The Dixie Baptist Scroll

December 6, 2015

Order of Service

Current Status of Weekly Bible Studies

Weekly Schedule

November Calendar

Prayer List

Christmas Fellowship

Youth News

Children’s Sunday School

Operation Christmas Love

December Pecan Point Service Moved

Sermon Notes for Today’s Sermon “Three Different Kinds of Responses to the Greatest Story Ever Told” (Matthew 2:1-12)

Since you havein obedience to the truthpurified your souls for a sincere love of the brethren, fervently love one another from the heart, for you have beenborn againnot of seed which is perishable but imperishable,that is, through the living and enduringword of God. For,

“All flesh is like grass,
And all its glory like the flower of grass.
The grass withers,
And the flower falls off,

But the word of the Lord endures forever.”

And this isthe word which was preached to you.

(1 Peter 1:22-25, NASB)

Pastor: Kenneth Reiter Music Leader: Nikkole Douglas

21696 HWY 377 NORTH P.O. Box 646 Whitesboro, TX 76273 (903) 564-5100


Morning Worship Service

Call to Worship: Joy to the World 87

Call to Prayer


Lighting of Advent Candle (The Bethlehem Candle)

O Little Town of Bethlehem 86I Know Whom I Have Believed

O Come All Ye Faithful 89

Offertory (Doxology)

Special Music Ms. Nikkole

Message Bro. Kenneth

Invitation: Wherever He Leads I’ll Go 285

Heaven Came Down 438

Baptism Candidate is Sarah Merrick-Reiter


This Week’s Bible Studies

Sunday Evening: Revelation 5:7-14 “The Lamb Is Ready to Open the Sealed Booked”

Wednesday Evening: Selected Passages “Spiritual Gifts”

Sunday Morning Bible Study: Selected Passages “The Coming of the Messiah”

This Week’s Schedule

December 6th – 13th

Sunday, Dec. 6th 5:00 P.M. Christmas Fellowship

Wednesday, Dec. 9th 5:30 P.M. Pastor’s Council Meeting

6:30 P.M. Potlock Supper Fellowship

7:00 P.M. Prayer Meeting/Bible Study

7:00 P.M. Youth Bible Study

Sunday, Dec. 13th 9:00 A.M. Prayer Service

9:30 A.M. Breakfast

10:00 A.M. Youth and Adult Bible Study

11:00 A.M Morning Worship

5:00 P.M. Evening Service

6:30 P.M. *Prayer Team Meeting

*Note: this meeting is for the Prayer Team. If God has burdened you to be on the Prayer Team, please see Bro. Kenneth after the worship service this morning. We need every prayer warrior.


December Calendar

Dec 24 Friday Christmas Eve Service

Prayer List

Ruby Helms - health (Marcy Sellers)

Dixie Baptist Frontier Church - growth, outreach, direction, & healing

Tonni Shook - 2nd battle with thyroid cancer (Sabrena Vick)

Amy Hollon - health (self request)

Rick McCommon -health (self request)

David Clark - salvation and a job

Jimmy Davis Ministries- success in reaching the lost

Tommy Cassidy - health issues (Frank Martin)

Karol andLynnallenEllison - God's favor over a number of issues (Sabrena Vick)

Mellony Arial - physical healing and psychological healing (Amy Hollon)

Ronnie Johnson family – passed away 10/19/15 (Sabrena Vick)

Angel Davis - needs mental and emotional healing

Dawn Capps - back pain (self request)

Tanner Paschen - personal issues (Tanis Wells)

McKenna Proffer - unspoken (Ken & NancyArtebury)

Nancy Davis - strength (Jimmy Davis)

Amanda Williams - health & personal issues (Jean Martin)

Liz Mitchusson - unspoken (self request)

Kyle Williams - healing (Amanda Williams)

Ralph Gorley, pastor at 1st Baptist Church of Muenster -direction (Jimmy Davis)

Our country - to turn back to God

Charles Ray - salvation (Jimmy Davis)

Brenda Barnes - stage 4 cancer

Lewis Dressler - going blind (Jean Martin)

Elizabeth Hayes - post-partum pre-eclampsia

LeeAnn Wade - health and a new home

Jeanie Oaks family - house burned down, husband and daughter severely burned, son perished

Mamaw's son - fighting alcohol addiction (Amanda Williams)

Mark - 24 yrs. old and has multiple tumors of different kinds (Amanda Williams)

Shawn Wade - health (Jean Martin)

Joe Pagnusat - guidance and protection (David Keathly)

LaDonna Darnell - back issues (AmandaWilliwams)

Bill Kendall - multiple health issues (David Keathly)

Living Oasis Ministries and Brother Elijah Abraham - protection and power/strength to reach the lost people in Islam and to educate Christians about the threat of Islam (David & Sabrena)

