h505 Stevens St.
Nokomis, IL62075
Winter Issue 2012
Welcome everyone to the winter issue of the facility newsletter. We hope you will find the newsletter informative as well as enjoyable to read. It is my plan to make a newsletter every three months; I would like to be able toemail as many as possible to save on paper “Go Green” you can email your address to and I will begin building my address book, or bring your address to Patsy at the facility.
Hello Friends and Families.
As we approach the holiday season we will be having many exciting events here at Nokomis Rehab & Health Care and we hope that you are able to attend as many events as possible. This time of the year, it always brings GREAT joy to our resident’s when they have family and friends visit. As you are visiting and may bring in some wonderful baked goods or candy into them, please have items in a sealed container as this helps to control any unwanted guests.
I would like to take this opportunity to give you my email address so that if you have any questions or concerns that I can help you with, please email me at:
I hope that all of you have safe, happy, and healthy holidays!
Tracy Craig RN BSN LNHA
As we all know winter is just around the corner, officially this year winter will arrive at 6:12am on December 21st, the earliest winter since 1896.
Be prepared for the cold:
- Have your heating system checked annually for possible problems.
- People over age 65 should avoid the strain of shoveling snow whenever possible. Those that have a history of high blood pressure or heart disease are more at risk for muscle strains, falls or even heart attacks if you must shovel snow use caution.
Safety Tips:
- Push the snow rather than lifting it.
- Rest frequently; take breaks, if you feel dizzy go inside immediately.
- Use rock salt to keep from slipping.
- Better yet ask your children or grand children to shovel for you.
Winter Folklore:
- Deep snow in winter: tall grain in summer.
- A fair day in winter is the mother of a storm.
- Onion skins very thin, mild winter coming in.
Resident Spotlight!
Leona Kroenlein is in the spotlight, she is the oldest resident in the facility. Leona was born in July 1910. Leona is 102 years old.Amazing! Leona was born and raised south of Nokomis on a farm which had pigs, milk cows, chickens, and horses. She was one of nine children. Leona attended a country school called BowserSchool thru the 8th grade, than onto NTHS,(NokomisTownshipHigh School) graduating in 1930. The High School stood in the same place as the one that stands today, but has been added onto over the years. Leona tells the story of her and her brothers, sisters, and neighbors playing Hand Over. Hand Over was played by splitting up into two groups each standing on opposite sides of the wash house. Which ever group was able to throw the ball over the wash house the most times would win the game.
Recipe for all peanut butter lovers:
Peanut Butter Cake
1 box yellow cake
1-1/4 c water
1-1/4 c water
½ c creamy peanut butter
1/3 cup vegetable oil
2 eggs
¾ lb. powered sugar
½ stick butter
2TBS peanut butter
1TBS warm water
½ tsp vanilla extract
Generously grease pan. Beat cake mix, water, peanut butter, oil and eggs on low speed for 30 sec. Beat on medium until well mixed, scraping bowl occasionally. Pour batter into pan. Icing: cream sugar, peanut butter and margarine. Add water and vanilla. You can add more warm water if needed.
Nokomis Rehab Meals on the Go!
Have you heard? As of October 1st, Nokomis Rehab began offering the community of Nokomis a home delivery meal program, called Nokomis Rehab Meals on the GO.
This is in place of the Golden Nutrition program which ended in October. NRHCC offers home delivery, dine in, and carry-out meals. The cost of the meals are $2.35 dine in, $2.65 for carry-out and home delivery. Since the program is through the facility and not government funded we can avoid the strict criteria that previously was needed in order to qualify. The menu appears in the Nokomis Free Press each week for the upcoming week. Call the facility to receive a meal, 563-7725, ask for Patsy.
Upcoming Events:
Now – November 16th taking orders for homemade pumpkin pies, cost is $7.00 per pie. Pick up date is Nov. 21st. (proceeds to go to the Resident activity fund.)
November 18th at 12 noon, Family Thanksgiving meal, limit 2 guests per resident and RSVP no later than Nov. 12
November 21st bake sale to be held at the facility. (Proceeds to go to the Resident activity fund)
December 21st at 2:00 Resident Christmas Party will be held. Each family member is asked to bring a gift for their resident to be given to them the day of the party by Santa. More information to come on this event.