Cancer Council of the PacificIslands
Cancer Council of the Pacific Islands Meeting
University of Hawaii – John A. Burns School of Medicine
Honolulu, Hawaii
October 20-24, 2013
Version 13 - Agenda
Participants: CCC Program Coordinators and at least one other CCPI member per jurisdiction
Sunday, October 20, 2013
University of Hawai‘i MEB 304
Lunch on own
12:20p Taxi pick-up from Ramada Plaza Hotellobby to JABSOM
12:45p-1:00p Welcome and Meeting Overview(Taitano, Palafox, B-Lum)
- Introductions
- Meeting overview/agenda review & discuss goals of meeting
1:00p-1:30pCCPI Business Meeting(voting to be deferred until Wednesday; no quorum)
- Call to order / Roll call
- Review minutes from March 2013meeting
- Standing items
- Budget & Fiscal items report update (Buenconsejo-Lum)
- Next CCPI Meeting (Spring 2014)
- Discussion on dates and location; Joint w/ Registrars
- CCPI Business Meeting adjournment
1:35p-2:15p “Population Health and Health Equity” (Palafox)
2:15p-3:30p Feedback on Social Determinants of Health Curriculum (Nitta, Notetakers: Navasca, Maya Uemoto)
3:45pTaxi pick-up from JABSOM
Dinner on own
Monday, October 21, 2013
JABSOM MEB 304 &302
7:45a Taxi pickup from Ramada Plaza Hotel
8:00a-8:20aBreakfast @ Room 304
8:20a-8:30a Welcome and Meeting Overview(Taitano, Palafox, B-Lum)
- Introductions
- Meeting overview/agenda review & discuss goals of meeting
8:30a–11:15aRegional HPV-CC prevention project & Cervical Cancer Screening Guidelines (Buenconsejo-Lum with CDC Susan White, Mona Saraiya, et al by phone, Angela Sy, Brenda Hernandez (UHCC/HTR))
Participant Pass code: 6940738
- Recap of regional survey, results and cervical cancer incidence (Buenconsejo-Lum) 45 min
- Alignment of CCC workplans for cervical cancer screening (Susan White & Quanza Brooks-Griffin) (20 min)
- Discussion of September 9-10, 2013 Expert Working Group on Cervical Cancer Screening in the USAPI and Puerto Rico and development of WHO Guidelines (30-45 min, including WHO Guidelines) (Saraiya)
- Minimum regional indicators & alignment of CCC workplans for cervical cancer screening (45 min)
- Discussion of Next steps – regional and jurisdiction (10 min)
- BCCEDP funded - ?education, training, TA needed to improve screening rates and/or jurisdiction-wide data (BCCEDP, MCH, FP, private)
- RMI and FSM – steps/TA needed to improve screening rates, data (MCH, FP, cancer program), CC guideline implementation
- All – centralized reporting for all cervical cancer screening, ensure accuracy (no duplicates, over- or under-reporting), common reporting elements across all programs (BCCEDP, MCH, FP, VIA)
Note takers: Dioreme, Tressa, Janos
11:15-12:15p Regional Registry / Cancer Surveillance in the USAPI (Buenconsejo-Lum, Torris, Vicki Nelson (CDC), Brenda Hernandez (UHCC/HTR), Michael Green (UHCC/HTR))
Participant Pass code: 6940738
- Cancer Incidence and mortality in the USAPI (B-Lum) (40 min)
- Barriers to quality data / data use
- Documentation of cause of death in chart vs. death certificates
- HPV associated cancer & Pre-cancer (CIN3, VIN3, AIN3) (Hernandez)
- Online Death Certification training – DVDs distribution, Pre-post Test (5 min)
- Updates and Spring 2014 Training plans (Torris, Green, Vicki Nelson CDC) (15 min)
- ½ day overlap w/ CCPI on Data Usage and reporting (B-Lum)
- Notetakers: Dioreme, Tricia
12:15p-12:50p Lunch on own
1:00a-1:30p Pacific CEED update (Daye, Nitta, Palafox)
Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme
1:35p-4:30p NCD Surveillance (Mark Durand, Lee Buenconsejo-Lum, Bill Gallo CDC, by phone Loren Cadena CDC, Susan White CDC
Participant Pass code: 6940738
- Describe important principles of NCD Surveillance (Durand)
