AE 444

  1. Toolbars
  2. View
  3. 3d orbit
  4. UCS
  5. Solids editing
  6. view_
  7. viewport_ object
  8. display_ UCS_ on_ origin
  9. viewport_ 2 viewports_ vertical
  10. named_ ortho& iso_ (uncheck) restore ortho UCS w/ view
  11. view_ 3d view_ plan view_ current UCS
  12. view_ 3d view_ viewport presets
  13. view_ 3d view_ viewport (old type of 3d orbit)
  14. camera view is on the tool bar
  1. Commands
  2. list
  3. Elev (change elevation and thickness)
  4. thickness
  5. draw_ boundary
  6. pedit
  7. plineàspline
  8. splframe<0>
  9. divide_ (pick)_ # of segments
  10. format_ pointstyle
  11. ruled surface
  12. surftab1_ number of units in n dir
  13. serftab2_ number of units in m dir
  14. object revolve surface on the surface tool bar
  15. delobj<1>
  16. subtract
  17. draw_ boundry_ region
  18. extrude (extrudes in the Z-direction)
  19. .xy (filter, picks xy of that point) then pick the z coord.
  20. 3d orbit_ right click_ more_ right clipping plane
  21. 3d orbit_ right click_ more_ adjust clipping planes
  22. 3d orbit_ projection_ perspective
  23. Text_ explode text
  24. Ucsfollow_ (1) ucs changes view
  25. Camera on the view toolbar
  26. Solids editing_ color faces
  27. VIZ modeler (create tab):
  28. Shortcuts
  29. Ctrl+r is rotate
  30. f3 wireframe
  31. f4 shaded wireframe
  32. l=left view
  33. t=top view
  34. r=right view, etc
  35. sides =need at least 36 to get smooth surface
  36. bend
  37. set angle and verify number of height segments of cylinder
  38. light next to item doesn’t show modified effects but they are still there
  39. twist
  40. set angle (can be greater than 360 degrees)
  41. FFD 4x4x4
  42. Expand + and click on control points
  43. scale
  44. proportionally
  45. in one direction only
  46. with const vol
  47. copying
  48. hold shift and slide object to make the copy
  49. or clone (in the same place)
  50. align_ pick first and then 2nd object
  51. compound objects_ loft
  52. pathdeform_ pick path line
  53. Animation
  54. time configuration~ 20 fps
  55. create spline (shapes-line)
  56. put spline at face level
  57. target camera
  58. change to perspective view
  59. select camera
  60. animation
  61. constrain camera~ path
  62. pick a shape (spine)
  63. work on the C-drive
  64. set active time to 0-599
  65. set as 320x240
  66. render output~ files
  67. format~ jpg
  68. save on c drive
  69. defaults on quality
  70. rendering ~ ram player
  71. open~ locate file folder and pick first file
  72. setup – open
  73. everyone
  74. keep defaults
  75. save channel A
  76. save as avi file type
  77. save as mov file
  78. set as 24 fps and use defaults
  1. VIZ:
  2. Right click on name_ views_ (pick new view)
  3. Click on camera_ right click_ move (if pick on y axis, only moves in the y axis)
  4. Right click on 3 magnet_ snap settings
  5. Create_ geometry_ doors_ (1st click does 2 points, (release is 2nd))
  6. Modfy_ 90degrees open
  7. Create_ camera_ target
  8. clock in lower right_ custom_ 20
  9. animation
  10. set the time to 300
  11. autokey in bottom right
  12. set motion at certain time
  13. placing the sun
  14. create_ system_ daylight_
  15. first click picks start, unclick sets compass rose, and then pick sun location
  16. modify_setup
  17. Placing terrain
  18. create shapes_ line
  19. right click to change viewport with selection to change elevation
  20. create geometry_ compound objects
  21. create trees
  22. create geometry_ aec extended
  23. foliage
  24. render dialog box
  25. advanced lighting_ setup
  26. common
  27. animation_ position controller_ path constraint
  28. click on camera_ motion_ follow
  29. background
  30. render_environment_none_ material lib_open
  31. view_viewport background
  32. material
  33. rendering_mat editor (4 balls in top right)
  34. _get material
  35. mapping
  36. select_modify_uvw mapping
  37. unclick real world map size (orange line is the top)
  38. click at the top the + next to uvw and pick on gizmo
  39. aquire_ absolute
  40. Hold
  41. saves state of model at that time
  42. Lighting in VIZ
  43. Environment and Effects menu\
  44. Create menu – Last option: Systems: Add Daylight
  45. Click and drag compass
  46. Move sun away from building
  47. Choose location and date/time on right side of screen
  48. Render Dialog menu
  49. Logarithmic Exposure Control – after adding Daylight
  50. Render Dialog Menu – Advanced Lighting – turn Radiosity on, click Active box
  51. Change Initial Quality to 80%
  52. Start calculations
  53. Click on Setup under Radiosity Processing Parameters
  54. Lower Brightness to 20% in the popup menu
  55. Adjust reflectance
  56. Material Properties
  57. Highlight the Wall Material
  58. Under Shader Basic Parameters, change to Blinn
  59. Under “Blinn Basic Parameters”:
  60. Click on Diffuse box and change the Value with the slider to 155 (notice reflectance has been lowered to 61% because of this)
  61. See Guidelines on Angel
  62. Do the same for Stone Tiles, change Shader Basic Parameters to Anisotropic (lower that Diffuse value to 60)
  63. Change Saturation to 150
  64. Now you have to reset the Radiosity
  65. Render Scene Dialog Toggle
  66. Advanced Lighting/Radiosity
  67. Click “Update and Start” and wait for it to finish
  68. Render when it’s finished calculating
  69. Layer Manager – turn the radiosity off of the grass
  70. Dot = ditto (whatever’s the layer setting is)
  71. Find Terrain or Ground layer and make sure that Radiosity and turn it off (click until it becomes a dash)
  72. Do the same with Mullion, Stair, Tree layers (may be more than one) if available
  73. Turn Meshing on
  74. Render Scene Dialog Toggle
  75. Advanced Lighting/ Radiosity
  76. Radiosity Meshing Parameters
  77. Click “Enable” for Global Subdivision Settings
  78. Set max mesh size to 3 ft
  79. Set back initial quality to 65%
  80. Go back and “Update & Start” radiosity
  1. Thickness
  2. Advantage
  3. Easily changed
  4. Disadvantage
  5. Can’t go on angle
  6. can’t put holes in thickness
  7. Can’t hide junction lines
  8. Must watch out for normal’s direction
  9. 3d faces
  10. Advantage
  11. Hidden edges
  12. Triangles (3 or 4 points)
  13. Out of plane faces
  14. disadvantage
  15. can’t put hole in faces
  16. can’t do curves
  17. Region
  18. Advantage
  19. Can put hole in it (subtract)
  20. Curved edges
  21. Can pick in any order
  22. Disadvantage
  23. Only in 1 plane
  24. Can’t self intersect
  25. solid
  26. advantage
  27. if you explode a solid you get regions oriented with normals in correct direction
  28. can cut holes in it, or even make dents into object
  29. can subtract from solids
  30. disadvantage
  31. you must pick a closed pline
  32. can’t pick splines (to create solid with spline, create region and then extrude)
  33. same solid has all the same properties (ie. Walls are all the same color in viz)
  34. can make different colors in autocad (solids editing_ color faces)
  35. must be exactly lined up or you will have a film over the opening


