Town of Empire

P.O. Box 100 / 30 E. Park Ave.

Empire, CO 80438

Planning Commission

January25, 2012


Planning Commission members present:

Chairperson, Sue Hauser Rob Morris Brian Gilbert Sally Rush

Planning Commission members absent:

Mayor Koch Laura Combrink

Town Clerk:

Jennifer Cade


There was not anyone in the audience.

Chairperson, Sue Hauser called the meeting to order at 6:30 p.m.

Approval of November30, 2011 minutes


Street Addresses

Ms. Rush has been working on verifying street addresses in Empire since the summer of 2011. She has physically checked addresses and then compared those with what the Town of Empire has listed through the water/sewer lists. Ms. Rush and Mrs. Cade then went to the Clear Creek County Mapping Department and met with Kim Steele and Jan Patterson to cross reference Empire’s list with the county’s list. The group made a lot of notes where inconsistencies were discovered. After the meeting, Ms. Rush wrote a letter to Ms. Steele and Ms. Patterson stating that the Empire Planning Commission would be going over the inconsistencies and it will take some time for them to decide how they will handle things and that they will hear back, no time commitment was made.

Ms. Hauser reminded everyone that this project initially started for the sake of Emergency Services (EMT) purposes being able to find addresses with more ease. Ms. Rush has met with dispatch, because she was told that they could put notes in their computer system with special directions if an address is out of sequence. Dispatch told Ms. Rush to meet with the Mapping Department to make any changes that are needed, and then the Mapping Department will give the changes to Dispatch.

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There are a few scenarios where the resident does not want to change their address because it would involve changing the deed on the house, insurance, deliveries, etc. In those cases, directions for EMT could be given to Dispatch.

The Planning Commission went through the list (on file)and made the following decisions:

1. Koch and Hubner – leave as is because both houses are touching Mountain Ave.

- directions for EMT needed.

2. Change street sign – Public Alley to say Harrison Rd. also check and make sure other streets are labled.

3. 148 W. Park Ave. #11 - (Robert & Sheila Williamson, owners) This trailer actually sits on Guanella the SilverSpruceTrailer Park. The county will approach #11 to try and correct with assessor address. County will also provide this specific tax information & topographic map to Dispatch to make aware of special consideration.

History – Ms. Hauser stated John Voorhees previously owned all of the land where the SilverSpruceTrailer Park and VictorianVillage sits. He subdivided it in 1983 and sold half to Phil Fisher, which then became the VictorianVillage. New addresses were then assigned and that is probably when the error happened.

Empire will begin the process of correction. Ms. Rush will write a letter to Robert & Sheila Williamson and to the county, stating that this address must be changed to 203 S. Guanella St.

4. VictorianVillage – Unit designations are not clear in the Village. Empire will approach owner for clarification. Mr. Morris said he would speak to Mr. Fischer about getting the 4”numbers for the addresses and also about above #3 item.

5. 79 E. Park Ave - Randy Zwink

81 E. Park Ave – Cabins

83 E. Park Ave. –Gas Station

These need to be changed at the Empire level for water/sewer statements.

6. 33 E. Park Ave. – County needs to move the label on the map.

7. 244 E. Park Ave.- (Duane & Carol Lewis, owners) is listed with the county as 256 E. Park Ave. – Empire needs to change water/sewer statements, Mrs. Cade will contact owners to verify what address they use.

8. 208 E. Park Ave – is one parcel and includes the Lewis Sweet Shop and two apartments. Empire needs to contact Mr. Stitzer, owner, and request that unit #’s be put on the apartments and the Sweet Shop. Ms. Hauser will write a letter to Mr. Stitzer requesting him to label all unit numbers on properties (also on 5 E. Park Ave.)

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9. 53 & 63 N. Main St. – addresses are transposed, making them out of sequence. Empire (Ms. Hauser) will contact Danya Scott (owner) and ask if she will change address from 63 to 73.

10. 181 E. Park Ave. – is one parcel and includes the Dairy King, the house next door, and cabins behind with the shop are all one parcel. Empire needs to contact owner and request unit #’s be put on the structures. Ms. Hauser will write letter.

11. 203 S. Guanella St. – Char Voorhees’s SilverSpruceTrailerPark-County suggested putting a sign designating the Trailer Park.

In the February water/sewer statements, a note will be added requesting people to make sure the numbers for their addresses are at least 4” high and are visible for Emergency Service purposes.

Mrs. Combrink has missed four meetings. Ms. Hauser will talk to her about her position on the Planning Commission.




Chairperson, Sue Hauser

ATTEST: ______

Town Clerk, Jennifer Cade

January 25, 2012

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