January 2014
The RoyalCollege of Psychiatrists in NI
Minutes of the Meeting of the Executive Committee
held on Thursday 21 November 2013 at 2.30pm in Clifton House
Attendance: / Dr D Cody (Chair) / Dr H HannaDr D Bell / Dr H Hawthorn
Dr P Bell / Dr H Mills
Dr N Corrigan
Dr M Cunningham / Dr E Noble
Dr M Doherty / Dr T O’Neill
Dr C Donnelly / Dr P Sloan
Dr P Gallagher / Dr H Toal
M Grattan / Dr P Trimble
Apologies: / Dr R Bunn / Dr I McMaster
Dr B Kerrigan / Dr P Moynihan
C Harper / Dr A O’Hare
Dr D Hughes / Dr M O’Kane
Dr G Loughrey / Dr C Taggart
Dr P McKiernan
In Attendance: / N McNairney / Thomas McKeever (Part)
1 / Attendance & Apologies
As noted
2 / Appointments/Congratulations
Dr Cody welcomed new members to the Committee including Dr Niall Corrigan (PTC Core Trainee Chair), Dr David Bell, (PTC VC Core Trainee) and Dr Heather Hawthorn, elected representative.
3 / Approval of the Minutes of the Meeting held on 13 May 2013
The minutes were approved.
4 / Matters Arising from the Minutes of the meeting held on 13 May 2013
4.1 /
Guidance on Termination of Pregnancy in Northern Ireland
The College had responded to the Consultation on “The limited circumstances for a lawful termination of pregnancy in Northern Ireland: A guidance document for health and social care professionals”, which can be found on the College’s webpage and the Chair thanked members for their contributions. A meeting with the Department was scheduled for 19 December to progress discussions.5 / Chair’s Business
5.1 / College Overview
Dr Cody reinforced the importance of the role of the local College and the NI Executive Committee in influencing policy matters; she emphasised the interdependency of the Division and the central College and the potential that a close knit grouping such as the 5 Trusts and one Department of Health provided. The ability to influence was very much dependent on the strength of membership engagement and she thanked members for their continued support. She reported that the Celtic Chairshad written to the President requesting consideration be given to appointing each Chair as Vice President within their jurisdiction and hoped that this would give further strength to the College’s role locally.
5.2 / RCPsych in NI - Strategic Plan – 2013 - 2017
The Chairsaid that she would valuemembers’ consideration and comments on the Strategy Day Summary Notesproduced by Strategem and the draft objectives produced by the Chair and previously circulated. She said she wished to ensure that the work plan for the next 4 years reflected the vision of the membership and the Executive Committee. Action: Responses due by 29/11/13
5.3 / Items for Chief Medical Advisory Committee (CMAC)
Members discussed items to bring to the forthcoming CMAC meeting due to be held on 5 December which included:-
Intellectual disability and care in the community;
Under 16’s and capacity;
Informatics – how consultant activity is recorded/how leadership and management functions are captured;
Resourcing of consultants in smaller specialisms and impact on training posts – a small loss can have a significant impact;
Guidance on consultant ratios per head of population;
The role of the psychiatrist and the College voice;
Psychiatrists role in the implementation of capacity legislation;
The Francis Report and implications for NI for healthcare systems as well as hospitals;
Support for a culture that values whistleblowers and support for whistleblowers;
Minimum pricing for alcohol;
Impact of misuse of drugs and commissioning of services;
Public relations and Departmental responses to criticisms.
5.4 / Implementing Recovery through Organisational Change (ImROC)
Discussion focussed on psychiatrists involvement in the ImROC programme and its resonance with the Francis Report and cultural change.
5.5 / Report from CEC
Matters discussed at CEC included informatics in the NHS, parity of physical and mental health, the Francis Report, Liaison services and the RAID model.
5.6 / Faculty Developments
The Chair requested members’ feedback on the establishment of a local Academic Faculty; she said that a formal structure needed to be established to build on current opportunities and enthusiasm.
5.7 / Consensus Statement on ADHD
The document awaits approval from the College’s central Policy Committee which is due to meet on 17 January 2014.
5.8 / Private & Independent Practitioners
Members discussed the request from the Chair of the central College’s PIPSIG group to have regional representation on Executive Committees. Members agreed that this was appropriate given the number of recently retiredmembers and current issues with regard to revalidation.
5.9 / RCPsych in NI & Designated Status for the purposes of Revalidation
This matter is currently being discussed with the central College.
5.10 / Observed Clinical Practice
C/F to next meeting
6 / Items from Faculties/Sections and Groups
6.1 / Addictions
Dr Toal advised that the Faculty met regularly and was currently compiling a response to the consultation on “Inpatient Based Addiction Treatment Services (Tier 4) Proposed Reconfiguration of Trust Services”.
She confirmed that she continued to represent the Faculty on the Treatment Advisory Committee.
