IC3Practice Exam-Module 2

1.  What is normally the best first step to take when you encounter a problem with a computer application? ______

  1. Contact the help desk at your company
  2. Use the application’s Help system or documentation
  3. Ask co-workers who also use the application for assistance
  4. Call the telephone support number of the manufacturer

2.  Use the following command to display resources available on the Internet for Microsoft Office users.___

  1. About Microsoft Word
  2. Office on the Web
  3. Page Set-up
  4. Word Perfect Help

3.  How do you select a row WITHOUT using the mouse to click and drag? ___

  1. Click and Drag
  2. Page Set-up
  3. Format Paragraph
  4. Use the black arrow on the number

4.  How do you change the width of a selected column to 18 width WITHOUT using the mouse to click and drag the column header?___

  1. Select column, Format, Column width, 18, and ok
  2. Format paragraph, indents and spacing, change to 18
  3. Click and Drag column header to 18
  4. Help, about Microsoft Word

5.  In Excel how do you set the Print Area to be the currently selected cells? ___

  1. Select, Use the print icon on the toolbar
  2. Select, File, Print Area, Set Print Area
  3. Select, File Page Set-up
  4. Select, File Print

6.  How do you change the font of a selected chart title to the Font name “Century?” Choose two. __ __

  1. Select, type in Century
  2. Select, Drop down arrow of font on toolbar and choose Century
  3. Select, choose Format, font, change to Century
  4. Select, Format Paragraph, choose Century

7.  How do you save a document in the current directory folder? ___

  1. File, Save and it goes to current directory
  2. File, Page-Set up
  3. Paragraph, Format
  4. All of the above

8.  How do you place text into a three column table? ___

  1. Use the insert table icon on toolbar.
  2. Table Menu, insert table, type in number
  3. Table Menu, Draw Table, Draw
  4. All of the Above

9.  How do you create a new document using the template Contemporary Letter? ___

  1. File, Page Set-up, Layout, Contemporary
  2. Format, Themes
  3. File, New, Letters, Contemporary
  4. All of above

10.  How do you specify that a document will be in Portrait (vertical) rather than Landscape (horizontal) orientation? ___

  1. Format, paragraph
  2. File, New
  3. File, Page Set-up, Paper Size, Portrait
  4. Edit, Go to

11. A chart is a graphic representation of your worksheet data. Match the following Chart Types (HINT: Use pages 376 – 382 of your text for descriptions).

Area Chart ___ A. Compares sizes of portions – effective when one set of data

Bar Chart ___ B. Shows comparisons between whole and parts – more than one set

Column Chart ___ C. Shows trends in data at equal intervals

Doughnut Chart ___ D. Shows change over time

Line Chart ___ E. Helpful when making comparisons among individual items

Pie Chart ___ F. Shows change over time-makes comparisons among individual items

Scatter Chart ___ G. Illustrates scientific data

12.  With a single action, how do you insert Sum Functions into each of the selected cells? ___

a.  Insert, Functions, Sum

b.  Format, Columns

c.  Use auto sum button on toolbar

d.  View, Formula Bar

13.  How do you move the insertion point to page 5 of a document WITHOUT using the vertical scroll bar or the Page Down Key or arrow keys? ___

a.  Use the left side scroll and go to page 5

b.  Use the Edit Menu, Go To, Enter Page # 5

c.  Use the Edit, Select All

d.  Use the Page Down

14.  Define Superscript.

15.  How do you change text to superscript?

16.  How do you change the line spacing of selected text to 2 without using line spacing icon or Ctrl 2?

17.  In Excel how do you hide a selected column? ___

a.  Tools, Customize

b.  Views, Customize views

c.  Format, Column, Hide

d.  Data, Filter

18.  How do you create a New Blank Column in Excel?

19.  How do you specify that an entire worksheet will fit on a single printed page? ___

a.  Tools, Track Changes

b.  Format, Sheet

c.  Data, Filter

d.  File, Page Setup, Scaling, Fit to


20.  How do you create an outline border around selected cells NOT gridlines? ___

a.  Select cell, Format Cell, Border, Select Outline

b.  Select Cell, Choose Outside Border Icon on toolbar

c.  All of Above

d.  None of Above

21.  How do you change the width of a selected column to automatically fit the widest entry in the column? ___

a.  Select Column, Format, Sheet

b.  Select Column, Format, Column, Auto Fit

c.  Select Column, Format, Cell

d.  Select Column, Data, Validation

22.  How do you use the print dialog box to print five copies of pages 4-6 of a document? ___

a.  Click Printer Icon, ok

b.  Tools, On Line Collaboration, ok

c.  File, Print, Pages 4-6, ok

d.  None of the above

23.  Without using the keyboard, how do you insert the symbol © at the insertion point? ___

a.  Use the keyboard to make a C, then Circle

b.  Format, Cell

c.  Insert, picture, clip art

d.  Insert, Symbols, Special Characters, Insert ©

24.  How do you display a document located under the Help category by USING SHORTCUT KEYS? ___

a.  Shortcut Key is F1

b.  Shortcut Key is Ctrl, Alt, Delete

c.  Shortcut Key is Ctrl S

d.  None of the above

25.  How do you send a selected object behind a chart in Excel? ___

a.  Right Click on object, choose order, send to back

b.  Format, Sheet, Background

c.  Data, Filter

d.  All of the Above

26.  How do you automatically sort selected cells first in ascending order and then in descending order? ___

a.  Use the icon on toolbar

b.  Select, Format,

c.  Data, Sort,

d.  None of the above

27.  How do you start Excel using the desktop start menu – not an Icon?


28.  How do you change the margin of a document not using the ruler bar (list all steps)? ______

29.  How do you automatically arrange selected rows in Excel so that items in the first column will appear in alphabetical order? ___

a.  Select Cells, Format, Sort

b.  Select Cells, Data Sort, A-Z

c.  Select Cells, Tools, Customize

d.  Select Cells, View, Sort

30.  How do you change ‘bullets’ to ‘check-marks?

31.  In what drive do you save a workbook or document onto a floppy disk? ___

a.  File, Save As, Choose C, Type Name, Save

b.  File, Save As, Choose D, Type Name, Save

c.  File, Save As, Choose A, Type Name, Save

d.  None of the Above

32.  How do you display the “Forms” toolbar? ______

33.  How do you add a half point border line to the left of selected text?


34.  How do you add a new worksheet to the left of the current worksheet? ___

a.  Tools, Customize

b.  Format, Sheet, Hide

c.  Insert Menu, Worksheet

d.  Insert, Name, Design

35.  How do you indent selected paragraphs to two inches from the left margin?


36.  How do you italicize the text in selected cells? ______

37.  . How do you insert cells from the clipboard into a selected cell range?


38.  How do you Exit Word? ______

39.  How do you Format selected cells with a built-in Auto table format?


40.  How do you permanently remove selected cells form a workbook?


41.  How do you open a document located in the current directory WITHOUT using the icon?


42. How do you change a chart type? ______