports Team Athletes” must be issued by hospitals or clinics recognized by the Government of MacaoS.A.R. The certificate should indicate the athlete can endure high intensity of sports training. The issue date of the certificate should be within three months (i.e. only certificated issued on or after 22 July2014 will be accepted).

OSA will provide a maximum subsidy of MOP40 for each athlete on the health certificate.

To claim this subsidy, athletes must provide the originalcopy of the receipt of expense of the health certificate before the deadline of the submission of documents. All late submission of receipt (i.e. after 17:45 of 22 October2014) will not be reimbursed with the subsidy except special circumstances.


If you have any enquiry, please contact staff of OSAduring working hours:

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Academic Year 2014/2015 Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

  • SamTel:8822 4912
  • KaHouTel:8822 4415
  • HengTel:8822 4410
  • FAX:8822 2407

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Academic Year 2014/2015 Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

  • E-Mail:
  • Address: Office of Sports Affairs, Room 1017, 1/F, UM Sports Complex (N8), University of Macau

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Academic Year 2014/2015 Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

Last update: 14/08/2014Page 1 / 2

Academic Year 2014/2015 Guideline for Registration of UM Sports Teams

OSA reserves the right to amend this guideline at any time

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