Current Event Portfolio

AP Gov

Mr. Hayman

Assignment: Choose, read, and write about a news article that relates to the assigned topic of the week

First, list all of the following information (you can do this on y

□  Assigned topic of the week (Example: “Congress” or “Bureaucracy”)

□  Article title and author

□  Article publication date (must be no earlier than two weeks prior)

□  Article source (Name the newspaper, magazine, or website URL)

o  Attach a copy of the article to your written work

Written Work:

Complete all of the following tasks for each article. Please label each piece in the following order:

□  Summary of article: Provide at least one well constructed paragraph that summarizes the article

□  Content Connection: Using specific examples, explain how this article relates to the topic of the week and the content we have studied in class. At least one well constructed paragraph

□  Reflection and Response: Discuss your own personal response to this article. Did you notice any bias on the part of the author? Do you agree with the point of view of the author? At least one well constructed paragraph.

□  Question: Ask at least one thoughtful question about the article.

□  Article: Highlight or underline the main ideas in the article itself

Other Requirements:

□  All work must be typed

□  This portfolio must be turned in as a bound assignment

□  Choose an article of appropriate length (at least 400 words is generally a good rule of thumb for minimum length)

You will turn in your portfolio twice during the semester


First Due Date (80 Points) Second Due Date (50 Points)

Weekly Topics (Dates mark the beginning of the week)

Ø  February 4—Congress

Ø  February 11 –Federal Court

Ø  February 18 – Presidency

Ø  February 25 – Bureaucracy

Ø  March 4 – Federal Budget

Ø  March 11 – Federal Taxes

Ø  March 18 – National Security Policy

Ø  March 25 – Political Parties

First Turn In

Ø  April 8 – Mass Media and Politics

Ø  April 15 – Public Opinion in Politics

Ø  April 22 – Interest Groups

Ø  April 29 – Civil Rights

Ø  May 20 – Civil Liberties

Final Turn In