Pre Feasibility Report of Bhothali Sand Mine, Gram Panchayat Sambalpur, 9 Acres


S.No. / Contents / Page No.
1. / Introduction / 1-3
2. / Project Description / 4
3. / Mining / 5
4. / Analysis of Alternative / 6-7
5. / Socio economic Measures / 8
6. / Project Benefits / 9
7. / Site Services / 9
8. / Conclusion / 9


Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat Bhothali, Tehsil Dongargaon& District Rajnandgaon(C.G) is having the lease of Sand (minor mineral) over an area of 9 Acres at village Bhiraudof Tehsil Charama District Uttar Bastar Kanker (C.G)

The area applied under mining lease falls under the survey of India Toposheet no. 64 G/4and bounded by latitude of21002'52.11" N & longitude of 81000'9.83" E.

The area selected has a sufficient reserve of the Sand (minor) which will be sufficient for one years period.

The purpose of this Pre feasibility reportis to assess the various types of environmental features and baseline information present in the mine area and delineate an effective environmental management plan that will reduce or minimize the adverse environmental impact to a manageable level for the project.

The report is based on preliminary information about the project details, site conditions, field visits, literature studies that are carried out.

The details of the mine is that it covers an area of 9 Acres having a khasra no. 01at village- Bhothali, tehsildongargaon District-Rajnandgaon (C.G).

It is a non forest government land.

1.1Nature and Size of Project

The proposed project is a manual opencast sand (minor) project and is classified as “CATEGORY – B” by Ministry of Environment & Forests, New Delhi as per new EIA notification dated 14th September 2006.

1.3Land requirement

BhothaliSand Mine (minor) of Sarpanch, Gram Panchayat Bhothali is located at VillageBhothali, TehsilDongargaondistrict of Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh State.

1.4Water Requirement

Water is required for mining operations/establishment mainly for sprinkling on haulage roads and at faces for suppression of dust. Water is also required for washing and servicing utilities for equipment. Water requirement for the proposed mining activity is about4m3/day. Mine water harvested in rainy reason will be used for the purpose of water spraying, cleaning & plantation. The drinking water requirement of the mines workers, staff will met by bore wells provided in leasehold area etc.

1.5Man Power Requirement

The mining establishment presents vast opportunities of employment to various posts and under various cadres such as Management, Supervisory, skilled workmen, semi-skilled workmen and unskilled workmen will be 15.

1.6Cost of the project

The capital cost for the project will be5 lakhs includingproposed lease area and machinery.

1.8Importance to Country

Exploiting this sand deposit (minor mineral) is important for the country’s long term economic growth and regional growth. By mining the deposit, the lesse acts as bridge the gap between demand and supply of sand in the market and will provide country with increased government earning and revenues transform the region’s economy from predominantly agricultural to significantly industrial and accelerate the pace of regional development of region. The project shall also provide additional revenue to State Government and create direct and indirect employment opportunities, which will catalyze overall growth of the State and improve the quality of life of the people living in the region.

1.9Major points covered in the study

The scope of study broadly includes:

  • To conduct literature review for collecting informationrelevant to the study area;
  • To identify various existing pollution loads in the study area.
  • To prepare an Environmental Management Plan (EMP) outlining the measures for improving the environmental quality and scope for existing mine for environmentally sustainable development.

The literature review includes identification of relevant articles from various publications, collection of data from various government agencies and other sources.

  • Existing topography, location of surface water bodies like ponds, canals and rivers;
  • Location of villages/towns/sensitive areas;
  • Accessibility, power availability and security of monitoring equipment; pollution pockets in the area.
  • Areas which represent baseline information conditions.

The study also provides framework and institutional strengthening for implementing the mitigation measures.

1.10Description of the Environment

The findings of baseline environmental information of the study area are summarized below:

  • The soil in the study area would very well support vegetation after amending it suitably.
  • The entire lease area is non forest govt. land.
  • No endangered species of plants and animals has been found in the study area.
  • The basic infrastructure facility of the study area is fairly developed.

1.11 Climate

The climate of this region is moderate to extreme – intensely hot in summer and moderately cold in winter. The tempreture in summer goes upto 45°C. and in winter comes down 9°C. The average rainfall is around 1025.60 mm. (based on ten year average) with maximum precipitation during monsoon months, commencing from mid June to mid September. Wind direction varies in summer and winter seasons. It blows West & South West directions in the summer season and mostly North East direction in the winter season. Five years average (2002 – 2007) Wind speed recorded in the area is maximum 27kms/hr in May months and minimum 2kms/hr in the October months.


Table 2.1- Details of Project:

S.No / Particulars / Details
1. / Proposed Production / 72,000 cu.m per year
2. / Lease Area / 9 Acres
3. / Expected Project cost / 5 Lakhs
4. / Method of mining / Manual
5. / Applied for / 1 year
6. / Water Requirement / 4 KLD
7. / Manpower Requirement / 10
8. / Forest if any / Not in the existing lease area

2.2Transport and Communication

The area can be approached from State Highway Rajnandgaon to Dongargaonroad up to Parhada junction and there is a diversion towards village Bhothali in left hand side. The area is well connected by tar road and after 3.0 km from Parhada the existing lease area exists. The nearest rail head is Rajnandgaon Station (6.5 km approx) from the existing lease area. The tehsil township is Dongargaon which is at a distance of 16 km (approx) from the existing lease area.

