Whitefish Bay Little League Speed Meeting

City Market on Silver Spring

January 16, 2013

Present: Otero, Wronski, Wasserman, Heller, Miller, Fleck, Anderson, O’Connor, Burroughs, Levy , Seaman Absent: Mort, Schaetzke, Weinke, Szumski

Miller motions for approval of December 2012 minutes; Wronski seconds

Fields Report:Miller reports that sewer laterals and gas line have been approved by the village. For utility purposes, the official address for Craig Counsell Park is 6123 N. Lydell.

Treasurers Report: Burroughs – Registration money coming in. League charter has been paid for. W9s will be filled out for field workers and for kids who make more than $600 this year. Taxes will be filed by the 15th.

Uniforms: Levy proposes uniforms for Challenger League players and t-shirts for Buddies.

Sponsorship & Lights: Otero – Sponsorship has had some response. Otero has met with Musco and the village. Hoping to get board approval to move forward on the 21st. Meeting will be arranged with neighbors in advance to solicit feedback. ARC second meeting in February. Musco requires 20% down with balance due upon installation. No Musco company financing is available as previously believed.

Website: Heller – Heller provided numbers current registration numbers compared to numbers for the same time last year as well as previous year final totals for a picture of anticipated registrations to still take place within the remaining days this month. In the next two weeks numbers are projected to pick up significantly.

2013 Year to Date2012end of Jan 2012

Pee Wees9184176




Snack Shack: Anderson – Wasserman and Anderson to visit snack shack to evaluate equipment and space. Third employee to assist Jonah and Matthew will receive training. Grill duty will not be required of board member on duty. Paid helper should manage grill. Wasserman mentioned that new board members should e-mail Szumski with shirt sizes for board member on duty shirts.

All Stars & Photos: Seaman – Saturday May 18th has been selected for photo day. January 3rd was All Stars meeting. Transparency in policy is key. Written procedures will be presented at April pre-season coaches meeting. Reminders will be sent again to coaches mid-season.

Coaching Update: Wasserman – Schaetzke needs 2-3 teams of coaches. Coaches meeting is Wednesday, February 6th at Burroughs house. Commissioners to attend.

Safety: Wasserman – Mandatory safety meeting will be set with one coach from each team required to attend.

Player Evaluations - Fleck indicated high school baseball kids still needed to assist. Miller will talk to high school coach.

Greg Loyda Day: Levy - Possible date Saturday, June 22nd. Clinic in am and celebrity game in pm with alumni to pitch home run derby. Other ideas: Raffle tickets sold for chance to be selected on celebrity teams. Celebrity fees vary.

Challenger Division: Levy – Quinn will captain Buddies. Levy will coordinate with Miracle League.

Charter info: Miller – Rule changes for 2013 include concussion information which must be distributed. All stars will have 12 person minimum. All players must be registered by April 1 to qualify.

Bat Safety Checks: Otero – Stickers will be applied to all bats to signify that they have passed inspection.

Otero motions to adjourn 8:04 pm

Next meeting is February 20th, Whitefish Bay Women’s Club.

Respectfully submitted February 17, 2013

Anne O’Connor

Whitefish Bay Little League Secretary