Livie- kidney issues (Jimmy Davis's granddaughter)

Devon Brinkley - possibly has leukemia

Cory – health & salvation - TroyLutkenhouse'snephew (Jimmy Davis)

Jimmy Davis - working out housing for his MIL (self-request)

Sue Hollon - recovering from back surgery (Oren Hollon's mom)

Kenneth Reiter - wisdom and guidance (self request)
Lou Ann - husband passed away (Betty & Ray Prestage's daughter)

Wyatt – 14 yrs. old, in a wheelchair, has Muscular Dystrophy (Ann Conley’s great-grandson)

Ms. Ann’s Fourth Son’s family – closer walk with God

Pauline Bevans – breast cancer, had surgery on 10/26/15 and goes on 11/02/15 for checkup

Betty Foster – COPD, cirrhosis, & renal failure (Amy Hollon’s mother)

Ralph Terry’s family – passed away (Faye)

Ms. Wilma (Ann Conley’s sister-in-law) – moving into assisted living

New Energy Church (Ann Conley’s old church in East Texas)

Carl Hungate – colon issues (Ann Conley’s little brother)

Ken Balch – passed away

Oilfield workers (Jean Martin)

The Family of Steve Rupple (Amanda Williams classmate) – Steve passed away from a brain tumor

Ronnie O’Neal Jr. – health issues (Kenneth Reiter)

Barbara Romo’s aunt – complications from knee surgery and falls (Nikkole Douglas)

Barbara Romo – fluid build-up (Nikkole Douglas)

Lilly – liver failure and needs transplant (Amanda Williams)

Sherry Faye’s family – passed away

Family of Julia Cooper – passed away unexpectedly at 46 (Sabrena Keathly’s cousin)

Doris Dunaway family – passed away – (Amy Hollon)

David Tetter – stage 4 liver cancer (Ann Conley)

Janet & Ray Arnolt – both very ill (Ann Conley)

Darlene & Teddy – diabetes (her) throat cancer (him) (Ann Conley)

Charles Mounts family – passed away (Sabrena Keathly)

Charlie Balthrop’s family – passed away on 10/08/15 (Sabrena Keathly)

Ed Keirns – failing health (Terry Keirns dad)’

Dolores Sweet – fluid buildup around heart (Frank Martin’s cousin)


Laura Williams – has breast cancer and husband left her (Amanda William’s cousin)

Mildred Palmer family – passed away after massive stroke (Sabrena Keathly)

Robert Ford family – passed away after massive stroke (Sabrena Keathly)

Melissa Anderson – eye cancer (Sabrena Keathly)

Glenda @ Dickey’s – hospitalized last week and son is in jail (Jordan Reiter)

Jamie Pettie – personal problems (Sabrena Keathly)

Ryan and Melody Trevino – personal issues (Sabrena Keathly)

Kristin Bowman-Dean – her health and finances and her father has bone cancer (Amy Hollon)

Linda Bowles family – passed away 10/23/15 (Amy Hollon’s aunt)

Angelica – speedy recovery (Karol Ellison’s daughter)

April McCarty – suffering from depression (Sabrena Keathly’s cousin)

Belinda Reynold’s mom – serious surgery (friend of Karol Ellison)

Families of those whose lives were lost, and those injured in OSU Homecoming parade and for the girl that caused the accident

Phillip Lindsey – recovering from serious heart sugery and in rehab (Sabrena Keathly)

Norma White – stent surgery (Amy Hollon’s aunt)

Ruth Bryan – health concerns

Dixie Baptist church prayer team – that their prayers will be powerful and pleasing to God’s ear

Troy – continues to grow in Christ (Oren Hollon)

Kenneth Binkley – unspoken (Jean Martin)

Kodi Tutt – neuroblastoma in marrow (Kenneth Reiter)

All those affected by the shooting at the California Development Center

Tim Akins – lost job, strayed on his walk with Christ (Kaji Price)

Resident at Whitesboro Nursing Home – in very poor health, salvation (Liz Mitchusson)

Prayer List

Please pray for those on the list. Please check the list carefully for those that have your name beside them and let me know if any changes, updates, or praises need to be added. Also, let me know if any need to be removed.

Christmas Fellowship

Tonight at 5:00, we will be celebrating Christmas with our church family. We are having a meal with a Mexican food theme, and will be having a gift exchange along with other activities. We request that all gifts be under $10. Come and join us!

Youth News

Our Youth Sunday School is studying apologetics (why we can be confident that Christianity is the only way to Heaven and that the Bible holds the Only Truth) and are currently doing a DVD series based on the books by Lee Strobel. Wednesday night Youth Group is doing an in-depth study on John and the proof of God's Love and the Salvation of Jesus! We will have more activities in the near future, so come check us out and share with those you know who are in 6th-12th grade!!

