Concordia University Chicago

College of Education

Tier 1 Assessment: Student Teaching Internship

To be used for Observation of Student Teachers by University Supervisors and Cooperating Teachers

Student Teacher: / Date:
Cooperating Teacher: / Grade:
University Supervisor: / School:
Report completed by: / Location:

Observations, comments, and suggestions based on Danielson’s Domains ( 2007):

Domain1: Planning and Preparation


Domain 2: The Classroom Environment ______


Domain 3: Instruction ______


Domain 4: Professional Responsibilities




Danielson, C. 2007. Enhancing professional practice: A framework for teaching (2nd ed.). Alexandra VA: ASCD.

Instructions: For each IPTS Standard, rate the student teacher according to the following scale, based on your observations.

0 / 1 / 2 / 3 / 4 / 5
No knowledge, skills are inadequate / Inconsistent skills, basic or introductory knowledge / Developing skills, knowledge is beyond an introductory level / Has advanced knowledge and skills, application in practice is developing / Skills and knowledge are demonstrated in practice, need to be refined and developed / Skills and knowledge are demonstrated in practice, candidate has demonstrated proficiency
Illinois Professional Teaching Standards / Rating
Standard 1 - Teaching Diverse Students
·  Demonstrates understanding of the diverse characteristics and abilities of each student
·  Makes instructional decisions based on how students develop and learn within the context of their social, economic, cultural, linguistic, and academic experiences
·  Connects student experience to instruction to maximize learning
Standard 2 - Content Area and Pedagogical Knowledge
·  Demonstrates in-depth understanding of content areas
·  Creates meaningful learning experiences for each student
·  Uses evidence-based practices
Standard 3 - Planning for Differentiated Instruction
·  Uses student readiness, interest, and/or learning profile to differentiate instructional plans
·  Plans to differentiate content, process, or product in lessons
·  Plans instruction that connects content area with diverse student characteristics and the community
·  Plans instruction that aligns standards, objectives, and assessment
Standard 4 - Learning Environment
·  Supports a safe and healthy classroom environment that maximizes learning for every student
·  Engages every student in classroom learning
·  Responds to and manages student behavior (individual and group) appropriately
·  Manages time, materials, technology, and physical space effectively
Standard 5 - Instructional Delivery
·  Implements a lesson as planned
·  Uses a variety of evidence-based instructional strategies
·  Supports critical and creative thinking and problem-solving
·  Differentiates instruction to enhance learning for each student
Standard 6 - Reading, Writing, and Oral Communication
·  Demonstrates competence in reading, writing, and oral communication within the content area/s
·  Recognizes and addresses student reading, writing, and oral communication needs to facilitate the acquisition of content knowledge
Standard 7 – Assessment
·  Understands and uses appropriate pre/diagnostic, formative and summative assessments for determining student needs, monitoring student progress, measuring student growth, and evaluating student outcomes
·  Makes decisions driven by data about curricular and instructional effectiveness
·  Adjusts instructional practices to meet the needs of each student
Standard 8 - Collaborative Relationships
·  Builds and maintains collaborative relationships to foster cognitive, linguistic, physical, and social and emotional development of each student
·  Works as a team member with professional colleagues, students, parents or guardians, and community members
Standard 9 - Professionalism, Leadership, and Advocacy
·  Demonstrates ethical and reflective practices
·  Provides leadership in the learning community
·  Advocates for students, parents/guardians, and the profession
Signature of University Supervisor or Cooperating Teacher / Date / Signature of Student Teacher / Date

Revised August 2015