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Budget Committee Motions for TNC Board Meeting

March 18, 2015

Item 8. "Resolved that based on the recommendation of the Tarzana NC Budget Committee the Tarzana NC file a Community Impact Statement ("CIS") supporting the recommendations in the 2015-2016 White Paper that was delivered to the Mayor and Councilmember's by the Neighborhood Council Budget Advocates; Council File 15-0600."


On March 2, 2015 the Budget Advocates met with Mayor Garcetti and Deputy Mayor Cole and presented them with the White Paper relating to the Budget Advocates meeting with LA City Department Heads and reviews of their requirements to operate their departments efficiently and effectively. Subsequently the White Paper was distributed to each Councilperson. The White Paper contained recommendations from the Budget Advocates. The Budget Advocates request that each NC submit a Community Impact Statement (CIS) supporting the recommendations contained in the White Paper. The White Paper can be found at the following link on the Budget Advocates web site;

The actual recommendations and summary report (7 pages) can be found at:

The detailed reports of the interviews with the Department General Managers and/or their staff and each departmental recommendation can be found at:


Item 9. . "Resolved that based on the recommendation of the Tarzana NC Budget Committee the Tarzana NC approve an increase in the budget for Outreach/Earth Day Event by an amount not to exceed $250 for the rental of a "Bouncy/Jumper" that includes a Certificate of Insurance naming the City of Los Angeles as an "Additional Insured", thus increasing the Earth Day Budget to $3,370; funds to come from Unallocated; and provided the Certificate of Insurance is provided to the Tarzana NC prior to the event along with a firm price quote."


The Chairperson of the Outreach Committee wants to spend NTE $250 to rent a bouncy for the Earth Day Event. Last year the was donated through the Chamber. This year the Chamber cannot get that donation.

The latest verbal quote received from the Outreach Committee Chairperson at the time of the Budget Committee meeting is $229, including the insurance.

Item 10. . "Resolved that based on the recommendation of the Tarzana NC Budget Committee the Tarzana NC approves the request from the Animal Welfare Committee to consider support for the West Valley Animal Shelter located in Chatsworth whose responsibility includes Tarzana."


Jeff Mausner the Chairperson of our Animal Welfare Committee has request that the Budget Committee consider if we would support (with funding) the West Valley Animal Shelter located in Chatsworth that services Tarzana. Jeff will be making a presentation.

From: Jeffrey Mausner [mailto:
Sent: Monday, March 09, 2015 3:21 PM
To: 'Harvey Goldberg'
Cc: Leonard Shaffer
Subject: RE: Tarzana NC Budget Committee Meeting

Harvey, the main thing the Animal Welfare Committee might propose in upcoming budgets will be things that are needed by the West Valley Animal Shelter, which is the Shelter that covers Tarzana. I have discussed that with Len. The issue is that the Shelter that is responsible for Tarzana is located in Chatsworth. So before we propose anything specific, I think we should discuss whether the TNC wants to fund anything for the West Valley Shelter. If that's OK with Len, I would propose that that general question be on the agenda. Thanks. Jeff.