Nusach Hatefillah : Shabbat
JMI/ EAJL Seven-Week Course on Jewish modes of prayer
presented by
Chazan Jaclyn Chernett
M Phil City University London; Associate. London College of Music and cantorial ordination from the Academy for Jewish Religion New York.
23 January – 5 March 2008
3.30 – 5.00pm Wednesdays
Leo Baeck College, The Sternberg Centre, 80 East End Road London N3 2SY
Nusach Hatefillah is the DNA of Jewish prayer services. It is based on ancient musical modes (types of scale) and each service has its own special modes and musical phrases within those modes. With the scarcity of professionally trained Chazanim we are in danger of losing these precious traditions which are so much part of our culture. The responsibility lies with all of us, whether rabbi, cantor, lay prayer leader or any of those involved with synagogue worship of whatever denomination to preserve and maintain the tradition while seeking new musical expressions.
The course of seven sessions will cover the following:
· An overview of the Jewish modes
· Kabbalat Shabbat
· Ma'ariv l'Shabbat
· P'sukei d'Zimra
· Shacharit l'Shabbat
· Torah and Musaf l'Shabbat
· Mincha l’Shabbat and Summary
Hebrew fluency in Siddur is required and ability to read a simple music manuscript (treble clef only) will be helpful. Students are advised to bring a recording device, which will particularly help those who do not read music. Students should bring their own Siddur.
Fees: Course of 7 sessions to be paid in advance: £90 (Students £55)
Some scholarships will be available. Register online at
Should you need to miss a week, please arrange with someone in the class to copy a recording for you.
More details from Course Administrator, Monique Mayer 07894 981423
This course is run in association with Leo Baeck College.
JMI/EAJL courses and seminars can be arranged in association with any interested organisation. Contact the Jewish Music Institute on +44 (0)20 8909 2445 or e-mail or . For one-to-one tuition and mentoring from the European Academy for Jewish Liturgy contact
A JMI summer programme of synagogue music focused on the High Holidays for Progressive and Liberal synagogues led by Cantor Josée Wolff of New York will be held at Leo Baeck College from Monday 16 to Friday 20 June 2008. Details from JMI as above.