Diversified Livelihood

Training on Baking/Bakery Products

February 13th -15th, 2009

At HID Hyderabad

Reported By

Human and Institutional Development (HID), Safwco

Sindh Agricultural & Forestry Workers Coordinating

Organization (Safwco)

Table of Context

1.  Back Ground…………………………………………………………………….3

2.  Introduction……………………………………………………………………...3

3.  Objectives………………………………………………………………………..3

4.  Methodology……………………………………………………………………..3

5.  Training Contents………………………………………………………………...3

5.1  Suitability of different wheat for production of wheat for bakery products.4

5.2  Process of wheat for production and types of milling…………………….4

5.3  Fermented and Sweet bakery production…………………………………5

5.4  Recipe and Methods of Biscuits preparation……………………………...5

5.5  Recipe of Rusk preparation……………………………………………………………………5

5.6  Recipes & Methods for plain cake & Decorated cake preparation……..5

5.7  Recipe of bread preparation…………………………………………………………………6

5.8  Recipe of Buns preparation………………………………………………………………….6

5.9  Recipe of Pizza preparation.…………………………………………….6

6.  Field Exposure Visits

7.  Training Evaluation……………………………………………………………….7

8.  Challenges Issues………………………………………………………………….7

9.  Suggestions………………………………………………………………………..8

10.  Closing Ceremony………………………………………………………………....8

11.  Annexure: 1……………………………………………………………………….9

12.  Annexure:2……………………………………………………………………….10

1 Back Ground

Developing human resources is prerequisite of sustainable developing. Safwco since its establishment has been instrumental to build capacity of local entrepreneurs, community members pertaining with different occupation and professions, NGOs and staff to produce quality work and to bring real change in rural and semi urban population of Sindh province of Pakistan.

Keeping in view the importance of capacity building development program and its role in socio-economic development HID sector of Safwco has been organizing series of capacity building events to improve skills and competencies of local entrepreneurs in maintaining and improving skill as they maximize their benefits and scale up their businesses.

2 Introduction

Three day training on Baking/Bakery Products was initiated by Human & Institutional Development Center for the members of male Community/Village Development Organizations of Thana Bulla Khan branch, Safwco on February 13th to 15th, 2009 at HID Hyderabad. In which 18 male participants from different groups participated.

Training was organized with focus to improve Skills among male entrepreneurs involved in Bakery product development as to bring economic prosperity. Mr. Noor Muhammed Miano Professor, food Technology Department Sindh Agriculture University, Tando Jjaam was the lead trainer.

3 Objectives

Following were objectives of training:

§  To aware the rural mosses for preparation bakery products

§  To motivate the interest of participants for developing the bakery units in their areas

§  To motivate the trainees for reliance for income generating for their survival.

4 Methodology

Training was completely participatory and based on interacting lectures, discussions, exercises, group presentations and visit of field for practically observation and learning. Participants were encouraged to actively participate and share their experiences and observations in training.

5 Training contents

·  Suitability of different wheat for production of wheat for bakery products

·  Process of wheat for production and types of milling

·  Fermented and Sweet bakery production

·  Recipe and Methods of Biscuits preparation

·  Recipes & Methods for biscuits preparation

·  Recipe of Rusk preparation

·  Recipes & Methods for plain cake & Decorated cake preparation

·  Recipe of bread preparation

·  Recipe of Buns preparation

·  Recipe of Pizza preparation

Training Proceedings

Training on DL Baking/Bakery Products was initiated by reciting holy Quran. One of the participants was asked to recite Quranic Verses. After reciting Quranic verses introduction of participants and resource persons was made to get familiarity for developing learning environment during the training event, than Miss Arbeela Program Officer HID Safwco shared Training Objectives with the participants and after that Mr. Ali Gul Khushik Manager HID briefed in detail to participants about Vision and Mission of Safwco and also Safwco’s purpose of Capacity Building (Human and Institutional Development). Before starting sessions formally, training norms were set with mutual agreement of participants to be followed.

5.1 Suitability of different wheat for production of wheat for bakery products

Trainer started session on suitability of different wheat for production of wheat flour for bakery products. He said in different countries has special importance to wheat, it is natural nitration, it has different types of vitamins, wheat has two main growing cycles, spring and winter. These cycles, along with the geographic region and soil content where it is planted, produce soft and hard wheat, or wheat with a high starch content or high gluten content, different harnesses and colors.

The amount of, gluten protein is what gives wheat flour its baking qualities. The harder the wheat, the higher the protein content in the flour. Soft, low protein wheat’s are used in cakes, pastries, cookies and crackers. Hard, high protein wheat’s are used in breads and quick breads.

5.2 Process of wheat for production and types of milling

Flour can be “white” (comprised of the endosperm), whole wheat (made by grinding the kernel or recombining the white flour, germ and bran that have been separate during milling), or germ flour, made from the endosperm and germ, excluding the bran. There are over 200 varieties of wheat produced in North America alone.

5.3 Fermented and Sweet bakery production

Flour can be good quality for bakery products it should be store in a store room which must be separate where no rush of people, safety from insects and also flour packed in good quality of boxes for securing any types of smell as such that type of protection for safety of bakery products material. The sweet bakery products like pizza, biscuits, plain cake, decorated cake, bread and many other bakery products.

5.4 Recipe and Methods of Biscuits preparation


In which flour 1 and half kg, sugar 1 kg, butter 1 kg & three eggs


In a bowl you took butter and sugar and mix them five to six minutes then took eggs and mix them in mixture of sugar and butter for teen minutes (if you want any flavor of fragrance you must took essence in very small quantity and mix it in same mixture which you made for biscuit. When it completely melts each other you give it shape of biscuit any type which you want then you bake it in an oven on 225 ◦C for twenty five minutes. After 25 minutes biscuit will be ready for serving.

