Parents’ AssociationCommittee

Southern Cross Schools

Date: Friday 05thJune 2015.

Venue: Leadwood Lapa, Boarding House, Southern Cross Schools, Hoedspruit.

Present: Karen Tilney, Kevin Mitchell, Jurie Moolman, Wendy Blair, Cleo Graf, Hannah Small, Rosemary Heenan, Ant de Boer, Mickey Viegas, Ann Anderson, Carolin Anderson, Kathy Henning, Richard & Karen James and Richard van de Ruit.

Apologies: Lize Dumon.

Min 1. Welcome by Chair

This is the 6th meeting of the PAC this year and Michel Girardin expressed that the commitment of the members has been encouraging.

Min 2. Reviewing action points of the last meetings, feedback and issues arising.

-Michel restated the role & purpose of the SubCom’s and that they will continue to give feedback to the PAC

-All SubCom’s should aim to meet together before the next Strategic Planning Meeting for feedback and preparation.

-Regarding the Agenda’s: It is important to put important dates of upcoming events during the following month on the Agenda for the members to take note of.

-Sport Fields still require the topdressing phase, which will cost R100,000.

-Maintenance of the Sport Fields is an ongoing concern aiming at removing weeds and stones.

-A meeting between Crux Leaders and Environmental SubCom still need tot take place.

Action Point: Cleo Graf to organize meeting with Crux Leaders regarding Environmental SubCom.

Action Point: Put dates of important events on future agendas

Bullying Reporting Boxes still need to be made and put in the toilets of the Prep and College.

Action Point: Kevin Mitchell offered to have these boxes made.

College Break Time activities: This is still in progress and facilities are being worked on. There may be funding available, which was initially designated for the development of a climbing wall.

-Crux Leaders presently offer Wednesday Break Time activities for which learners can sign up.

Action Point:Action Point: Michel Girardin will meet with Mr Gibbs and will contact Mr Oliver Davis regarding the request for permission to reallocate his climbing wall donation of R20,000 in order for this to be used for developing student union hang out facility at the College.

Supervision at Break Times:Management has encouraged the Crux Leaders to be vigilant during break times

Parent/Teacher Meeting: The date for this has not been set yet

Action Point: Management to communicate the date for a Parent/Teacher Consultation Platform to the parents and the teachers.

Action Points were read, discussed and accepted

Min 3. Strategic Planning Meeting (SPM) PreparationInformation

The annual strategic planning meetinghas been scheduled for 22nd August 2015

Action Point: PAC member to encourage other parents to come and join this meeting.

Action Point: Michel Girardin to put an invitation in this month Communiqué, as the SPM is the platform for parents to share and get involved in the development of the school, and to ensure that everyone knows that all arewelcome!

Purpose of the SPM

-Provide a follow up from last year’s meeting

-Not to rehash but to build up on what has been achieved at and since the last meeting

-The SPM has been discussed at Friday 5th June Board Meeting and dates will be communicated

Action Point: Management to communicate the date of the preSPM and to invite parents to attend this

Action Point: Michel to send info on PA Meetings and SubCom’s to Richard & Karen James.

Min 4. Crux Magazine (YearBook) 2014 update.

There have been some setbacks in finalizing the Crux Magazine, which are being addressed by management. The aim is to hand it out in August 2015.

Action Point:Aim is to hand out Crux Magazine in August 2015

Min 5. Family picnic day Sunday 7th, final arrangements

PAC is excited about this event is taking place and final arrangements were discussed. It was noted that many were committed to help out with this. The PAC acknowledged the following commitments:

-Lize for the design of the invitations and for marketing the important event

-Mickey Viegas & Mitzi for organizing tables, goals & gazebos

-Kevin for collecting jumping castles & braai stands

-Ronald for doing gate service

-Rodney for the provision of a generator

-PA for providing wood

Min 6. Executive Management presence at PA meetings

It was acknowledged that ISSASA advises that the presence of a member of the Executive Management at PAC meetings is simply good practice.

A lively discussion took place in which the following was noted:

-At times the presence of members of management inhibits free discussion, is seen as intimidating and stifling.

-Management has at times been defensive

-Their presence however does shorten the communication process as they are able to answer immediately

-The role of the PA Chair is very important in coordinating who speaks and when and how both the PA members and the management handle issues in order to facilitate a positive discussion process.

-More trust needs to be built between the PA and the Management and vice versa.

-PA does represent all parents; those who attend are able to present issues of those who are unable to attend.

-All members attending PA Meetings are considered equal.

Conclusion: Management will be present at the PA meetings but it is up to chairperson to ensure everyone has the right to debate and respond, which was accepted by PA Members present.

Action Point: Michel Girardin & Rosemary Heenan will meet together to draw up a document, which lays out PA role and “rules of engagement” at PA meetings.

Min 7. Bullying update & questionnaire

It was acknowledged that this issue would stay on the agenda for the rest of this year.

The Questionnaire was tabled but some questions were raised regarding the moral section of the questionnaire. As Lize Dumon was not present, it was decided to forward the questionnaire to the next PA Meeting.

Regarding the Bullying Policy the following was noted:

-There is a lot of emphasis on the child who is victimized to take the initiative of reporting and not on the other learners who are aware of the bullying incidents

-It does not include bullying of teachers of bullying by teachers

-The policy should be part of a Child Protection Policy. This is the practice in other schools

-Cyber Bullying is not included into the policy

-Ultimately the Bullying Policy and Child Protection Policy are the responsibility of Management and Board.

Action Point: Table questionnaire at next meeting for Lize Dumon to give more info on its the purpose and history

Action Point: Members and parents to give feedback on the bullyingpolicy to Richard van de Ruit

Action Point: Richard van de Ruit & Ant de Boer will meet together to discuss initial feedback and review of the policy

Action Point:Child Protection Policy & Bullying Policy will be tabled at the next SPM with the aim to establish a SubCom to work on this.

Action Point:Rose Heenan has been asked to speak to SCS staff regarding A Child Protection policy for SCS. Rose to organize this with Management

Min 8. Final leopard update (Management)

Relocation of the female leopard has been successful. Her tracks are confirming that she is settling into her new location. However the school will continue to be vigilant, as new leopard tracks have been spotted near the school. Management reemphasized the fact that this is to be expected in SCS’s unique location.

Min 9. Any Other Business:

-Staff Quarters’ Development Update

-The implementation of the layout phase is taking place and learners have to be invited to be part of this.

Action Point: Ant de Boer and Jurie Moolman will be meeting about this to finalize this phase.

-Melissa Ferguson: the PAC acknowledges the input Melissa has given in mapping the school and developing 3D models of the buildings. Her materials have been circulated and are being worked through. Thank you Melissa for your great contribution!

-Sports Equipment

The donation by parents of sports’ equipment, which is no longer used by their children as well as the purchase of sports equipment, was tabled as a project for the PAC.

Action Point: Mickey Viegas will present a proposal for this to Jurie Moolman

-Ant de Boer gave feedback on the latest marketing trip he made. There were mixed responses and though not as productive as expected, it has been a learning experience and some new students have been recruited.

Min 10. Date next meeting

The next meeting will be held on THURSDAY 6th August 2015

Prepared by:

Richard F van de Ruit

8 June 2015