1 May: Holiday
4 May: In-service Day
9 May: Parent Council Meeting at 7pm
10-12 May 2017: P7 residential excursion to Lockerbie Manor
25 May: Sports Day (alternative Sports Day 30 May)
29 May: Holiday
6 & 7 June: P7/S1 induction day at Auchinleck Academy
20 June: P7 Leavers’ Assembly at 9.30am
Homework on a Monday, Tuesday and Wednesday will be literacy based. Thursday’s homework may be Big Talk homework where it is essential that your child prepares for their writing lesson on the Friday through discussion. They may of course make notes in their jotter if they want. Maths homework will be given on a Monday. It will be set by your child’s maths teacher and will consolidate or revise work already taught in class. Please use the homework jotters as an informal means of communication.
Japan - personal home work task is due Friday 26th May.
How Parents/Carers can help and useful websites
If you can offer assistance on any of our topics, have a particular skill or specialised knowledge which relates to any of our learning this term or would like more information on this term’s work plan, please contact the school on 01290 550306.
If there are any hunter-gatherer types still out there in Mauchline and would like to help to develop the children’s knowledge of survival skills, den making, Mauchline’s local woodland etc. please get in touch and help us explore the great outdoors through our novel Wolf Brother.
It is really important that forms are handed back promptly.
Mauchline Primary School& ECC
Class Bulletin 2016/17
Dear Parents and Carers,
Our Class Bulletin forms part of our Reporting to Parents process. The purpose of our leaflet is to
- inform you about the learning and teaching taking place in your children’s classes,
- inform you about activities, events and visits in which your child will participate,
- give you reminders about class routines and requirements.
- give you ideas on how you can support your child’s learning at home,
Working in partnership with parents we endeavour to teach our pupils to be Responsible Citizens, Effective Contributors, Successful Learners and Confident Individuals. The following guide informs you of pupils’ expected pace of learning through the CfE levels.
EARLY:the pre-school years and P1 or later for some
FIRST:to the end of P4, but earlier or later for some
SECOND:to the end of P7, but earlier or later for some
THIRD AND FOURTH:S1 to S3 but earlier for some
SENIOR PHASE:S4-S6 and college or other means of study
Your child is working atsecond level.
Further CfE information is available at
Language, Literacy and Modern LanguagesIn French we will continue with telling the time, school and Food and Drink.
This term our reading will based on a novel by Michelle Paver called Wolf Brother. Wolf Brother is the first in the Chronicles of Ancient Darkness series. Set in Mesolithic times, the novel is not only an exciting read but also reveals so much about the lives of hunter-gathers who lived in Scotland 10,000 years ago.
Writing will continue with a focus on discursive and introduce persuasive genre.
Mathematics and numeracy
Emeralds 1: revise percentages of amounts, ratio, use simple scales to calculate actual lengths, create drawings using simple scale and use function machines in reverse for inverse operations to find input when given output.
Emeralds 2: introduce negative and positive numbers, revise 12hour times required am or pm, 24 hour time must have 4 digits, simple and more complex time durations, revise equivalent fractions and addition and subtraction of fractions with different denominators.
Emeralds 3:revise place value including decimals and introduce thousandths, addition and subtraction of numbers up to 4 digits with two decimal places, introduce terms positive and negative numbers and integers, and understand and be able to use the terms translation, congruent and tile the plane.
Diamonds: revise types of angles, introduce terms scalene, isosceles and equilateral triangle, use properties of triangle to find perimeter or length of sides given perimeter, difficult word problems, introduce equations with letters, introduce addition and subtraction of fractions with the same denominator.
Orange Group: Rounding to the nearest whole number, use of rounding to estimate, multiplying and dividing decimals, finding the area of a triangle and problem solving.
Yellow Group: read, write and order numbers to 1,000,000, place value, add and subtract 10, 100 mentally, multiply and divide by 10, 100 and 1000, reading and recording time in both 12 hour and 24 hour and converting between the two.
Health and Wellbeing
This term we will be taking part in the annual health week, we will be involved in a number of activities and lessons over the week all to do with healthy lifestyles and choices. We will be preparing for sports day. The class will be taking part in swimming lessons at Auchinleck Academy. We will be working with the pupils on the topic of puberty. We will also be discussing the issues of tobacco, alcohol and drugs.
Other curricular areas
Our interdisciplinary study this term will focus on Japan .We will compare the lifestyle, culture and customs. We will investigate the main features of weather and climate across Japan. We will be involved in critical skill challenges and be able to deliver presentations on our group’s findings. The children will also have a personal research topic to complete on Japan.
Encourage your child to challenge themselves a little by doing more than the minimum expected. Presentation is very important across all work so please encourage careful planning and setting out of work - keep “policing” the handwriting.
Class Routines and Requirements
Gym: Monday and Wednesday
Shorts, polo shirts and clean gym shoes with
non-marking soles for PE please. Boys and girls
must tie back long hair and remove all jewellery
for safety reasons. Gym days could vary this term
due to swimming therefore pupils are required
to bring PE kit EVERY day.
Swimming : Tuesday
Library books: can change any time! Please register your child with Mauchline library to allow access to a greater number of books and reading opportunities.
L McL Revised Nov 2016