UMES Strategic Plan – Implementation Form Part I
Executive Area: Academic Affairs (School of Arts and Professions; Department of Education; Dean, School of…………; Office of………….)
USM Goal:
UMES Goal:
Objective #1:To reobtain reaccreditation for undergraduate and graduate programs in the Department of Education. ______
(What specific Accountability report(s)* does this objective address?)
Overall Initiative
Lead Responsibility Secondary ResponsibilityPlanned StartPlanned FinishTotal Dollar Investment
DateDate Source:
Step Description of StepNeededResponsibilityStartEndOther
1a.Submit annual dues to National$1,930K. Verbeke7/085/09
Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE).
1b.Rehire admin. asst. to work $30,410K. Verbeke7/086/09
on NCATE, particularly in
the areas of Field Experiences
and Professional Development
Schools. *
1c.Complete reports for the $41,000K. Verbeke5/088/08
specialized professional PEUC faculty
associations (SPAs) for
submission to NCATE
and MSDE.
1e.Finish Institutional Report.same $K. Verbeke5/088/08
as 1cStandards
1f.Prepare electronic and paper$4,000K. Verbeke5/088/08
artifacts for Exhibits Room.PEUC Faculty
1g.Host a Mock Visit in preparation$6,000K. Verbeke5/086/08
for NCATE/MSDE ContinuingStandards
Visit. (2-3-person team)Coordinators
1h.Attend AACTE Annual Meeting$12,000K. Verbeke1/092/09
and NCATE InstitutionalStandards and
Orientation meetings.Program
1i.Update Counseling Rooms to $8,500K. Verbeke5/088/08
reflect state-of-the art Counseling
technology and appropriateFaculty
counseling environment as
required by CACREP and
1j.Involve PreK-12 faculty in $8,000K. Verbeke5/0811/08
NCATE/MSDE accreditationP. Largay
activities and materialsW.E. Riggin
preparation (meetings, Gallery
Walk, etc.)
1k.Host Joint Visit (NCATE-MSDE).$30,000K. Verbeke11/0811/08
All Prof. Ed. Unit
Objective #:2To develop doctoral program in Education Leadership. (Dept. of Education).
(What specific Accountability report(s)* does this objective address?)
Overall Initiative
Lead Responsibility Secondary ResponsibilityPlanned StartPlanned FinishTotal Dollar Investment
DateDate Source:
K. VerbekeCoordinator of Ed. Leadership Program7/086/09
Step Description of StepNeededResponsibilityStartEndOther
2a. Hire new coordinator.$75,000 minimumDr. Williams7/086/09
2b.Hire Administrative Asst.$40,000Dr. Lamb8/0810/08 Dr. Verbeke
Search Committee
2c.Create Ed.D. Advisory Council$5,000New Coordinator8/0810/08
Dr. Verbeke
2d.Work on creating standards-based,Same as 2cNew Coordinator8/083/09
aligned curriculum for approval.
2e.Identify steps and agencies in NoneNew Coordinator8/0810/08
approval process and developDir. of Prof. Ed.
2f.Present new program for review andNoneNew Coordinator3/095/09
approval.Dir. of Prof. Ed.
2g.Recruit new students.$5,000New Coordinator3/095/09
2h.Launch new programNoneNew Coordinator8/098/09
Specific Accountability Report(s) for objectives include Managing for Results (MFR), Peer Performance Measures (PPM), Minority Achievement Report (MAR), Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report (SLOAR), Dashboard Indicators (DI), Faculty Workload Report (FWR), Annual President’s Goals (APG)
(AY 2008-2009)
UMES Strategic Plan – Implementation Form - Part II
Description of Monitoring & Evaluation Measures
Description of Key Milestones for ActivityTarget Date
(Completion of Key Milestone)
Description of Key Performance IndicatorsDocumentation
UMES Strategic Plan – Implementation Form Part I
Executive Area
Division of Academic Affairs
USM Goal: IIUSM Research and scholarship will position Maryland as a national leader in science and technology, the arts and humanities, and the professions; serve the public good by enhancing the quality of life of all Marylanders; and advance the state’s and the nation’s economic growth, sustainable development and international competitiveness.
UMES Goal: IDesign and implement academic programs that are responsive to the University’s mission with a continued commitment to sustained quality, relevance, and excellence to meet the challenges of a highly competitive workforce. [Addresses UMES SUB GOAL 1.2]
Objective #:1To reobtain reaccreditation for undergraduate and graduate programs in the Department of Education. (Dept. of Education).
(What specific Accountability report(s)* does this objective address?)
Overall Initiative
Lead Responsibility Secondary ResponsibilityPlanned StartPlanned FinishTotal Dollar Investment
DateDate Source:
K. VerbekeProfessional Education Unit faculty7/076/08$139,420
Step Description of StepNeededResponsibilityStartEndOther
1a.Submit annual dues to National$1,930K. Verbeke7/075/08
Council for Accreditation of
Teacher Education (NCATE).
1b.Rehire admin. asst. to work $34,518K. Verbeke7/075/08
on NCATE, particularly in
the areas of Field Experiences
and Professional Development
Schools. *
1c.Complete reports for the $19,872K. Verbeke5/22/076/30/07
specialized professional $23,328PEUC faculty7/1/078/15/07
associations (SPAs) for $19,8725/088/08
submission to NCATE.
1d.Align all assessments, syllabi,same $K. Verbeke7/078/31/07
and rubrics to standards of as 1cPEUC Faculty
professional associations and
Conceptual Framework and to
submit to Tk20.
