Sidney Public Schools Board of Trustees Minutes 3/13/2017

March 13, 2017

A regular meeting of the Sidney Public Schools Board of Trustees was held Monday, March13, 2017 at 7:00 PM in Room 103 of Central School on posted notice by the clerk. Present were Trustees Ben Thogersen, Dennis Lorenz, Randy Iversen and Melissa Sanders. Also in attendance were Student Representatives Will Steinbeisser and Jordan Baxter; Superintendent- Daniel Farr, Clerk- Nicole Beyer, West Side Principal- Jon Skinner, Middle School Principal- Kelly Johnson, High School Principal- Sue Andersen, Ruben Moreno Activities Administrator and High School Vice-Principal- Loretta Thiel. Present via telephone conference call was incoming superintendent, Monte Silk. Absent were: Trustees- Kelly Dey and Craig Steinbeisser, Central Principal- Brent Sukut, and Curriculum/Federal Programs Director- Thom Barnhart.

At 7:00PM Vice Chair Sanders called the meeting to order.

Mrs. Sanders welcomed the visitors in attendance: Brenley Steinbeisser, Lane Shields and Bill Vanderweele with the Sidney Herald and stated an opportunity for community comment on non-agenda items would be provided at the end of the meeting. Those wishing to address the board were asked to fill out the Audience Participation form and give it to the clerk to be recognized.

Mr. Thogersen moved to approve the minutes of February 13th and March 6, 2017 as well as the February 2017 claim warrants 230610 to 230646 in the amount of $285,933.52. Mr. Iversenseconded the motion which passed 4to 0.

The January 2017 ASB report was reviewed.


Will Steinbeisser and Jordan Baxterupdated theTrustees on the following:

- BPA left for state on Sunday and return on Tuesday;

- Choir is at Eastern A today;

- Softball and Track practices began today;

- Cheerleaders will attend cheer camp in Lewistown Thursday through Saturday;

- Prom is Saturday, Academic Olympics is March 29th and the MCTM Math test was re-scheduled to this Thursday;

- Student Council isstriving to make their presence known to the student body by attending classes to get feedback from other students and suggestions for changes;

- Current Student Council focus has been the My Voice survey; and

- Student Council will be assisting with the Red Cross blood drive scheduled for March.


Superintendent Farrupdated the Trustees on the following:


- Brent Sukut from Central Elementary Principal to High School Principal for 2017-2018


- Katie Hardy Hurley – Middle School Physical Education Teacher

- Charyl Beach – Middle School Custodian effective 5/10/17

- Jeff Waddell – High School Head Custodian

- Molly McLaughlin – Middle School Art Teacher

- Ruben Moreno – Head Girls Basketball Coach

Audit Response:

- The District responded to two findings on the audit: OPEB (Other Post Employee Benefits) valuation involving health insurance and balancing of the payroll clearing account;

Central Elementary Principal Interviews:

- Tentatively set for March 27 with three in-house candidates. Mr. Iversen and Mr.Steinbeisser will be the Trustees on the committee.

Enrollment: Currently is 1337 K1-12

Calendar Events:

- March 13, 2017, First day for spring sports;

- March 18, 2017, Prom

- March 20 – 24 is Spring Break – no school.



Mr. Thogersen summarizedthe following committee topics:

- Transportation Supervisor- Martin Morales, attended the meeting to provide updates on his department. One note of concern is the number of vehicles passing route busses when the arms are extended. He is also reported completion of licensing procedures by an individual that will allow him to be a route bus driver;

- Mr. Skinner reported an influx of 20 students in his building since the Christmas break. He also updated Trustees on RTI, Fast Bridge testing and the new professional development committee. West Side is also looking at the possibility of switching to a two recess schedule instead of a three recess schedule;

- Brent Sukut will assume the High School Principal position for 2017-2018;

-Vacancies and Resignations were reviewed. New Hires are on the Consent Agenda;

- 2017-2018 Administrator/Supervisor and tenured teacher contract renewals are on the Consent Agenda tonight;

- The District has very few custodians with boiler licenses. Plans are to host a 3-day class for staff and neighboring businesses/schools to train personnel; and

- Mr. Moreno will have winter sports coaching recommendations for 2017-2018.


