Minutes of Shawlands Academy PTC Meeting
- Present:Kevin Kane (Chair), Tom Prentice (Treasurer), Kathy Nicholson, Diane Webster, Lorna Durie, Muhammad Shafique, , John Donnelly, Kath Dransart, Susan Haynes, Julie McKenzie, David Wylie, Mark Symon and Marjorie Phillips, Ann Grant (Head Teacher & Advisor to the PTC).
Apologies: Fiona Crawford, Cherif Merrouche (Vice Chair), Tahir Mohammed, Lesley Turin and Susan Lawson (Secretary).
- Minutes of meeting 16January2012:correction to list of those present. Minutes were then accepted.
- Matters arising from minutes
- Cheques have been sent to the Duke of Edinburgh group (£600) and the Gymnastics Club (£370);
- Amey to hopefully attend next meeting. ACTION:Ann to confirm.
- Finance
As reported above, cheques totaling £970 have been paid out. This leaves a balance of £2,168.15 in the PTC account.
- Correspondence
None received.
- Sub-groups progress
Sports sub-group: Diane has been in touch withSandra Leitch (new Head of PE) to arrange a suitable time to meet with the group. Mrs Grant emphasised her desire for more emphasis on competitive sports and her ambition for an all-weather football / rugby pitch for our young people.
School Website / Communications sub-group: yet to meet (to include Mr McGrory who has responsibility for the school’s website)
PTC Funding sub-group: yet to meet
Toilet Provision: whole PTC issue
Kevin noted each group should include a relevant staff member to help the group identify how parents/PTC could help take the issue forward.
- Head Teacher’s Report
- The S5 Prelims went well; once again, good feedback from invigilators.
- Study Skills Evening for S3 parents was not as well attended as previous events have been, but still a successful evening.
- Procurator Fiscal public speaking competition; theAcademy entered a S3 team, won their heat and will progressthrough to the next round.
- Rugby Team success: The school’s rugby team won the U16 West of Scotland Bowl and will now play Hawick in the Scottish Bowl. It is also through to the final of the Emerging Rugby Schools Tournament.
- Shawlands Academy 3rd Green Flag: Shawlands has been awarded its 3rd Green Flag reflecting the school’s excellence in eco-issues.
- Two new Principal Teachers (Pastoral Care): Scott Alexander and Rhona Smith are in post and were welcomed to the school.
- Shawlands Mela Update
- 10,000 leaflets (+A4 posters) ready; Tahir to distribute to Asian businesses;
- All feeder Primaries / Nurseries agreed to distribute leaflets to their pupils;
- Committee members agreed to distribute leaflets/posters in their area;
- Ann has arranged for event to be publicised on AwazFM;
- Susan L. has created Facebook Event– please encourage kids to pass it on! (see
- Details of event (incl. flyer) to be placed on school website
- Kevin to ask PR contact to draft Press Release (and press targets)
- Susan Hayes distributed Event excel file listing known stall holders, contact details etc.
- More stallholders are needed: Tahir is working on this;
- David Wylie offered to draw up a stage rota for the entertainment, and oversee this on the day at the Main Stage;
- Hand stamps will be used on entry to the event, with ‘bracelets’ provided for stallholders
- John to prepare scale drawing of Assembly Hall and Social area to check how many stalls we can fit in. Ann/Mark to provide scale plans of school.
- Diane has contacted local businesses for donations for the raffle. Any committee members / friends who wish to donate, please contact her.
- Susan H. reported spend of c. £250 (£155 – leaflets; £50 – posters; £50 – artwork). This was agreed, Treasurer to reimburse on invoices.
- Tom was keen that there was clarity on handling income from stallholders;
- Susan was keen that all stallholder, contact information and income was “marked up” on the Event Excel.
- Stallholders to send cheques to the school office, marked ’For the attention of the PTC’; Ann to organise this with office staff; Tom will collect and bank them when notified by the school office.
Given the importance of the Mela event, it was agreed that there be a special PTC Mela meeting where all (esp. Tahir) were able to attend. Agreed the PTC would meeton Monday 5th March to discuss progress (CONFIRMED).
Ann noted she had received an email, from Maureen McKenna, informing her that Shawlands will be used as a Polling Station on 3rd May. Ann will request that polling take place in the Maths block, to enable the school to remain open to pupils. The PTC was keen that the school remained open.
- Date of next meeting
Monday 5th March, at 7pm, in the new meeting room. This will be a meeting of the full committee to discuss arrangements for the Mela including:
- Event update (stalls, attractions, performers etc.)
- Communications / publicity
- Budget (incl. current and forecast income);
- Staff plans / rota