AGA Topeka Chapter
Minutes of Chapter Executive Committee
November2, 2006
The meeting was called to order by President Brandi Baer at 5:45 p.m. Chapter Executive Committee (CEC) members in attendance were: Brandi Baer, Nickie Roberts, Scott Alisoglu, Walt Darling, Mary Beth Green, and Debbie White.
Scott moved to approve the minutes of the October 7, 2006 meeting as presented. Nickie seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Professional Lecture Series – The next professional lecture series will be November 16 at 11:30 a.m. at the Kansas Museum of History. The speaker will be Leo Hafner, Deputy Legislative Post Auditor. His topic will be Importance of Government Accountability. This will be a joint meeting with the Topeka Chapter of Institute of Management Accountants.
PDC Update–The next PDC planning committee meeting will be November 28. Michelle Ullom will have sponsor letters to be signed by Brandi on Monday, November 6. Sabrina mailed out the remaining copies of the brochures (approximately 175) to those who attended the ASTRA meetings, League of Kansas Municipalities, and Association of Counties. Randy Bailes and Shirley Hollis will announce the PDC at the November 9 ASTRA meeting.
Treasurer’s Report–The treasurer’s report through October31, 2006 was distributed. Kathy is working on the Form 990 tax return that is due November 15. It will be submitted by the deadline. She is waiting to hear back from Karen Linn at Berberich Trahan regarding their tax department’s recommendation on how past due tax returns should be handled. Kathy only has financial information going back to 2004, so we will need to locate the financial information from 1999 to 2003 in order to complete all of the past due returns.
Chapter Recognition – No report
Community Service–Nickie reported that the American Heart Walk was held on October 21. Nickie logged 9 volunteer hours for this event. The December activity will be Toys for Tots. The year round activity is to collect pull tabs from aluminum cans for the Ronald McDonald House. The door prizes for the Christmas Social have been purchased. There will be no problems with reaching the maximum points for the Community Service category.
Membership -Walt reported that our current membership is 84.
Website – Walt reported the website has been modified to show the pictures of the keynote speakers at the PDC.
CGFM – no report
Winter Social - Brandi reported that the location of the Christmas social will need to be changed. She has made several inquiries and the Kansas Museum of History is available for a fee. Scott moved to change the location of the Christmas Social to the Kansas Museum of History. Debbie seconded the motion. Motion passed unanimously.
Other Business - Walt reported that the RCOW has been changed to a sectional meeting which is a combination of 4 regions. The next meeting is tentatively scheduled for March 2007.
The meeting was adjourned at 6:45 pm.