5.5 Recipe of Rusk preparation


flour 1 and half kg, sugar 1 kg, butter 1 kg, twenty four eggs and baking powder fifty gram


Butter and sugar mix each other then mix eggs too after that flour and baking powder mix it, and then took a sharpener and through the help of a brush make oily to that sharpener and then mixture put in it (quantity of mixture should be 400 gram) then bake it on 225 .

5.6 Recipes & Methods for plain cake



flour 1 and half kg, sugar 1 kg, butter 1 kg, twenty four eggs and baking powder fifty gram


Butter and sugar mix through machine after that mix eggs in it and melt that mixture slowly gradually till that they become like cream after that flour and baking powder mix in it and again melt it through mixing machine after that took that material and put in a sharpener and bake it in oven for 30 minutes on 250 ◦C.

5.7 Recipe of bread preparation


Flour 1 and half kg, sugar 50 gram, khamir 10 gram, butter/oil 30 gram, water 350 M-litter, salt 10 gram


Sugar and water melt each other then khamir and flour mix in it after that leave it for 30 mints for mixing then again melt it and again leave it for 20 mints, take sharpener fill it with mixture and again leave it in side for 30 mints then back it in oven for 30 mints on 250 ◦C .

5.8 Recipe of Buns preparation

Trainer shared the recipe of buns to trainee in which same ingredient which used in bread but just little bit difference in preparation method of buns.

5.9 Recipe of Pizza preparation


Flour 1 kg, Egg 3, salt tea spoon, sugar 1 tea spoon, khamir 2 tea spoon, milk 3 M. litter


All ingredient mix each other then mix sugar and milk in it and melt it then that mixture leave in side for 45 mints after that again melt it and then same leave it in side for 15 mints, then take 250 gram melted material and put it in pizza palate (palate size 9 inches) material cover in palate like in chapatti shape then decorate it with tomato souse, green chili, tomatoes, and other vegetable which you like and chez then bake it in oven for 15 minutes on 250 ◦C. Then delicious pizza will be ready for eating.

6 Field/Visit of Bakeries

As baking is a practical vocation and there are many skills involved, therefore the field visits were planned during the last both days of the training. On the second day of the training the participants were taken to two different baking plants. Firstly they were led to Vita Bread Baking Company which is situated beside Phulleli Canal in Hyderabad. The baking plant of this company operates through a traditional Bathi instead of Gas run modern Ovens. The participants were guided by the management of the Vita Bread which was requested in advance and they had agreed to host the visit. Here participants were taught how this Bathi works; and were familiarized with different processes and steps through which a product passed. They were shown the production and different frames of Bread, Rusks, Buns, Cakes and biscuits.

After this, the team was led to the Dawn Bread Company which runs seven baking plants through out Pakistan, one of them in Hyderabad. The baking plant of the Dawn Bread operates through a modern oven system. The participants were shown how the same products were baked through a different system.

On the third and last of the training, the participants were to see the baking market in the Pathan Colony, Hyderabad-claiming to be one of the largest Baking Markets in Asia. The purpose to visit this market was twofold. Firstly, as the Pathan Colony is a Baking Hub of different household biscuit units with every household specializing in one product or the other, the purpose was sensitize and motivate the participant that it was no so difficult to venture into this vocation. We aimed at raising their morale and confidence.

Second purpose of visiting Pathan Colony was to introduce them with the supply side market of this business. They were acquainted with many suppliers and shopkeepers dealing in the tools, frames and machinery of baking. The raw material and ingredients suppliers were also there. So the participants had many things to see and learn here.

This done, the participants were taken to the Al-Mustafa Flour Mills in the Site area, Hyderabad. The participants were taught here the process of how the flour and Khamir was made from the wheat; and what was the difference between common flour and the flour used as an ingredient into making bakery products.

7 Training Evaluation

Training evaluation was conducted through developed questionnaire form to know understanding level of participant and training quality in the eyes of participants in terms of contents, facilitators and logistic arrangement.

8 Challenges and Issues

A discussion was opened regarding what could be the potential challenges and problems in their way to start an enterprise in the baking profession. Though they cited many issues there off, yet the most common issues and problems raised by them were:

a) Lack of capital

b) Scattered market for the baking products

c) A baking unit/Bathi.

9 Suggestions

In response to the issues and challenges pinpointed by the participants, Mr. Noor Muhammad Miano-the Resource Person , gave a suggestion that the instead of giving tool kits to all participants individually it was far better to establish a traditional Bathi at some central place identified by the participants themselves from the amount budgeted under the subhead of the tool kits. This would serve not only a common producing plant for all the participants but it would also be utilized a learning center where the newly trained entrepreneurs would sit together and share their skills and experiences. This would serve as a nursery for the entrepreneurs in the baking vocation.

10 Closing Ceremony

At the End of third day of training a simple closing ceremony organized by HID in which certificate distributed too. The certificate distribution started with the note of the manager-HID that this certificate was a reminder for every participant that he was given an opportunity to participate in this training event at the cost of another potential entrepreneur of the area. Therefore it was moral obligation of every participant to transform the skills learnt here into productive business/enterprise. They all vowed to make the maximum use of the acquired skills. During the closing ceremony some participants shared about the three day training event, they admired not only the learning atmosphere and expertise of the Resource person, but they also appreciated and admired the management and administrative steps taken by the HID team. They said every one was respected and was taken care of at the residence and as well as in the training hall. In the end of closing ceremony Mr. Ali Gul Khushik Manager HID paid vote of thanks to all but specially to Facilitator for his nice cooperation.