OUtreach CoMMITTEE FOR MARCH 22, 2017
Those in attendance:
Curtis Pulford
Tim Colman
Seth Franzman
Lucas Murray
Stephanie Washington
Talia Apkaw
Cheryl Thurman
Introductions were made. A quorum was established. The meeting was called to order at 1:03 pm.
- Introductions
Lucas Murray from DES was introduced to the committee as our newest member. Lucas has already made a big impact with his research related to Newsletters, and his participation in the committee is much appreciated.
- AGIC Website Updates and Maintenance (brief)
No changes or updates have been made to the website at this time. Committee members are encouraged to look for fresh News ideas or stories to add for next month.
- Update on GIS Spotlight
Curtis reported on the AGIC Council meeting. He announced that we will be inviting Board members to participate in the GIS Spotlight interviews. Curtis noted that it was well received by the Board, and he will send out the notice soon containing the interview web form.
Curtis further noted that his spotlight is done, and Chris Blacks’ is ready as well.
ACTION: Curtis send out GIS Spotlight to Board members. Post the Chris Black and Curtis’ Interviews to the AGIC webpage.
- Monthly Topics of Discussion
Curtis is trying to get a room for the May 15-16 User Group mtg in Phoenix. Esri is thinking two 4/hr sessions – morning/afternoon, targeting online applications for one session.
ACTION: Curtis will add to the AGIC-L blast when Esrimtgdetails are settled. Also include in blast some verbiage about contributing to AZGEO open data – currently have 750 datasets. We also need to add applications to the list of wanted contributions to AZGEO.
ACTION: Tim to add date for Northern Arizona User Group/EsriMtg in Sedona to the calendar
- Old Topics of Discussion
- K-12 Education support and GeoMentoring program
Curtis reported that we have not received many updates from Esri. We have the prize money amounts confirmed, but no contestants!
The committee discussed that we need submittals and how to reach out to the K-12 sphere. Stephanie volunteered to push out information from DOE. The Geographic Alliance folks at ASU have been spreading the word, but we need further coordination.
Stephanie sent out a general email with the link a couple months back. She will personally reach out to her contacts with the information.
ACTION: Stephanie – send out email to contacts
ACTION: Curtis to get flyer from Charlie on K-12 program and send out to all the committee to further distribute. Curtis will talk to the Geo Alliance folks to see if we can get them more involved.
- AGIC Conference Display
The committee discussed that we have immediate needs where the display could be useful and we should pursue getting this done as soon as possible, even if it is with simple or existing logos. All agreed that we should stick with the three panel set-up, but design it so that one or two of the panels could be used alone.
Cheryl shared some of the branding issues discussed last fall for the new members. It was determined that we would review the logo work that Jenna did last fall and go from there.
ACTION: Cheryl to send out link Google Drive with logo and display designs
AGIC tri-fold update:
Curtis had made some great comments on the tri-fold document. Cheryl asked for more input from the committee – if they had any further changes that they would like to propose. Committee members will review Curtis’ comments, the existing pdf for new members, and Cheryl will update accordingly.
ACTION: Cheryl send out current pdf & Curtis’ comments; CT to update content
ACTION: Committee members to review Curtis’ comments and existing pdf – providing further input or improvement.
- New Topics of Discussion
- Newsletter/Blog development (Report from subcommittee – Carrie, Lucas, Jenna, Curtis, Cheryl)
Research conducted by the subcommittee members on the use of Newsletter found similar results – that Newsletter are simply not used any longer to communicate with stakeholders or communities.
Talia suggested that we should focus on social media outreach. It was determined that Outreach will use 3 primary social media platforms: Twitter, Facebook and LinkedIn
Talia is going to look into whether there is a way if we make updates to one platform, it will update the others. Talia will coordinate with Tim on access – i.e. logins
ACTION: Talia – research multi-update functionality for Twitter, Facebook and LinkIn
ACTION: Tim – coordinate with Talia on social media sites and access
On the subject of Blogs, Patrick noted that people would probably find Facebook more useful than a Blog. Lucas pointed out we can still rely on AGIC-L to get out information, and also post a summary of updates on Facebook/Twitter/LinkedIn.
It was suggested that we put out a survey on AGIC-L to ask about what social media platforms people would like to see most – Twitter vs. Facebook vs. LinkedIn
This should help us focus our energy on those that will reach the most people.
ACTION: – Patrick???create quick survey and post to AGIC-L.
It was also noted by Stephanie that when she search Facebook for AGIC, it had to be all spelled out – which would take forever on a mobile device. We need to try to shorten our Facebook profile name if possible.
ACTION: Tim – update Facebook and take off 2016 Symposium; try to shorten FB profile name if possible
Once Talia reports back if we can update multiple platforms at once, we will ask for Outreach committee members with social media expertise to volunteer to assist with updating and posting.
Call to the public was made.
Meeting was adjourned at 2:15 pm