Financials State of Kansas - FMS Page 1 of 5

GL Project CGL084

Item Overview:

The Project ID ChartField will be used to capture grant and project transactions. All grant and project transactions will be tracked in this ChartField to facilitate enterprise-wide reporting. This ChartField is designed to track grant and project financial activity, which can cross budget years, funds and departments. It is the gateway to the project costing module functionality.

Menu Path:

Set Up Financials/Supply Chain > Common Definitions > Design ChartFields > Define Values > ChartField Values > Project

Page Screenshots:

Component: PROJECT


Record Information:

Table Name / PS Table Name /

Table Purpose

Project Manager / PROJECT_MGR_FS / This table is used to assign a Project Manager to a particular Project.
ChartField Project Status / PROJECT_STAT_FS / This table is used to view the Project Status.
Projects Table / PROJECT / A project is a temporary endeavor undertaken to create a unique product, service or result. A program is a group of related projects managed in a coordinated way. Programs usually include an element of ongoing work. This table contains both projects and programs. A switch (SUMMARY_PRJ) is used to determine whether a project is a program or a detail project.


·  The State of Kansas will use the Project ID ChartField to capture grant and project transactions.

·  The Project ID will be initially designed and entered in the Project and Grants modules and flow through to the GL.

·  The Project_ID ChartField will be agency defined and controlled at the PC BU level.

Information Source:

·  The Module Team, Agencies and GL Team will assist in designing and setting up the Project_ID.

·  Converted Project_IDs will be entered into the system via Conversion. There is no single source for existing Project_IDs to be converted because that is not a data element captured in STARS. The information to be converted could come from multiple, disparate agency systems, spreadsheets, and databases. The Conversion Team will set up a standard spreadsheet template and ask agencies to populate it with their values closer to Go-Live.

·  New Project_IDs after the initial implementation will be entered into the system through on-line pages in the Projects and Grants Modules.

Data Entry Method:

_____ On-Line Pages

_____ Excel Spreadsheet

__X___ Conversion

Field Approach:

Field Name / Approach
BUSINESS_UNIT / Enter Business Unit for the related Project.
PROJECT_ID / Select ProjectID.
EFFDT / Use configuration default ’01-01-1901’ for the effective date.
PROJECT_STATUS / Select the project status. Values can be ‘Budgeted’, ‘Closed’, ‘Hold’, ‘Open’,’Proposed’
Field Name / Approach
BUSINESS_UNIT / Enter Business Unit for the related Project.
PROJECT_ID / Select ProjectID.
EFFDT / Use configuration default ’01-01-1901’ for the effective date.
PROJECT_MANAGER / Assign a Project Manager to the particular Project.
Record Name: PROJECT
Field Name / Approach
PROJECT_ID / Select ProjectID.
BUSINESS_UNIT / Enter the Project Costing Business Unit for the related Project.
DESCR / Give short description of the project
EFF_STATUS / Effective Status should be set to ACTIVE
INTEGRATION_TMPL / Select the Integration Template the Project is associated with
SUMMARY_PRJ / Select if the Project is a summary project. If not, system views the project as a detail project.
START_DT / Enter the Start Date of the Project.
END_DT / Enter the End Date of the Project.
SET_OVERRIDE / Select the set override.
PC_PRJ_DEF_CALC_MT / Indicate the Project calculation method: Duration, Start Date or End Date
PC_ACT_DEF_CALC_MT / Indicate the activity calculation method: Duration, Start Date or End Date
PC_CALC_METHOD / Indicate the Calculation method: Budget Amt, Duration, Forecast amt, forecast hours, Manual, Budget Hours
PC_SUM_METHOD / Indicate the summary method: None, Straight Line, Weighted
RETAIN_HISTORY / Indicator to determine how often history is retained: Daily, monthly, quarterly, weekly options

RTM Cross-Reference:

·  GL 046.000 System provides the ability for the Chart of Accounts to support project and grant accounting.

·  PR 001.010 Project Number (at least 12 characters in length)

·  PR 001.060 Project Begin Date

·  PR 001.070 Project End Date

·  PR 001.080 Effective Start Date (Phase or Task)

·  PR 001.090 Effective End Date (Phase or Task)

·  PR 001.100 Project Title

·  PR 001.170 Project Role (e.g., Project Manager, Supervisor) - Table driven with user-defined values

·  PR 001.180 Project Role Name

·  PR 001.270 Project Status (e.g., Open, Open for GL Entry, Closed) - Table driven with user-defined values


·  The State of Kansas will be able to define their Project IDs using an alpha-numeric combination.

·  Updates to Project_IDs are maintained by each Agency.

·  Each Agency will have their own Project Costing Business Unit and related Project_IDs that will flow through to the General Ledger.


·  None

Input Provided By:

Name / Title, Department
Christina Nowak / FMS Projects and Grants Team
Amy Kuck / FMS GL Team

Change Log:

Date / Author / Change Description
03/07/09 / Brett Bauer / Additional detail on Source and Approach.
2/4/09 / Christina Nowak / Initial Design

Note: The Template Change Log should be maintained in reverse chronological order. Hence, the most recent changes are on the top of the list.


Peer Review

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Configuration Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Accenture Configuration Lead

______Date: _____/_____/_____

State of Kansas Configuration Lead

Module Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

Team Leads

______Date: _____/_____/_____

______Date: _____/_____/_____

V:\FMS_Project\Shared\Finance Team\Design Phase\2 - Configuration\2 - Config Approach\1 - In Progress\GL\CGL084_Project.docx 5/12/20094:25:51 PM

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