- Use of surveillance data
- Standard indicators and data definitions
- Contrast between clinical and surveillance registries
- Describe the similarities and differences between important NCD-related health indicator sets such as the WHO Surveillance Framework, Healthy People 2020, PIHOA NCD Core Surveillance Framework, USAPI Cancer Registry, individual USAPI jurisdiction NCD indicator sets (Durand)
- Discuss opportunities (and pitfalls) at the jurisdiction level of various NCD surveillance-related activities in the region including: (Durand/B-Lum)
- SAMHSA-financed State Epidemiology Outcome workgroups
- CDC NCD Surveillance Working Group (Cadena)
- PIHOA NCD Surveillance Planning and Coordination activities
- PPHSN-linked Epi-Tech training modules development & delivery
- SPC-led feasibility study for post-graduate epidemiology fellowship (FETP) development
- Pacific Monitoring Alliance for NCD Action (MANA)
- Discuss a status update in the fight against NCDs in the USAPI (Durand)
- Discussion:Opportunities for better alignment of CCC / NCD surveillance with other Regional efforts
- Considerations / impact on CCPI and HLC – how is this all supposed to work?
Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme, Tricia, Tressa
4:30p-5:00p Proceeding on the RCCC Plan –Intro and instructions for tomorrow(B-Lum)
5:15p Taxi pick-up from JABSOM (Dinner on own)
Tuesday, October 22, 2013
JABSOM MEB 301am & 314pm, 315 (Auditorium)
7:30aTaxi pickup from Ramada Plaza Hotel
7:40-8:05aBreakfast at Room 301
8:15a-12:30pImplementation of Regional CCC Plan:
8:15 – 8:45a Objectives & Outcomes of Small workgroups (room 301): (B-Lum)
9:00 – 12:30p Small workgroups:
- Room 301 Prevention Group (Facilitators: Navasca, Robinett)
- Next steps SDH curriculum
- Prep for Joint CCPI/PPFTI mtg re: tobacco policies, common messaging
- Room 301 Screening / Early Detection Group (Facilitators: Buenconsejo-Lum, Diaz)
- Feedback on NCD (clinical) Screening Assessment
- Revision of regional CC indicator(s), suggested language for common PPO for CCC plans
- Room 315Treatment Group (Facilitators: Palafox, Nitta, Santos)
- Feedback on Palliative Care Curriculum (for clinicians) revisions (both Tx and Survivorship workgroups)
- Feedback on revised Treatment assessment (Tx group only)
- Room 315 Quality of Life / Survivorship Group (Facilitators: Torris, Koijane)
- Feedback on Palliative Care Curriculum (for clinicians) revisions (both Tx and Survivorship workgroups)
- Begin developing palliative care policy assessment
- Room 301 Evaluation/Data (Facilitators: Sy, Baksa))
- Feedback /development on Evaluation Assessment (of jurisdiction CCC, BCC, Registry)
- Regional CCC Partnership assessment – modifications? timeline
12:30-1:30pLunch on own
1:30p-2:00p Palliative care efforts in USAPI(Kabua, Zabala, Taitano, Koijane, et al) (30 min)
Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme
2:00pmJoint CCPI-Hawaii CCC Program & Coalition Meeting
- Follow-up on collaborations and resource sharing
- Screening bill, patient navigation, interpreters, addressing obesity
- Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme, Tricia, ?Tressa, Ryan
5:30-7:00pmPartnership Dinner @ Kulia Grill, JABSOM
7:45pmTaxi pick-up to Ramada Plaza
Wednesday, October 23, 2013
7:15a Taxi pickup from Ramada Plaza Hotel
7:25-7:50a Breakfast at Room 301
8:00a-8:30aCCPI Business Meeting
- Call to order / Roll call
- Review and approve minutes from March 2013 meeting
- Standing items
- Budget & Fiscal items report update (Buenconsejo-Lum)
- Next CCPI Meeting (Spring 2014)
- Discussion on dates and location; Joint w/ Registrars
- NACDD Cancer Council (Tofaeono)
- CCPI Business Meeting adjournment
