JULY 20, 2006



Joyce Talley-Chair

Ed Synoski-Deputy Bureau Chief

Tom Carroll-Warden-DCC

Mike Deloy, SCI

Phil Morgan-Warden-Plummer

Jim Welch-Health Services Director-DOC

Linda Riddagh-Controller


Aaron Goldstein, Deputy AG


Russel Buskirk

Jim Elder


Ken Parker-Regional Manager

Dr. Tracey Bolander

Scott Altman

Nancy Elmer




Raphael Williams-Warden HRYCI

Jeremy McEntire

Medical Review Committee MinutesJuly 20, 2006

I.The meeting was called to order at 9:10 A.M. and roll call was taken.

  1. Review and acceptance of Substance Abuse/Treatment Minutes.

The June Minutes were accepted as presented.

  1. No changes were made to the meeting agenda.
  1. Old Business


V.New Business

  • State Director’s Report

Russel Buskirk provided the committee with the July 17 State Director’s


  • Staffing Issues

Key North-2 Counselor vacancies

YCOP - No open positions

Key South – No open positions

Key Village-No open positions

Crest South – The PTE Counselor position is open-interviews have been conducted

Crest Central – No open positions

Crest North for Women-The PTE Administrative Assistant position has two potential candidates that are pending clearance

Crest North-Two FTE Counselor positions are vacant and one candidate has been approved via site clearance pending full DOC clearance

New Horizons-No open positions

  • Licensure updates – Crest North for Women continues to operate on a provisional license extension and the corrective action plan continues to be implemented at the site.

Key North-Audited in July and recommended for full licensure by DSAMH, citing “significant improvement”.

Crest North for Men and Key Village are the next programs scheduled for DSAMH audits, either before or during November, 2006

It was requested that 6 for 1 data be added to the Director’s Report.

DACS staff are being added in future reports.

Medical Review Committee MinutesJuly 20, 2006

Ed Synoski updated Russel Buskirk that the increase of Civigenics May 10, 2006 letter was approved and that it was effective July 1, 2006 and that it is on a per diem, per bed basis. Boot camp was not included in Civigenics’ request. Russel will discuss this matter (3/4 position to a full time position) with the Regional Director and report back to the MRC.

Bureau Chief Talley discussed the large discrepancy that John Oldigs is having with the numbers of the Institution counts and Civigenics counts.

The MRC was told that Dawn prints the report directly from DACS and John could pass the information directly to Russel or Dawn via e-mail or phone. It would be helpful to have a break down if it is LV4 or LV5.

Andy Klopfer keeps the master list of the roster with the names of the participants in the programs for the month.

There were no issues for the Commissioner.

A motion was made at 9:34 A.M. to go into Executive Session to discuss a peer review document. The statutory basis for the Executive Session was 29 Del.C. § 10004(b) (6). All committee members voted in favor of the motion.

A motion was made to come out of Executive Session at 9:52 A.M. All committee members voted in favor of the motion. Additional discussion came up in Executive Session pursuant to 29 Del. C. Sections 10004(b) (4), (1).

Mike Deloy discussed the GreenTree South Program and requested that there

be a report every month (a June report was handed out to the MRC). A

monthly report review will be put on all future MRC Agenda’s.


Medical Review Committee MinutesJuly 20, 2006

VI.Health Care Services Meeting called to order at 10:16 A.M.

Introduction of Ken Parker, new Regional Manager

VII.Review and Acceptance of the Health Care Services Minutes

VIII.Changes or deletions to the agenda for health services – None

IX.Health Services

(a)Old Business

  • Did not receive a monthly staffing report-these reports need to be received each month.
  • Reports were handed out to the MRC-These reports reflect totals for the month of June only.

Ed is still concerned that the CMS staffing chart is still showing some

institutions over 100%. Ken Parker explained that the number of FTE’s

operates to that number and that he’s working with post assignment

format, which may overlap number of hours toward any one position.

An example of DCC main was brought to the Committee’s attention

to adjust the position with one below 100% and that FTE totals need

to be adjusted based on need. Ken will review how the chart is done.

Warden Morgan informed the MRC that the nurse at the treatment center

submitted her resignation. He stated he has no problem with an LPN in

that position as long as she is supervised correctly and that stability is


With regards to the CMS report, the committee needs to review the report

and compile a list of questions for CMS. The list will then be given to

CMS for a response.

(b) New Business

Mike asked if the random drug testing policy was put into effect on

7/1/06. Ken stated he would check into it and report back to the


Warden Morgan asked if the WWRTC was included in

accreditation – response was “no, have to be up and running

for one year”. Jeremy has a call into NCCHC.

Medical Review Committee MinutesJuly 20, 2006

Bureau Chief Talley inquired about feedback on the issues of

Medicare and the additional information needed for proof of

citizenship of the offenders to make them Medicare eligible.

Ken Parker informed the MRC that they were going to change to

report format to a 3-ring binder to make it easier for


Also, the Commissioner wants the data in the MRC books to show measure of performance. It needs to be in a more narrative format.

Equipment List (Parker)-The items on the list that was given to the MRC reflects all the items approved/purchased. Jim Welch mentioned that an OBGYN table was approved for BWCI and needs to be added to the list.

X-ray Backlog – Some effort was made to bring the numbers down. (Scott) said HRYCI the backlog is “0” and DCC has been reduced some. Warden Carroll said the backlog at DCC was 68.

Mike Deloy said he is not aware of a backlog at SCI.

Ken Parker said he has a meeting with a company from NJ to work with some ongoing issues. The company has mobile units for MRI’s, and CT’s. Information will be forthcoming.

Every week Jim Welch and the Wardens should be receiving a grid, it has been very sporadic and it needs to be accurate. There is a definite inconsistency with the numbers.

The report showed DCC as having 5 physicals backlogged. The MAC meeting reported 125 physicals backlogged.

Ed asked Jim to solicit opinions of the backlog and update.

(Parker) Needs to research the data points with each Institution.

Jim Welch requested that CMS give DOC the number of staff and what access is needed for DACS. (Bolander) At this time, DACS cannot calculate what is needed. It was agreed that training still needs to take place.

Medical Review Committee MinutesJuly 20, 2006

A motion was made at 11:10 A.M. to go into Executive Session to discuss an inmate situation. The statutory basis for the Executive Session was 29 Del.C. § 10004(b) (6) and to discuss a personnel matter, the basis being 29 Del. C. § 10004(b) 1. All committee members voted in favor of the motion.

A motion was made to come out of Executive Session at 11:40 A.M. All committee members voted in favor of the motion.

Motion to adjourn at 11:40 A.M. All committee members voted in favor of motion.


The next two MRC meetings will be held:

Thursday, August 24, 2006-9:00 A.M.-DOC Conference Room #300

Thursday, September 21, 2006-9:00 A.M.-DOC Conference Room #300