Children’s Sunday School

We have services for younger children on Sunday mornings and Wednesday evenings. If you are interested in helping out or being involved in any way, please get with David or Sabrena Keathly or Jordan Reiter!

Operation Christmas Love

We are going to help out a couple of families this year by collecting gifts to give to them. No child should have to go without, especially during Christmas. Please be praying about how to help out these families. Together, let us show the love of Christ!

Pecan Point Service

Our December service at Pecan Point has been moved to the second week of December (December 13th). Usually it is the first Sunday, but has been moved for the Pecan Point Christmas party.


Sermon Outline Dixie Baptist Church

December 6, 2015

“Three Different Kinds of Responses to the Greatest Story Ever Told”

Matthew 2:1-12


Purpose of the Gospel of Matthew (To present Jesus as the Messiah)

Timeline of the visit of the Magi

Introduction to the people in the account

1. Herod the Great

2. The Magi

3. The Chief priests and the Scribes

I. The first response is seen by Herod, and it is ______(vs. 3-4, 7-8).

A. When Herod herd the question asked by the Magi, he was ______.

B. He went and asked the ______and the scribes about the prophecy of the Messiah.

II. The second response is seen by the chief priests and the scribes, and it is ______rejection (vs. 4-6).

A. The chief priests and the scribes knew what the ______stated.

B. They knew that the Messiah was going to be born in ______.

(Micah 5:2; John 7:50-53)

III. The third response is seen by the Magi, and it is ______and adoration (vs. 9-11).

A. The Magi ______to seek out the Messiah with great joy.

B. They found the ______, and worshipped Him.

C. The Magi brought ______gifts to offer to the Messiah.

(John 19:39)


Scripture References and Notes

Luke 2:24

…and to offer a sacrifice according to what was said in the Law of the Lord, "A PAIR OF TURTLEDOVES OR TWO YOUNG PIGEONS."

Leviticus 12:6-8

6'When the days of her purification are completed, for a son or for a daughter, she shall bring to the priest at the doorway of the tent of meeting a one year old lamb for a burnt offering and a young pigeon or a turtledove for a sin offering. 7'Then he shall offer it before the LORD and make atonement for her, and she shall be cleansed from the flow of her blood. This is the law for her who bears a child, whether a male or a female. 8'But if she cannot afford a lamb, then she shall take two turtledoves or two young pigeons, the one for a burnt offering and the other for a sin offering; and the priest shall make atonement for her, and she will be clean.'"

Isaiah 60:6-7
6“A multitude of camels will cover you, the young camels of Midian andEphah; All those fromSheba will come; They will bringgold and frankincense, and willbear good news of the praises of theLord. 7“All the flocks ofKedar will be gathered together to you, the rams of Nebaioth will minister to you; They will go up with acceptance on Myaltar, and I shall glorify My glorious house.

Luke 3:2

…in the high priesthood ofAnnas andCaiaphas,the word of God came to John, the son of Zacharias, in the wilderness.

Acts 23:8

Forthe Sadducees say that there is no resurrection, nor an angel, nor a spirit, but the Pharisees acknowledge them all.

“Because he was not Jewish, but Idumean (Edomite), Herod married Mariamne, heiress to the Jewish Hasmonean house, in order to make himself more acceptable to the Jews he now ruled. He was a clever and capable warrior, orator, and diplomat. In times of severe economic hardship he gave back some tax money collected from the people. During the great famine of 25 B.C. he melted down various gold objects in the palace to buy food for the poor. He built theaters, race tracks, and other structures to provide entertainment for the people, and in 19 B.C. he began the reconstruction of the Temple in Jerusalem. He revived Samaria and built the beautiful port city of Caesarea in honor of his benefactor Caesar Augustine. He embellished the cities of Beirut, Damascus, Tyre, Sidon, and Rhodes, and even made contributions to rebuilding work in Athens. He built the remarkable and almost impregnable fortress of Masada, where in A.D. 73 nearly a thousand Jewish defenders committed suicide rather than be captured by the Roman general Flavius Silva.”

– John MacArthur

Micah 5:2

“But as foryou, Bethlehem Ephrathah, Toolittle to be among the clans of Judah, fromyou One will go forth for Me to beruler in Israel. His goings forth arefrom long ago, From the days of eternity.”

John 7:50-53

50Nicodemus (he who came to Him before, being one of them) said to them,51“Our Law does not judge a man unless it first hears from him and knows what he is doing, does it?”52They answered him, “You are not also from Galilee, are you? Search, and see that no prophet arises out of Galilee.”53Everyone went to his home.

John 19:39

Nicodemus, who had first come to Him by night, also came,bringing a mixture ofmyrrh and aloes, about ahundred poundsweight.