Mr. Iversenhighlightedthe following committee discussions:

- Jordan Mayer, Interstate Engineering, reviewed the bids for the Middle School parking lot following in depth analysis by their firm. Discussion followed on the pros and cons of cement vs. asphalt. Due to the bids coming in lower than estimated and considering the life of concrete as well as its superior drainage, the Trustees elected to choose Corland Construction and proceed with concrete. Mr. Mayer also reviewed exterior lighting alternatives for the parking lot with the Trustees and a decision was made to use Prairie Electric to install LED lighting;

- No additional updates were forthcoming on either the high school north parking lot or the softball complex;

- A facility fee waiver requestfor fast pitch signups was reviewed and is on the Consent Agenda tonight;

- Summer timeline for Middle School Phase III and options for the dry cooler/HVAC system were reviewed;and

- 2017 summer projects are a work in progress as cost estimates are sought.


Mr. Lorenz outlined the followingagenda discussions:

- Februaryclaims were reviewed as were January financial reports, ASB Report, Lunch Report and County Investment Reports;

- The Montana Quality Education Coalition will meet tomorrow in Helena and Dr. Farr will attend via phone;

- Updatesincluded possible financial cuts for school districts under consideration by the legislature;

- School funding is not looking good. House Bill 191was amended and passed with only .5% increases for 17-18 instead of the original proposal of 1.37%;

- Senate Bill 307 passed the Senate is in the House but has timeline requirements for publication of information regarding 2017-2018 permissive levies that can’t be met unless the resolution is adopted tonight. Theresolution is on the Consent Agenda for consideration; and

- Preliminary General Fund budget worksheets reflecting HB 191 funding changes were discussed.


Mr.Thogersenimparted the following synopsis on agenda items:

-Mr. Barnhart provided more examples of Writing Across the Curriculum and an overview of progress;

- The MarchLabor Management meeting was cancelled;

- Zach Yockim gave a presentation on the new Esport Club and presented their request for an ASB account. Currently, there are 20 participants competing with other teens across the nation;

- Dr. Farr continues editing the job descriptions for program coordinators/specialists, maintenance and food service based on employee suggestions;

- Dr. Farr provided a handout with suggested board policy changes which were reviewed;

- Suggested changes to the District School Wellness and Safety Policy are on the Consent Agenda for second reading and possible adoption tonight; and

- Dr. Farr is still working towards a board self-evaluation and community cross-over event for April..


New Hires

- Jessie Nesper – Assistant Girls Softball Coach

- Nick Kallem - .5 FTE Special Education Aide at West Side

- Megan Beyer – Middle School Track Coach

- Rod Wall – Middle School Track Coach

- Nic Cass – Middle School Track Coach

- Bee Morales – Middle School Track Coach

2017-2018 Certified, Tenure Teacher Contract Renewals

Lorraine AllenMarnee AverettNikki BerubeTammara Beyer

Terry BolenJanet BrannanRhea ChristensenLinda Clark

Stacey CollinsLynette FarrBrad FaulhaberErin Faulhaber

Jessie FisherNicole FranklinEvonne FulghamTed Fulgham

Yvonne GebhardtDawn GreenwoodDarci HaraldsonDaniel Hart

Carol HearronMegg HermansonMarie HollerSandra Jepsen

Tamra JohnsonLori KeenanTracy KesselRae Ann Klose

Staci Lange-RiceAmy LarsonTanya LaucknerTamra Leland

Tammy LinderCara Lokken-FrandsenJennifer LovegrenJessica Mathern-Netzer

David McDonaldJoy-Lyn McDonaldJennifer McLaughlinGuy Melby

Synneva MeldahlRoger MerrittJodi MuellerLacey Nevins

Jenna NobleCarrie PetersMary PfauHolly Redman

Kathleen RobertsSara RobertsGregory SchellMarvin Schulz

Melissa ShifferNicole SimonsenJanet SpracklinPeggy Strupp

Sandra SullivanKilee SundtBeth ThompsonLindsay Wagner

Crystal WeltikolPatricia WheelingMatthew WhelchelCathy Wieferich

Rhetta WilsonShay Witt

2017-2018 Administrator/Department Head Contract Renewals

Thom Barnhart Curriculum/Federal Programs Director Kelly JohnsonMiddle School Principal

Michelle Monsen Special Education Director Jon SkinnerWest Side Principal

Ruben Moreno K-12 Activities AdministratorBrent SukutHigh School Principal

Loretta Thiel Assistant High School Principal

Second Reading and Adoption of Safety Loss and Control Program Policy Revisions

- Section D: Transportation Safety & Motor Vehicle Inspection Criteria: Add to Page D4: #9, #10 and #11

- Section E: Custodial Maintenance Safety Rules: Editorial change to Page E2 #7: remove the word “Material”

- Section F: Office Safety Rules: Add to F2 #10: “nor should one lean forward from the edge of the chair while reaching.”

