Daugavpils Pedagogical University

Faculty of the Humanities


Accreditation Materials


Daugavpils Pedagogical University

Faculty of the Humanities

Doctor of Philology Study Programme

in Literary Studies

PROGRAMME DIRECTOR: / the corresponding member of the Latvian Academy of Sciences, Dr. habil. philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
at the meeting of the
DPU Studies Council
on January 24, 2000
Minutes No 10
Vice-chancellor on Studies:
Dr.phys., doc. S.Rabša / Approved:
at the meeting of the
DPU Senate
on January 31, 2000
Minutes No 11
Senate Chairperson:
Dr.philol., doc. V.Šaudiņa
1. The General Description of the Programme ______ / 4
2. Doctor of Philology (Ph.D.) Study Programme _-______ / 5
2.1. The Aim and the Tasks ______/ 5
2.2. The Content and Organization ______/ 6
2.2.1. The Content of the Programme ______/ 6
2.2.2. The Organization of Studies in the Doctor Study
Programme ______/ 10
2.2.3. The Supervision of the Doctorate Work ______/ 11
2.2.4. Doctorate Work Elaboration ______/ 12
3. The Study Programme Maintenance ______ / 14
3.1. The Academic Staff ______/ 14
3.1.1. Professional Development of the Academic Staff / 15
3.1.2. Quest-Lecturers’ Involvement in the
Implementation of the Doctor Study
Programme ______/ 17
3.2. Financing ______/ 17
3.3. Material and technical basis ______/ 17
4. The Assessment of the Quality of Studies ______ / 19
5. Students ______ / 20
6. Advertising and Information Work about the Possibilities
of Studies ______ / 22
7. Scientific Research Work of the Teaching Staff Members and
Ph.D. Candidates ______ / 23
7.1. Scientific Research Work of the Teaching Staff ______/ 23
7.2. Scientific Work of Ph.D. Candidates ______/ 28
8. Some Facts about the Implementation of Programmes in
Cooperation with Other Structural Units of DPU and Foreign
Institutions of Higher Education ______ / 29
9. Comparison of the Programme with the Programmes in
Other Countries ______ / 31
10. The Development of the Programme ______ / 33
11. Self-Evaluation of the Programme ______ / 34

List of Appendices

Annotation of Doctoral Study Programmes

1. The General Description of the Programme

The precondition of the programme is that in the course of several years an authoritative school of literary studies has been formed in the Daugavpils Pedagogical University. It plays an important role in the science of Latvia and is known outside the Baltic states as well.

(Appendix 1)

The major working directions of the Daugavpils school of literary studies are the theory of literature, the history of other people’s literature, the comparative literary studies.

The topicality of the programme is determined by such factors:

·  the further development of literary studies in Latvia, as of an important branch of philology;

·  the necessity of the research of modern European literature history. In this context, the study of national literature (including the literature of the Baltic states) is possible;

·  the development of the comparative literary studies, which gives an opportunity to comprehend the peculiarity of the national world pictures and their interrelation.

The programme is created and implemented in accordance with the requirements of “The Law on Scientific Activity” and “The regulations on the order and criteria of doctorate” (April 6, 1999), as well as with the requirements of the DPU Satversme (Constitution).

2. Doctor of Philology (Ph.D.) Study Programme

The form of the study programme acquisition: internal and external.

The duration of studies: 3 years in the internal course and 4 years in the external course.

The diploma received: the doctor of philology in the branch of literary studies, in the sub-branch of the history of other people’s literature and the comparative literary studies.

The programme is meant for the people who hold an academic degree of Master of Arts or the degree equated with this.

Entrance examinations: an exam in the speciality and an exam in the foreign language. The content of the exam in the speciality: those entering the Doctor programme have to present the doctorate work project to the entrance examination board. The research aims and tasks and its structure are substantiated in the project; the defence of the project takes place in the course of the examination.

The entrance examinations take place in September and the studies in the Doctor programme start on October 1st.

2.1. The Aim and the Tasks

The aim

The main aim of the programme is to prepare a highly qualified specialist in the literary studies, capable of raising and solving the most important problems of modern philological science.