2.3Details of Exploration

The method of mining operation will be in small scale. The operation is sufficient for mining operation for next 1 year .

2.4Conceptual Plan

a)After completion of the life of the mine the sufficient material for the reclamation of the pit will not be done because the mining operation will be restricted to 2 metre. At the end of the life of the mine; the abandoned pit after mining will be refilled by water again.


3.1Mining Method

The method of mining will be open cast (manual).

In the lease area the ore body is covered by sand.

Mining of sand will be done at a depth of 2 metre only and it will be done manually. Loading will be done manually by labours in to truck/tippers.


Year wise production details:

By virtue of the market demand intending to the regional and economical growth of the region; the proposed production will be 72,000 cu.m per year.

All the operation will be carried out manually. All excavation will be executed manually using simple instrument like crowbars, spades,chisels and hammers.

3.3Utilization of Low grade Sand

Sand is useful in building & construction material in the surrounding areas for the improvement in social & regional development.

3.4 Stacking of Mineral Rejects & disposal of waste:

Nature of waste:

There is no economic sub grade mineral is found. No sub grade mineral will be produced. The sand (low grade) is saleable.

3.5Mining Machinery

The mine is manual operated and the details of the machinery is given below:

Table – 3.3: Mining Machinery

Sr. No. / Type / Nos. / Make / Motive Power / Capacity
1 / Tipper / 10 / Tata / Diesel / 10 tonns
85 HP



It is necessary that one should try to find various alternatives and what is environmentally best being preferred. There can be many points for which alternatives must be found. This is attempted here, irrespective of whether scoping has asked so or not. This is done voluntarily and submitted herein below.


A number of decisions are required to be taken and for each step. Selection is thus all the more critical in an industrial development where time, economic cost, environment and natural resources are at stake. Project Proponent hasdecided to undertake an “Alternative Analysis (AA)” for this project. The various alternatives are Site, Technology and ‘No-Project’.

4.3Site alternatives:

The sand mine is located at Bhothali, TehsilDongargaon& Dist– Rajnandgaon in Chhattisgarh State.

The site is well approachable

No endangered species are found in the proposed site.

Easy availability of manpower in nearby villages.

On this examination, the present site was selected for the proposed lease area.

The site indeed has served the purpose well resulting in minimal impact on environment.

4.4Technology Alternatives

Sand is surface deposit, so collection of underground mining cannot be contemplated. Mining will be done manually and open cast.

The technology of opencast mining has been developed over the years, and refined indigenously. Moreover, at present, this technology is widely used for sand mining.

4.5NO-PROJECT’ Option:

In this option, it is required to be considered as to whether it is more advantageous to the region.

With the increase of Infrastructures, modernization of cities expansion of roads and connecting cities around the region with easy transportation and mobilization, the demand of low grade sand for the regional growth.

The economic growth of the area in terms of employment generation, consumption behaviour and market growth are expected outcome of the project. It is assumed that the generation of indirect employment would be multiple of direct employment.

The significant positive impact on employment and occupation is envisaged on account of

Better economic status of the community due to better earnings.

Higher inputs towards infrastructural facilities due to mines.

To be mindful of its social and moral responsibilities to consumers, employees, shareholders, society and local community.

Mines while making production, also generates pollution. Production is beneficial to the Industry. Mines are asked to internalize this external diseconomy by designing pollution mitigation measures.


Due to the proposed Mines, there is a positive impact by way of employment, education, better socioeconomic conditions, improved local and regional economy, etc.

Rural / Village & community welfare – development of sheds, road repairs etc.

Sanitation & drinking water – provision and repair of bore wells and sanitation

The project proponent shall earmark funds for social development and welfare measures in the surrounding villages. These measures shall include funding for:

1)Repair and improvement of community centers, building etc.

2)Rainwater harvesting measures.

3)Drinking water availability efforts.

5.1Voluntary Submission:

Project Proponent should do following:

To keep transparent relations with the neighbours in the area

To strengthen the Gram Panchayat democratic set up, by paying taxes.

Not to disturb any prime agricultural land.

Not to encroach on others’ existing water source.

Not to overload the existing power supply, causing power cuts to the villagers.

To prevent wasting of rainwater.

To recharge the groundwater.

To strengthen the physical infrastructure.

To create greenery within the lease premises and develop green belt around the mine lease area.

Plantation program outside to some Extent in villages.


The economic growth of the area in terms of employment generation, consumption behaviour and market growth are expected outcome of the project.

It is assumed that the generation of indirect employment would be multiple of direct employment. The significant positive impact on employment and occupation is envisaged on account of

Better economic status of the community due to better earnings.

To be mindful of its social and moral responsibilities to consumers, employees, shareholders, society and local community.

The proposal will ensure the continuous sand (minor) supply for the building materials in the surrounding areas for the improvement in social & regional development.


Statutory Requirement:

The following site services will be provided close to the mine in private premises:

(a)Managers office

(b)Rest Shelters

(c)Drinking Water

(d)Urinals and Latrines

(e) First aid room


In any human activity there are always possibilities of finding various options. Project proponent has decided to examine and adopt one such option that will be both environment friendly and best suited for Sand Production. Various alternatives in terms of site, technology, and equipment are considered. A final selection is thus arrived.

  • The Proposal does not require further Infrastructure Facilities other than few Mining Machineries.
  • The Project is viable and has minimal environmental Impact.
  • The Proposal is for the environment clearance of the Proposed Mine.