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California Department of Education
Executive Office
SBE-003 (REV. 09/2011)
ilsb-cfird-jul12item01 / ITEM #02



Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve, 2013 Revision: Approval of Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines and Appointment of Members of the Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee. The Mathematics Focus Group Report will also be discussed. / Action
Public Hearing


California Education Code (EC) Section 60207 requires the State Board of Education (SBE) to adopt a revised mathematics curriculum framework and evaluation criteria for the adoption of mathematics instructional materials aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics (CCSSM).The California Code of Regulations, Title 5

(5 CCR), Section 9511, allows the SBE to establish a Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (CFCC) to assist in the development of curriculum frameworks and evaluation criteria and sets requirements regarding the composition of a CFCC. The Instructional Quality Commission (IQC) makes recommendations to the SBE on the guidelines that direct the work of the CFCC and the appointment of CFCC members. At this meeting, the SBE will approve guidelines for the Mathematics CFCC (MCFCC) and appoint MCFCC members.


The California Department of Education (CDE) recommends that the SBE: (1) approve the “Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines for the 2013 Revision of the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve,” as recommended by the IQC, and (2) appoint 19 members to the MCFCC, including Susan Stickel as Chair of the MCFCC, as recommended by the IQC.


Revising the Mathematics Framework to align with the CCSSM is an important component in the implementation of the CCSSM adopted by the SBE in August 2010. The revision of the Mathematics Framework is a multi-step process involving educators, content experts, and other education and community stakeholders. Throughout the revision process, there

are opportunities for public input at meetings of the MCFCC, IQC, and SBE and during

two 60-day public review periods.

Mathematics Focus Group Report

In February and March 2012, the CDE convened four public focus groups to gather input from educators and the public regarding what guidance and information should be included in the revised framework to support implementation of the CCSSM. The Mathematics Focus Group Report is a summary of oral comments made at the focus group meetings and a compilation of the written comments received in February and March 2012 regarding the revision of the Mathematics Framework. The report can be found at Because the report is provided as information, no SBE action on the report is required. The comments in the report informed the development of guidelines for the MCFCC.

Guidelines for the MCFCC

On May 4, 2012, the IQC acted to recommend to the SBE guidelines to direct the work of the MCFCC. These guidelines are based on current statutory requirements, oral comments from the four focus group meetings held in February and March 2012, and written comments received in February and March 2012. Curriculum Frameworks and Instructional Resources Division (CFIRD) staff developed the initial draft of the guidelines, and the IQC modified the guidelines at its May meeting.

The “Draft Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee Guidelines for the 2013 Revision of the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools, Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve” (Guidelines) is located on the CDE Curriculum Frameworks Web page at The Guidelines direct the work of the MCFCC and require the inclusion of specific content.

In general, the draft guidelines propose that the revised Mathematics Framework shall:

·  Be aligned to the Common Core State Standards for Mathematics and consistent with their focus, coherence, rigor, and depth.

·  Be a living document with links to implementation tools and research.

·  Provide options for higher mathematics, including options at the middle-school level.

·  Include an expanded chapter on universal access with instructional support for English learners and students with disabilities.

·  Include an updated chapter on technology.

·  Be consist with and supportive of the SMARTER Balanced Assessment Consortium’s test content specifications.

Appointment of MCFCC Members

On May 4, 2012, the IQC took action to recommend to the SBE 19 applicants for appointment to the MCFCC. The 5 CCR, Section 9511, governs the appointment of MCFCC members and sets a limit of between 9 and 20 members. The regulations require that:

·  A majority of the MCFCC be comprised of teachers who, at the time of their appointment, teach students in kindergarten through grade twelve, have a professional credential under state law, and meet the criteria for “highly qualified” teachers under federal law.

·  At least one of the teachers must have experience providing instruction to English learners.

·  At least one of the teachers must have experience providing instruction to students with disabilities.

·  At least one member of the MCFCC must have a doctoral degree in mathematics or a related subject.

·  Other members of the MCFCC can be administrators, parents, local school board members, or teachers who do not meet the requirements listed above, and community members.

·  The regulations also require that the SBE appoint MCFCC members who are reflective of California’s diversity and its different regions and types of school districts.

