Resident Rights: Every resident shall have the right to:

1) The right to private and unrestricted communication including:

a) Receive, send and mail sealed unopened correspondence.

b) Use a telephone for private conversations.

c) Have private visits.

2) Present grievances on one’s own behalf, or through others to facility staff,

administrator, public officials or to any other person without fear of reprisal. To

join with other individuals within or outside the facility to work for improvements

in resident care.

3) The right to manage one’s own financial affairs.

4) The right to be treated with courtesy, respect, and full recognition of one’s dignity and


5) The right to have physical and emotional privacy in treatment, living arrangements,

and in caring for personal needs including:

a) Privacy for visits by spouse.

b) Privacy concerning health care.

c) Confidential care discussions, consultations, examinations and treatments.

d) Confidentiality of health and personal records, and the right to approve or

refuse their release to any individual outside the facility.

6) The right not to be required to perform work for the facility.

7) The right to meet with and participate in activities of social, religious, and community

groups at the resident’s discretion.

8) The right to retain and use personal clothing, effects and other personal possessions in

a reasonably secure manner.

9) NO ONE MAY ABUSE A RESIDENT. The right to be free from mental and

physical abuse, and to be free from chemical and physical restrain except as

authorized in writing by a physician for a specified and limited period of time and

documented in the resident’s medical record.

10) The right to be fully informed of one’s treatment and care and participate in the

planning of that treatment and care.

Adapted from HSS 132: Conditions of licensure for nursing homes; Draft #8A 3/82


