Project #2: The Prayer of St. Francis Typography


·  Students will act as a Typographer and will design a section of the Prayer of Saint Francis based on previously made student illustrations which are visually depicting the prayer.

·  Students will utilize their knowledge of Typographic anatomy and compositional design.

·  These typographic sections, along with the illustrations, will be combined together to create a completed book.


·  Bristol paper

·  Tracing Paper

·  Flare pens/ Sharpies

·  Markers

·  Rulers

·  Pencils/Erasers



**If you have worked on an image for Mrs. Buccino, you have the option to continue with your section of the prayer.

1.  Each of you will be give a section of the Prayer of Saint Francis.

2.  Then, you will be given an image of the corresponding illustration.

3.  Your Typography should be INSPIRED by the image and should contain a UNIFIED appearance.

(For example: if the illustration is very soft and flowy, maybe your typography will be more script-like compared to bold and all in capitals.)

4.  You may incorporate visual elements from the others drawing to tie into your Typographic design.

For Example…..



a.  HW: Write up/ type/ sketch out ideas for your project. Please put some EFFORT, TIME and THOUGHT into this!

i.  Look at the design you were given. What inspires you from the design?

1.  Basically, imagine what the corresponding page with the words would look like.

ii. What types of FONT and FONT TYPES would look best?

1.  Regular, Bold, Italics….

2.  Serifs or Sans Serifs…….

3.  Scripts or block lettering…..

iii.  What color schemes (based off the illustrations) might work well?

iv.  Would you want to/ need to incorporate additional graphic design to the composition?

1.  Think about the Illustration:

a.  Are there elements you’d like to repeat to create a unified image?

b.  The additions should NOT be drastically different from the original

v. Composition: Which of the following compositional combinations will look best?

1.  Alignment (Right Flush, Left Flush, Justified, Central)

2.  Spacing

3.  Tracking

4.  Leading

5.  Kerning.


a.  Keep the dimensions of your BRISTOL BOARD (NOT ILLUSTRATION BOARDS) in mind

b.  On tracing paper, design your FONT

i.  Use your BLUE PENCIL and RULER to CAREFUL make your lines.

1.  Create a BASELINE where required.

2.  Keep in mind your MEAN LINE and CAP HEIGHT

ii. Create AT LEAST THREE options for your LAYOUT

1.  Use the Font you researched

2.  It can be loose and sketchy (these are just for ideas to see what works and what doesn’t)

3.  Try a variety of layouts and size possibilities.

4.  Keep the size of your document in mind,

iii.  Then, after we discuss which were successful and what needs improvement, you will do one more FINAL improvement with your official font.

1.  This one will be NEATLY done on Tracing Paper.


3.  Trace everything in flare

4.  Just in case something is ruined, have ONE BACK-UP COPY of your tracing.

5.  Then, on the tracing paper, play around with color options.

a.  Think about your background as well.

b.  Think about the color scheme of the Illustration you are matching.


a.  When everything has been approved, you may start LIGHTLY with your pencil on your BRISTOL BOARD and draw you’re your design.

i.  Make sure your BASELINES are even and you have utilized the compositional space.

ii. Use your FLARE/ SHAPRIE to outline anything

iii.  Sure your MARKER to color everything in. NEATNESS COUNTS!

iv.  When completed, cover over with tracing paper.