The 19 IQC-recommended applicants meet the 5 CCR requirements. Ten of the recommended applicants are currently classroom teachers. Of the nine non-teacher applicants, three teach at a college or university, three are district-level curriculum specialists, and three are currently or formerly employed by a county office of education. All of the recommended applicants indicated they have experience teaching English learners, and all but three of the applicants indicated they have experience teaching students with disabilities. Four of the recommended applicants have doctorate degrees in education, and two of the recommended applicants have a doctorate in mathematics. Four of the recommended applicants have earned National Board Certification. The recommended applicants have between 7 and 42 years of experience in education each.

IQC Recommendations for MCFCC

The IQC recommends the following applicants to the SBE for appointment to the MCFCC and recommends that the SBE appoint Applicant Number 374, Susan Stickel, to serve as Chair of the MCFCC:


Applicant Number / Name / Employer / Position /
331 / Brian Jaramillo / Ventura Unified School District / Mathematics Teacher
334 / Isabella S. Hoegerman / Apple Valley Unified School District / Mathematics Teacher
339 / Theodore Sagun / Whittier City School District / Calculus/Geometry/Algebra Teacher
352 / Lynda T. Asher / Las Virgenes Unified School District / Teacher
360 / Susan M. Kunze / Elm Street School, Bishop Unified School District / Teacher
373 / Erin L. Fraser / El Camino High School, Oceanside Unified School District / Mathematics Teacher
392 / Carol Kohn / North Beardsley Elementary School, Beardsley School District / English Learners Teacher
404 / Bruce C. Grip / Chaffey Joint Union High School District / High School Mathematics Teacher
425 / Brian J. Shay / Canyon Crest Academy / Mathematics Teacher
431 / Ma Bernadette A. Salgarino / East Side Union High School District / Department Chair, Mathematics


Applicant Number / Name / Employer / Position /
340 / Christina M. Silvas-Centeno / San Jose Unified School District / District Mathematics Instructional Coach
341 / Heather J. Dallas / University of California, Los Angeles, Mathematics Department / Lecturer
354 / Bruce W. Yoshiwara / Los Angeles Pierce College / Professor and Department Chair of Mathematics
356 / Joseph R. Fiedler / California State University, Bakersfield / Professor of Mathematics
364 / Patricia Duckhorn / Retired July 2011
Formerly Sacramento County Office of Education / Formerly Director of Mathematics
374 / Susan Stickel
Recommended for appointment as Chair of the CFCC / Sacramento County Office Of Education / Deputy Superintendent
377 / Rosa Serratore / Santa Monica-Malibu Unified School District / Coordinator of Mathematics and Teacher Support
380 / Julie L. Joseph / Tulare County Office of Education / Instruction Consultant, Mathematics
388 / Sunny W. Chin-Look / Alhambra Unified School District / Math Instructional Specialist at District Level

Profiles of the 19 recommended applicants (Attachment 3) provide a summary of information regarding each applicant.

A complete set of all 121 applications, including profiles, application forms, and resumes, is available for viewing in the SBE Office.


March 2012: The SBE appointed 13 members to serve on the IQC, including one member whose term will not begin until 2013.

January 2012: The SBE approved the timeline and MCFCC application form for the 2013 revision of the Mathematics Framework. The MCFCC application was available online from January 17 through April 18, 2012.

August 2010: The SBE adopted the academic content standards in mathematics as proposed by the California Academic Content Standards Commission (ACSC); the standards include the CCSSM and specific additional standards that the ACSC had deemed necessary to maintain the integrity and rigor of California’s already high standards.

January 2008: The SBE adopted new 5 CCR sections governing the curriculum framework and instructional materials adoption process.

November 2007: The SBE adopted instructional materials in mathematics for kindergarten through grade eight.

March 2005: The SBE adopted the Mathematics Framework for California Public Schools: Kindergarten Through Grade Twelve and the criteria for evaluating instructional materials submitted for the 2007 Mathematics Primary Adoption.