1e.Prepare Institutional Report.same $K. Verbeke7/076/08
as 1cStandards
1f.Prepare electronic and paper$4,000K. Verbeke9/086/08
artifacts for Exhibits Room.PEUC Faculty
1g.Host a Mock Visit in preparation$6,000K. Verbeke5/076/07
for NCATE/MSDE ContinuingStandards
Visit. (2-3-person team)Coordinators
1h.Attend AACTE Annual Meeting$14,000K. Verbeke9/073/08
and NCATE InstitutionalStandards and
Orientation meetings.Program
1i.Update Counseling Rooms to $7,900K. Verbeke7/079/07
reflect state-of-the art Counseling
technology and appropriateFaculty
counseling environment as
required by CACREP and
1j.Involve PreK-12 faculty in $8,000K. Verbeke7/076/08
NCATE/MSDE accreditationP. Largay
activities and materialsW.E. Riggin
Objective #:2To offer a course in multicultural education. (Dept. of Education).
(What specific Accountability report(s)* does this objective address?)
Overall Initiative
Lead Responsibility Secondary ResponsibilityPlanned StartPlanned FinishTotal Dollar Investment
DateDate Source:
K. VerbekeDepartment of Education Faculty7/0712/07
Step Description of StepNeededResponsibilityStartEndOther
2a. Update and redesign theNoneK. Verbeke7/0712/07
Course, EDCI 408 – K. Poole
Multicultural Education.
2b.Offer course in Spring 2008.NoneK. Verbeke1/085/08
*Specific Accountability Report(s) for objectives include Managing for Results (MFR), Peer Performance Measures (PPM), Minority Achievement Report (MAR), Student Learning Outcomes Assessment Report (SLOAR), Dashboard Indicators (DI), Faculty Workload Report (FWR), Annual President’s Goals (APG)
(AY 2007-2008)
UMES Strategic Plan – Implementation Form - Part II
Description of Monitoring & Evaluation Measures
Objective 1a:Annual dues to NCATE are submitted.
Objective 1b:Position is approved and administrative assistant is rehired.
Objective 1c:Reports to the specialized professional associations (SPAs) will be submitted to NCATE.
Objective 1d:All courses in the undergraduate and graduate programs will have all syllabi, assessments, and rubrics aligned to all
standards and posted on Tk20.
Objective 1e:The Institutional Report is completed for editing.
Objective 1f:Artifacts are compiled and inventoried for the Electronic and Live Exhibit Room.
Objective 1g:Host a 3-person Mock Visit Team to provide feedback prior to NCATE/MSDE Continuing Review.
Objective 1h:Standards and Program Coordinators will represent UMES at the annual conference of AACTE and NCATE
Institutional Orientation meeting.
Objective 1i:Counseling rooms will be equipped with appropriate equipment to meet CACREP/NCATE standards.
Objective 1j:Selected PreK-12 faculty from UMES’ Professional Development Schools will work with UMES faculty
on NCATE/MSDE Continuing Accreditation Visit activities and materials preparation.
Objective 2a:The course EDCI 408 (Multicultural Education) will be revised and updated to reflect current research.
Objective 2b:The course EDCI 408 will be offered as a general education course in Spring 2008.
Description of Key Milestones for ActivityTarget Date
(Completion of Key Milestone)
Objective 1a:The Director of Teacher Education will submit the annual dues to NCATE.09/07
Objective 1b:The Vice President for Administrative Affairs will approve the administrative assistant7/07
and the position will be filled using appropriate Human Resources procedures.
Objective 1c:SPA reports will be submitted to NCATE.9/15/07
Objective 1d:Syllabi, assessments and rubrics for all courses in the professional education programs10/07
are posted on Tk20 and are available as well in hard copy.
Objective 1e:Institutional Report is completed for editing.(due 90 days before visit Oct. 25-29, 2008).8/31/08
Objective 1f:Inventory of artifacts is created and major artifacts are included.6/30/08
Objective 1g:Mock visit is conducted and summary report has been received.6/30/08
Objective 1h:UMES Professional Educators will attend AACTE and NCATE conferences/meetings.9/07 (NCATE)
3/08 (AACTE)
4/08 (NCATE)
Objective 1i:Updated equipment will be in place in the Counseling Suite.12/07
Objective 1j:PreK-12 faculty from UMES’ PDSs will participate in workshops and work sessions.6/08
Objective 2a:EDCI 408 syllabus will be revised and all activities, assessments and rubrics aligned.12/07
Objective 2b:EDCI 408 will be on the Spring 2008 course schedule and offered.1/08
Description of Key Performance Indicators Documentation (Data Required)
Objective 1a:Association dues submitted to NCATE.Receipt for dues.
Objective 1b:Approval from VP Administrative Affairs is received and appropriate HR proceduresWritten approval from the
are followed to hire the administrative assistant.VP Administrative Affairs
Objective 1c:SPA reports are submitted to NCATE.Confirming email/receipt
Objective 1d:All course materials are aligned and posted.Confirming report from Tk20/
Assessment Coordinator.
Objective 1e:Institutional Report completed and available for editing.Hard copies and electronic
version available.
Objective 1f:List of artifacts is completed.Hard copies and electronic
version available.
Objective 1g:Mock visit has been conducted.Summary feedback report.
Objective 1h:Conference/meeting attendance.Conference/meeting materials
and summary report.
Objective 1i:Equipment in place.Receipt for equipment.
Objective 1j:PreK-12 faculty contributions to NCATE/MSDE materials preparation.Workshop roster; completed
Objective 2a:Syllabus and materials created.Hard copies and posting on Tk20.
Objective 2b:Course offered in Spring 2008.Spring 2008 Course Schedule
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