JULY 14, 2008


7:00 P.M.


The Yantis Board of Trustees met in a regular session in the Yantis Cafeteria on July 14, 2008 with the following members present: Shannon Young – President, Mike Kenney – Vice President, Ron McKinney – Secretary, Bo West, Jason Burchfield and Dwayne Attaway. Boyd McCreight was absent.

Others present at the meeting were: Michael Barnett – Superintendent, Lisa Burchfield - Business Manager, Truman Oakley – High School Principal, Kristi Beech, Wilbur Calloway, Kim Bowles, Jack Bowles, Jonathan Pollard, Phillip Poarch, and Susan Blalock.

President Shannon Young called the meeting to order at 7:00 p.m.

Invocation was by Michael Barnett.

Pledge of Allegiance was led by Jason Burchfield.

President’s Comments

Shannon Young welcomed Mr. Barnett to his first official board meeting as superintendent and noted that the agenda would be taken out of order to allow for new employees being hired to leave the meeting early.

Public Comments



Mike Kenney moved to accept the resignations of Angela Brown, Laura Jordan, Rebecca Briant, Kim Lobin, and Larry Tucker. Bo West seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

Executive Session

The board adjourned to executive session at 7:05 p.m. and reconvened at 7:20 p.m.

Action on Executive Session Items

Ron McKinney moved to employ Jonathan Pollard on a one year probationary contract for the 2008-2009 school year as the technology director; Cherry Krantz on a one year probationary contract for the 2008-2009 school year as the high school special education teacher; Susan Blalock on a one year probationary contract for the 2008-2009 school year as the school counselor; Kimberly Bowles on a one year probationary contract for the 2008-2009 school year as 6th, 7th, 8th grade math teacher; Jack Bowles on a one year probationary contract for the 2008-2009 school year as athletic director. Bo West seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 5-0-1 Dwayne Attaway abstained.

Consent Agenda

Mike Kenney moved to accept the minutes from the previous board meetings held on June 9, 2008 and June 16, 2008, as well as the monthly bills as presented. Dwayne Attaway seconded the motion. There was discussion among board members concerning bills and spending limits.

Motion Carried 6-0-0.

Financial Report

Lisa Burchfield presented the financial report to the board.

Superintendent Report

Mr. Barnett notified the board that the middle school building project had been completed $44,000.00 under budget. He also thanked Johnny McLane and for their assistance in clearing the recently purchased lot. He updated them on current personnel needs as being one open ag position and one open middle school English/Language Arts position. He informed the board that we are currently on a fact finding mission concerning custodial services as the Faulk Company had announced their decision to break their contract with Yantis ISD. Mr. Barnett notified the board that we are preparing to send all of our approved substitute teachers for training at Region VII. He talked with them as well about transfer students and the possibility of placing an ad in local papers for the acceptance of transfer students. Finally he notified the board that the budget process has begun and shortly there will be budget workshops.

Update 83

Bo West moved to adopt update TASB update 83 pertaining to board policy as presented. Dwayne Attaway seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

Fuel Bids

Mr. Barnett presented two bids for fuel for the 2008-2009 school year. Both were floating bids with Duko Oil being a bit cheaper. Therefore Mr. Barnett made recommendation to the board that they accept the bid from Duko. Bo West moved to accept the bid from Duko Oil Company for fuel services for the 2008-2009 school year. Shannon Young seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

2008-2009 Transfer Students

Ron McKinney moved to accept the recommendations of the principals for transfer students for the 2008-2009 school year. Shannon Young seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

Substitute Teacher List

Shannon Young moved to accept the substitute teacher list for the 2008-2009 school year as presented. The list includes two certified teachers, Leslie Mills and Shana Steiber as well as the following non-certified persons: Sondra Cochran, Jeanetta Watson, Myra Crist, Debbie Pool, Jimmie McIntire, Danilee Ogle, Sabrina Anderson, Tammy Ayala, Connie Mize, Travis Caviness, Tina Crist, Wendy Gibson, Marla Goodwin, Taylor Barnes, and Christine Nielson. Dwayne Attaway seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

Faulk Contract

Ron McKinney moved to have Mr. Barnett draft a letter to the Faulk Company accepting their decision to withdraw from YISD. Bo West seconded the motion.

Motion Carried 6-0-0

Budget Amendments


2008-2009 Student Handbook

Ron McKinney will meet with Mr. Oakley and Mr. Barnett concerning some recommendations for changes to the draft Handbook.

Items for Future Agendas

1.  Budget Workshops

2.  Student Handbook

3.  Substitute Pay


Bo West moved to adjourn the meeting. Shannon Young seconded.

Motion Carried 6-0-0. Meeting adjourned at 8:25 p.m.


Shannon Young, President Ron McKinney, Secretary

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