The cost to revise the Mathematics Framework is anticipated to be a total of $135,000 over three budget years, 2011–2012, 2012–2013, and 2013–2014. This cost includes the expenses of the focus group meetings, the MCFCC, and the meetings of the IQC and its subcommittee, the Mathematics Subject Matter Committee. The expenses are also comprised of the costs of a contracted mathematics writer and other costs associated with the procedures mandated in 5 CCR regulations for the adoption of curriculum frameworks. In addition, the cost for editing and printing of the curriculum framework will amount to $194,000.

In addition, the CDE budget will cover the anticipated $1.54 million in CDE staff costs. Costs to revise the Mathematics Framework will be paid by State General Fund dollars.


Attachment 1: Profiles of Instructional Quality Commission-Recommended Applicants for the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee (21 Pages)

8/9/2012 11:23 AM


Attachment 1

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Profiles of Instructional Quality Commission-Recommended Applicants for the Mathematics Curriculum Framework and Evaluation Criteria Committee

331 Brian Jaramillo, Mathematics Teacher
Ventura Unified School District, Ventura, California
Area(s) of Expertise: / Administrator, teacher providing instruction to students in kindergarten or grades one to twelve, parent
Grade and other Levels of Expertise: / 6–8, 9–12
adult education
Years Teaching: / 7
Experience Teaching English Learners:
Grade levels: 9–12, for 7 years of instruction. I served on the Standard Setting Workshop in 2011 for Algebra and Geometry through the ETS and CDE. I have my Crosscultural, Language, and Academic Development certificate for teaching English Learners. I have taken classes from University of California, Santa Barbara, for Teaching English as a Second Language. I have taught GED classes in Spanish through the Adult Education program. I have been the migrant education teacher, assisting students in English and Spanish.
Experience Teaching Students with Disabilities:
Grade levels: 9–12, for 7 years of instruction. I took multiple classes on special education during my teacher credentialing program. I worked 10 years with people with developmental disabilities as an instructor before and concurrent with being a high school teacher.
Ethnicity: / Hispanic/Latino, Asian
Degrees/ Certifications: / ·  Master of Arts, Mythology/Psychology, Pacifica Graduate Institute
·  Administrative Credential, National University
·  Single Subject Teaching Credential: Mathematics, California State University, Channel Islands
·  Bachelor of Science, Physics/Engineering, Westmont College
334 Isabella S. Hoegerman, Mathematics Teacher
Apple Valley Unified School District, Apple Valley, California
Area(s) of Expertise: / Teacher providing instruction to students in kindergarten or grades one to twelve, teacher not providing instruction to students in kindergarten or grades one to twelve
Teacher on Assignment, Mathematics Coach
Grade and other Levels of Expertise: / 3–5, 6–8
Years Teaching: / 27
Experience Teaching English Learners:
I have had English Learners in my classes over the years and have provided them with instruction in whatever course I was teaching them at the time. I have provided this instruction to students in grades 4–8 over the past 27 years in the areas of math, science, ELA, social studies, as well as elective courses such as art and PE. I have a Clear Certificate of Completion of Staff Development that was issued in 2007 with authorization codes S17D and S17S.
Experience Teaching Students with Disabilities:
I have taught a few of students with severe disabilities that required a 504. A couple of students were visually impaired and needed the aid of large print books, magnifying glasses, and special microfilm type readers and computers to help them complete assignments in class. Also, special versions of state tests had to be ordered for them. I also had another student who had brittle bone disease, in a special motorized wheel chair and had an aid assigned to him at school. All of these students were in the 6th grade when I taught them. I taught them math and science. They did not have any academic challenges, only physical ones.
Ethnicity: / White
Degrees/ Certifications: / ·  National Board Certification, Mathematics/Early Adolescence, National Board for Professional Teaching Standards, 2000, renewed 2010
·  Clear Single Subject Credential, Mathemathics, State of California 2012
·  Clear Multiple Subject Credential, University of California, Irvine 1985
·  Bachelor of Arts Drama, University of California, Irvine 1983
339 Theodore Sagun, Calculus/Geometry/Algebra Teacher
Whittier City School District, Whittier, California
Area(s) of Expertise: / Teacher providing instruction to students in kindergarten or grades one to twelve, teacher not providing instruction to students in kindergarten or grades one to twelve