- Notetaker: Janos
8:30a-9:45pImplementation of Regional CCC Plan: Small/Large workgroups
- Continuation of small group work from Tuesday AM (30min)
- Large group recap and next steps (45 min)
- Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme
9:45a-10:45aRegional Coordination: PIHOA, NCD Roadmap & HLC update
- Major PIHOA (non-surveillance) updates (Epp, Chutaro)
- Performance Management
- PBMA (Garstang, Jonas, others), PCDC ((Taitano, PCDC rep/participant in FSM, RMI training); Zabala, others)updates
- Status of HLC / Communication plan (Tofaeono, Epp) Moving forward
- Notetakers: Janos, Dioreme
10:45a-11:45a USAPI NCD Policy Toolkit (Nitta, Navasca)
- Status and feedback
- Notetakers: Ashlyn, Janos
11:45-12:20pLunch on own @ Kulia Grill
Facilitator: Hali Robinett, Laura Hamasaka, Janos Baksa
Resource persons: Mary Beth Welton (CDC)
Notetakers: Dioreme, Ashlyn, Ryan
12:30-1:45p large group:
Review of the USAPI Commitment #1-4 (Tobacco) (PIHOA) and WHO Multisectoral action for tobacco control (?Lawrence Alam) (20-25 min)
Introduction of the HLC communications policy (10 minutes: Va’a)
PPTFI key strategies/priorities and status (15 min: Becky)
CCPI key strategies/priorities/status (strategies relevant to tobacco) and prelim thoughts re areas for collaboration (15 min: Rose)
Decide upon 4 main priorities for WG 1 to consider
1:45-3:15p small groups (3):
WG1 developing a shared action plan (Decide on 2 priorities out of 4, then break up into smaller groups)
WG1a discuss 1 of the priorities (Laura)
WG1b discuss the other priority (Hali)
WG2 communication/collaboration between PPTFI and CCPI; HLC (Janos)
3:15-3:45p large group:
checking in: sharing from small groups / feedback from other groups - are we on the right track?
3:45-4:15p small groups (3):
WG1a discuss sustainability of priority 1 (Laura)
WG1b discusssustainability of priority 2 (Hali)
WG2 discuss sustainability of communication/collaboration between PPTFI and CCPI (Janos)
4:15-5:00p large group:
report back, discussion, decisions re: shared action planning
next steps
group photo
Large group decides / accepts the two priorities and sustainability.
5:00-5:15Adjourn CCPI meeting(Dr. Taitano)
5:30pmTaxi pick-up to Ramada Plaza
Dinner on Own
Thursday, October 24, 2013
University of Hawai‘i
Toll Free Number
Leader Pass code: 3968659
Participant Pass code: 6940738
8:45a Taxi pick-up from Ramada Plaza Hotel lobby to JABSOM
9:00a-3:30p FSM CCC meeting
Facilitators: Dr. Lee Buenconsejo-Lum, Janos Baksa
Outside resource: Susan White (Polycom)
- Communication:
- General review of the communication processes / obligations
- Communication barrier assessment (what is working and what is not, and why not)
- Open discussionabout possible solutions / system updates
- Evaluation and reporting
- Overview of the evaluation and reporting processes
- CDC goals & Recap of obligations
- Current evaluation and reporting system analysis:
- What is working, and what is troublesome?
- Open brainstorming session on possible upgrades, solutions
- Rewriting PPO’s
- Obesity and Tobacco situation assessment (short oral introduction / state)
- Updated Action Plans (In what state are they?)
- Current trends / findings – translating the numbers into trends
- PIHOA + WHO information (Indicator alignment to Regional Plans)
3:45 Taxi pick-up JABSOM to Ramada Plaza Hotel
Dinner on own
c/o Pacific Regional Comprehensive Cancer Control Program * Dept. of Family Medicine and Community Health * JohnA.BurnsSchool of Medicine,
University of Hawaii * 677 Ala Moana Blvd, Suite 815, Honolulu, HI96813 * phone: (808) 692-0854 * facsimile: (808) 586-3099
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