NAME:Juliet Thondhlana

DATE OF BIRTH:2 March 1961

UK VISA STATUS: I have a United Kingdom Work Permit

NI NUMBER:SC 69 12 59 D

DRIVING LICENCEClean full UK driving licence

POSTAL ADDRESS:5 Dulwich Wood Park


SE19 1XQ

Telephone:020 8761 2832



A. Translation, Proofreading, Copy Editing and Rewriting

1. Institute of Linguists (UK) – English to Shona translation and assessment of

interpreters; Proofreading, Copy Editing and Rewriting for the Immigration and

Naturalisation Department.

2. English to Shona translation for Global Language Company

3. English to Shona translation of UK Social Welfare documents

4. English to Shona and vice versa translations; Proofreading, Copy Editing and

Rewriting for the African Languages Centre (UK)

5. English to Shona translation for East-West Concepts, Inc

B. Lecturing

University Teaching Experience

1. University of Florida – 1984 to 1986

2. University of Zimbabwe – 1986 to 2003

3. University of Portsmouth – June 2004 to October 2004

4. University of Surrey, Roehampton – February 2004 to June 2004

5. University of Central Lancashire – Summer 2003

6. University of Birmingham – Summer 1990

Courses Taught

1. Shona as a foreign and second language

2. English for academic purposes

3. Phonetics and Phonology

4. Structure of Modern English

5. Sociolinguistics

6. Business Communication

7. General Linguistics Theory

8. Field Linguistics

9. Materials Design and Evaluation

10. Contrastive and Error Analyses

11. Psycholinguistics

12. Dissertation Supervision and Examination

C. Administration

1.1998-2000Head of the Department of Linguistics, University of Zimbabwe,

2.1996-1997:Coordinator: M.A. in Applied English Linguistics, University

of Zimbabwe.

3. 1995-1996:Acting Head of Department, University of Zimbabwe.

4. 2001:Acting Deputy Dean of the Faculty of Arts, University of


5. 1999–2002:Residence Warden, University of Zimbabwe

6.2000-2002:Gender Studies Coordinator,University of Zimbabwe


  • Use of language laboratory equipment – audio and visual
  • Windows 2000 and XP, Microsoft Office Suite (Word, Power Point, Excel, Access, Publisher).
  • Computer-Assisted Language Learning


1990-1994:DPhil Applied Linguistics

University of Zimbabwe (sandwich with the University of Birmingham)

1987-1988:MA Language Studies

University of Lancaster

1984-1986:MA General Linguistics

University of Florida

1981-1983:BA General

University of Zimbabwe

Majors: English, French and Shona


1988:University teaching approaches, University of Zimbabwe (no certificate)

1993:Certificate in Intercultural Communication University of Goteborg, Sweden


  • Thondhlana, J. 2000. Contrastive Rhetoric in Shona and English Argumentative

Essays.Harare, University of Zimbabwe Publications.

  • Thondhlana, J. 1998. ‘A Critical Look at Garford’s ABABAB Approach to Argumentative Essay Writing’. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 10, Number 3, November 1998. PP.174-188.
  • Thondhlana, J. 2001. Book Review: Culture in Second Language Teaching and Learning. By E. Hinkle (ed). In English for Specific Purposes.
  • Thondhlana, J. 1998. ‘Redundancy: Unnecessary Repetition or Effective Rhetorical Strategy? A Cross-Cultural Dilemma’. In B.L. Hoffer and J.H. Koo (eds) Cross-Cultural Communication East and West in the 90s: Selected Papers From the 5th International Conference on Cross-Cultural Communication – Harbin, China, 1995. Institute for Cross-Cultural Research, TrinityUniversity. San Antonio. Pp. 136-139.
  • Thondhlana, J. 1999. ‘Integrating Language and Culture in Second Language Teaching – Some Examples from Shona’. Zimbabwe Journal of Educational Research. Volume 11, Number 2, July 1999. PP. 34-56.
  • Mparutsa, C., Thondhlana, J., Crawhall, N. 1992. ‘An Initial Investigation into Language Attitudes of Secondary School students in Zimbabwe’. In R.K. Herbert (ed) Language and Society in Africa. WitwatersrandUniversity Press. Cape Town. PP. 235-246.
  • Pongweni, A.J.C. and Thondhlana, J. (eds). 1990. The Role of Linguistics in Communication for Development – Proceedings of the Second Linguistics Association for SADCC Universities Conference.Harare, LASU.
  • Chiwome, E. and Thondhlana, J. 1992. ‘Sociolinguistics and education: A Survey Concerning Attitudes on the Teaching of Shona through the Media of Shona and English.' In R.K. Herbert (ed) Language and Society in Africa. WitwatersrandUniversity Press. Cape Town. PP. 247-263.
  • Thondhlana, J. ‘The Use of Indigenous Languages as Languages of Teaching and Learning’. In Burnaby (ed.). Seventh Annual Stabilizing Indigenous Languages Conference Proceedings. Northern ArizonaUniversity – Center for Excellence in Education.


  • Fulbright student fellowship - to do an MA in the United States of America (1984-1986)
  • British Council Scholarship - to do an MA in the United Kingdom (1987-1988)
  • Rank-Xerox/British Council Scholarship - to Study towards a DPhil (1990-1993) – Sandwich Programme between the University of Birmingham and the University of Zimbabwe.
  • African Gender Institute Associateship – to write a paper on Language and Gender (May 2001-August 2001)
  • Fulbright Senior African Scholar - to develop multi-media teaching materials (September 2002 to January 2003)


1. Rakhi Shah (Mrs), Client Liaison Executive

IoL Language Services Ltd (LSL)

Saxon House

48 Southwark Street



Tel: 020 7940 3140

Fax: 020 7940 3125


2. Richard Hitchcock (Senior Lecturer and EAP Coordinator)

School of Languages and Area Studies


King Henry 1 Street

Portsmouth Hampshire


Tel: +44 (0)23 9284 6080


3. John Cross, Senior UniversityEAP Tutor

School of Languages and Area Studies


King Henry 1 Street

Portsmouth Hampshire


Tel: +44 (0)23 9284 6080


4. Douglas Bell, Head of English Language Centre

The English Language Centre
Faculty of Social Science and Business
University of Plymouth
Tel: +44 (0)1752 233586

Fax: +44 (0)1752 233569

Email (direct contact):