Turn layers except for furniture off

Make sure furniture layer is Current

Create – Light Icon

Use Photometric from Pulldown

Free Point Button

Should be Isotropic Distribution

Under color, pick up Halogen Lamp

Choose lumens – set to 1400 lm

Make sure multiplier is turned off

Inserting the light – try to center it into your light fixture by zooming in and placing it as best you can

Check your elevation too – make sure it’s above your reflector

Notes recommended about 16’10” in z-direction


With Move command activated, hold shift and drag your light over

Once you release mouse, clone options screen comes up

Choose Instance (kinda like a block – change one, change them all)

If you have trouble selecting light, use Select by List option

Changing from Halogen to Incandescent

Hold shift and move again, but choose Copy under Clone options

Now modify this new light fixture under Modify menu

Change color from Halogen to Incandescent

Intensity – change to 1750 lmns

Clone (hold shift and drag/move) – Instance to add more of them to other fixtures

Turn back all layers on

Rendering menu – Enviro

Make sure Ambient light is off (black)

Uncheck box for Process Background

Keep Logarithmic Exposure Control on

Set Brightness to 60

Rendering menu – Render

Click Adv Lighting tab

Make sure Radiosity Meshing Parameters is enabled

Click start under Radiosity Processing Parameters to run calcs

Click Setup under Interactive once calcs are done, increase brightness to 80 or 90 or 100

Use Select by List Command to select FPoint1 (first halogen light inserted)

Under Modify menu, change Shadow Map pulldown to “Ray Traced Shadows”

Do the same thing for the first Incandescent and change to “Area Shadows”

Then go below to the Area Shadows menu

Change Basic Options to Sphere Light

Change Height and Width to 2” each

Since you made these changes, go to Render/Render menu, under Adv Lighting

Click Reset under Radiosity Processing Parameters and click Start to run calcs again

Render the correct viewport (this one takes longer)

Under Radiosity Processing Parameters – Increase Initial Quality to 80%

Under Radiosity Meshing Parameters – Change max mesh size to 12 in

Under Rendering Parameters – Click Regather Indirect Illumination