The University of Toledo

Minority Business Enterprise/EDGE

Subcommittee Meeting – Tuesday, May 12, 2009

Scott Park VIP Room – 12:00 Noon


In attendance: Shanda Gore, Larry Sykes, Morris Jenkins, Vince Wiggins, Mark Urrutia, Olivia Holden, Shaun Murray, William Brennan, D’Naie Jacobs, Gena White, Lorie Sarnes, Kara Mominee

Addition to Board Notes: Under bullet ‘Areas to Expand Minority Partnerships’

-  Addition of workforce training

-  Ms. Holden requested that WBE’s be tracked as well.

Contracts: Lorie Sarnes provided presentation. Refer to attachment (graph). She explained that UT is not required to track MBE numbers with contracts, but purchasing is required to track both MBE and EDGE. Ms. Sarnes provided UT’s EDGE program results for July 1, 2007 through December 31, 2008. Mark Urrutia inquired about the requests from Diversity Council to include MBE numbers in contracts.

Ms. Sarnes stated that currently MBE is not tracked due to the lack of resources. Ms. Holden suggested a software package used by Toledo Public Schools that can be purchased.

Action Item: Ms. Holden will provide name of TPS software package to subcommittee.

Dr. Jenkins and Mr. Urrutia stated that there was a high likelihood that the President’s Diversity Council will request the UT contract area to begin tracking MBE and WBE. Ms. Sarnes provided that 110 contracts were awarded in the previous year.

Action Item: Ms. Sarnes will investigate resources to generate needed reports.

Mr. Urrutia asked what constitutes an EDGE certification.

Action Item: Mr. Wiggins provided the attached description.

Mr. Sykes offered to setup a meeting between UT purchasing contact, Ms. Pastorek, and himself. Dr. Gore asked if that meeting could be expanded for contracts and Ms. Sarnes. Mr. Sykes agreed. In the meeting, Mr. Sykes will discuss the software package that he could recommend.

Action Item: Mr. Sykes to setup meeting.

A tour was conducted of the selected incubator site. Confirmed offices were noted as 1400, 1390, 1380, 1370, and 1440. Suggestions were made to expand to offices 1320 (conference room), 1410, 1420, and 1430; Bringing the total number of offices to 9 offices. Mr. Brennan suggested an investigation of resources be done from prior capacity building program led by Ken Dobson.

Action Item: It was suggested that Mr. Burns contact Dan Klett to confirm the possibilities of having these additional rooms and contact Mr. Dobson concerning possible stored equipment.

Future meeting dates are on Tuesdays:

June 9th

July 14th

August 11th

September 8th

October 13th

All meetings will be at the UT Scott Park Campus in the VIP room at 12:00 noon with lunch provided. Directions to the VIP Room: from the Parkside entrance, turn right, go past the TV lounge and the restrooms, turn left and it will be on your left-hand side.