- Section G: Food Service Employees & FCS Safety Rules/Self Inspection Guidelines: G2 #4 change “does not grab it” to “is warned before touching it.” G2 #5 change “are” to “should be”; G2 #6 Add “Teacher”/Supervisor…; G2 #11 “All work areas have adequate lighting.”; G2 #14 add “will be worn” after gloves and strike “or a sanitizer used”; G3 #22 Strike “Personnel will know the location of the closest pull fire alarm, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, AED and emergency exit.” and replace with “District personnel and students will be instructed as to the location of the closest pull fire alarm, fire extinguisher, first aid kit, AED, emergency shut-offs and emergency exits.”; G3 #30 Replace “Cutting board has a slip resistant surface.” With “Plastic or acrylic cutting boards, not wood or glass, will be used in all food prep areas to reduce food contamination and to increase overall kitchen safety. Sanitize in a dishwasher or with a solution of 1 tablespoon bleach in 1 gallon of water.” G3 #31 change to “starting to clean” to “cleaning”; G4 Part B #2 Change “Clear” to “Always make sure” and add …to take “is clear”; G5 Part D #2 change “done using them” to “not in use.”; G5 Part F #2 add “…or stove.” On the end; change “leaving” to “leave”; G6 Part F #6 add “…follow the “directions” on the fire extinguisher.”; G7 Subsection K #1 change “Maintenance” to “food service staff with problems reported to maintenance.”; G7 Part J #2 remove “and” plastic equipment; G8 #6 add …drawers “and cupboards”…; G8 add #12 “The fire suppression systems will be checked and inspected twice annually by a certified agency to ensure proper functioning.”; H2 add #12 “Classroom materials stored on top of classroom cabinetry requires and 18 inch gap between stored material and the ceiling to meet fire code.”; I-2 #1 change “any operation with an eye injury exposure.” to “…in any situation where there is the chance of…”; J-3 Add #11 “Career and Technical Educators shall ensure that aerial lift-system is inspected annually and that said inspection is recorded for audit purposes.”; J-5 #15 changes to: “Solvents, chemicals, flammable and combustible liquids will be stored in approved, labeled flammable storage cabinets, disposed of properly, and in accordance with SDS protocols.”

Resolutions of Intent to Impose Increases in Levies for Elementary District #5 and High School District #1 for the 2017-2018 fiscal year as required by Senate Bill 307 (Attached)

- Bill is not law but Districts unable to meet timelines when passed unless these Resolutions are adopted;

- The tables contain ESTIMATED Revenues and Levied Mills for 2017-2018 as compared to 2016-2017 for all funds that are allowed permissive levies with the estimated tax impact on homes worth $100,000 and $200,000;

- The Resolution states 2016 Taxable Valuations were utilized in the calculations as 2017 valuations will not be available until the end of July 2017. It also lists possible impacts to the estimated figures;

- The Resolution lists possible facility maintenance projects for each District with the statement: “2017-2018 All projects are anticipated to be completed with fund cash balances available as of 6/30/17.”.

Approve Establishment of the Student Council Recognized new Esport Club and Assign a New ASB Account Number.

Facility Use Facility Fee Waiver Requests

- Terri Moore with Girls Summer Fast Pitch program requested the use of the high school for participation registration only on March 28th & 29th from 5 to 7 PM. Non-profit organization with no assessed fees so nothing Facility Use Fee will be charged.

Fairview Public Schools rescinded its Girls Softball Cooperative Sponsorship Request as the student is no long interested in playing

Mr. Lorenz moved to accept the Consent Agenda as presented. Mr. Thogersen seconded the motion which passed 4 to 0.

Vice-Chair Sanders provided an opportunity for Community Comment on non-agenda items: NONE

With no further business to become before the Trustees, the meeting was adjourned at 7:25PM.


Board Chair

Approved: ______



District Clerk