6.2 / Medical Psychotherapy
The 2013 Dr Thomas Freeman Award had been presented to Dr Boris Pinto (Senior) and Dr Ashling Sheridan (Core).
The Faculty hoped to develop ideas to promote local research within medical psychotherapy and would be working with colleagues in the College of Psychiatry of Ireland to host an all-Ireland conference on psychotherapy services.
6.3 / Intellectual Disability
Of continuing concern to the ID Faculty is the difficulty in influencing commissioning now that old routes into the Department of Health no longer exist. The Faculty felt it was time to rethink ECRs and divert funding to the provision of a regional unit. Resettlement continues to be an issue with a need for greater public education.
6.4 / Child and Adolescent Psychiatry
Dr Hanna reported that the Faculty had formed a sub-committee which will meet regularly to deal with CAMHS matters. Dr Hanna advised that she attended the central College CAMHS Faculty meetings and that work was underway to compile the programme for the joint UPS/CAMHS Annual Meeting. It was also hoped to hold a full day CAMHS academic meeting. Matters of concern to the Faculty included TYC and new CAMHS strategy 5 stepped model, bed cuts at Iveagh and Beechcroft and building and sustaining specialist CAMHS. The Faculty wished to build links with Performance Management Service Development Unit.
6.5 / General Adult
In Dr O’Hare’s absence, the following report was tabled:-
Following the recent Promoting Quality Care Meeting (PQC) it appears likely that the mandatory requirement for completion of the brief risk screening tool will be dropped in due course. Also the HSCB attended the meeting to update the DHSSPS on work the Board is doing on a Regional MH Care Pathway. There are a number of psychiatrists on the steering group and the writing group is made up of users & carers. The pathway is heavily influenced by ImROC. There is concern around the lack of consultation that has taken place, especially as the next step is to write a Regional Assessment Tool to be used at first appointments. However further assurances are required if this tool is to be helpful in the formulation of a diagnosis – it may be something on which the College would wish to formally approach the Board.
6.6 / Trainees
Dr Nobel reported that a meeting to appoint representatives to the various local College committees and Faculties would take place in December. He advised that all 3 local PTC representatives had places on the central committee. Dr David Bell would progress Medfest in 2014 and work to develop a PsychSoc group at QUB.
With regard to the Buddy Scheme, Dr Nobel advised that 50% of new trainees had expressed an interest and had been paired with a buddy.
7 / Officers’ Priorities
7.1 / CPD
Dr Donnelly reported on the excellent joint meeting of CoPoI and RCPsych in NI in Malahide and thanked everyone for their contributions to plenaries and parallel sessions. She reported on the excellent turnout from the North.
The CPD Committee had met in September and progressed plans for 2014 including 4 masterclass sessions, 2 research seminars and a number of meetings for the first quarter of the year. She requested Faculty Chairs to keep her appraised of the academic components of their meetings to avoid duplication and encouraged members to forward their ideas for topics and speakers.
7.2 / Legislation
Thomas McKeever advised that it was still hoped toconsult on the new Capacity legislation in Summer 2014 with a view to it becoming a Bill by 2016. Dr Heather Hanna and members of the Child and Adolescent Faculty would be meeting with the Childrens Law Centre in December with regard to concerns about under 16s.
7.3 / Policy & Consultations
Responses to consultations can be found at
7.4 / HSC Board Interface
Dr Paul Bell updated on the Review of Community Home Treatment and the Adult Bamford Review and rehabilitation plans for acute and low secure groups.
7.5 / Report from Joint Service User, Carer & Psychiatrists Committee
Maire Grattan advised that she had attended the central College meeting where opportunities for service users and carers to input to Faculty activities had been discussed as well as online forums.
A Carers Manifesto had been launched at Parliament Buildings peer led in response to TYC.
7.6 / Report from Education Training and Standards Officer – Dr Peter Gallagher
There was no report as the next meeting of ETSC takes placein December.
7.7 / Public Education
Dr Sloan reported that the following activities had taken place since his last update:-
10.10.13 – World Mental Health Day – Joint launch “Together for you”
10.10.13 - NI Mental Health Arts & Film Festival
Trainees had been working with the Special Olympic Regional Committee on mental health promotion and education and had manned careers stands at two events.
Work was underway with the voluntary organisations to identify a local champion for mental health.
8 / Forthcoming Events
See for events.
9 / Correspondence
There was no correspondence.
10 / Any Other Business
There was a brief discussion on a proposal from Mike Nesbitt MLA on a Centre of Excellence in Mental Health as part of the agenda for Conflict Transformation in NI.
Dr Tony O’Neill reported that QUB was in the process of establishing a group to encourage students to become more psychologically minded.
11 / Date of Next Meeting
Wednesday 5 March 2014 at 2.00pm
12 / Dates of Meetings – 2014
Wednesday 7 May at 1.30pm
Wednesday 11 June – Strategy Day
Wednesday 1 October at 2.00pm