The tasks

The tasks of the programme:

·  the mastery of the methodology of modern literary phenomena analysis (which allows to solve the scientific questions connected with the concrete historical philological situation);

·  the mastery of the whole modern science complex about the concrete national literature history or about the comparative national literature history;

·  the fundamental mastery of the whole modern science complex about the literary and cultural period under study or under comparison;

·  the mastery of the world and European literature, in particular, to such an extent which allows to consider the scientific problems of concrete national literature in the wide cultural and literary context;

·  active participation in the scientific life of the DPU and the universities of Latvia, as well as systematic participation in scientific conferences abroad, systematic publications in the most significant philological journals which reflect the outcome of the chosen research;

·  creating the optimal conditions for the people working for degree of doctor for the implementation of the tasks brought forward, namely, possibilities to work in the libraries and archives abroad; possibilities to participate in the international scientific conferences and in those held in other higher educational establishments; possibilities to work on probation in some university in the country, the literature of which is being studied;

·  providing the conditions to prepare for the defence of the doctorate work.

2.2. The Content and Organization

2.2.1. The Content of the Programme

The Volume of the Programme – 120 credit points.

There are two sub-branches in the Doctor programme in literary studies:

1)  the history of other people’s literature;

2)  the comparative literary studies.

The Doctor programme is organically related to the Bachelor and Master study programmes, all these programmes form a single education system in literary studies in the DPU.

In distinction to the Bachelor study programme (the basis of which is the research of the history of literature) and to the Master study programme (the basis of which is the research of the literary theory), the Doctor study programme has the theoretical historical direction which ensures a higher level of synthetic analysis. In the basis of the Doctor study programme is the realization of the national pictures of the world in literary texts and their comparison.

The programme consists of lecture courses, seminars and doctorate work. Lecture courses and seminars are divided into two groups:

1)  compulsory lecture courses;

2)  compulsory selective courses.

The Doctor study programme consists of three modules:

1)  The theoretical module formed by such courses as “Modern Methodology of Literary Studies” and “The Theoretical Seminar”. The aim of the theoretical module is the ability of the people working for degree of doctor to orient themselves freely in modern methodological trends of literary studies and the formation of the methodological basis of the doctor’s research. The theoretical seminar takes place in the second and third academic year, the latest scientific works are considered in this seminar (those which appeared at the time of studies). This module also includes the course “Modern Scientific Conceptions and Art”.

2)  The theoretical historical module is formed, in the first place, by the courses, which examine the basic paradigms of literature of nations under study, as well as the course “The Basic Paradigms of Western Cultures”.

The main task of this module is:

·  all-round research of the world picture of the concrete national literature or those of different nations (if they are compared).

All this allows to examine the concrete national literature in the wide cultural context and to determine precisely, to a certain extent, the place of phenomena under study in the system of cultural values.

3)  In the basis of the literary historical module lies the seminar “The History of the National Literature of the Period under Study” (the study of the concrete national literature takes place in each particular case, for example, if the person working for degree of doctor studies the German literature, then this is the German literature). In the programme of the comparative literary studies, the similar function belongs to the seminar “The History of the Compared Literature of the Period under Study”. This module also includes such courses as “The Language Processes in the Literature of the Period under Study”, “The Historical Processes of the Period under Study” (e.g., if the literary phenomena of the second half of the XIX century are studied, then all the historical processes of the second half of the XIX century are taken into consideration) and “The Cultural Processes of the Period under Study”.

In accordance with “The regulations on the order and criteria of doctorate” of April 6, 1999, the person working for degree of doctor has to take an examination in a foreign language. That’s why the doctor study programme envisages the mastery of one of the European languages, in the first place English (since it is the international language of communication). Those working for degree of doctor can also master other foreign languages: German, French or one of the Scandinavian languages. In case of necessity, within the framework of the programme of the comparative literary studies it is possible to master two foreign languages.

Subbranch: the history of other people’s literature
Title of the Course / Course credits (CP) / Assessment Form /

University Lecturer

The Doctorate Work / 80 /
Compulsory Courses: 32 credit points
The Technology of the Doctorate Work Elaboration / 1 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Modern Literary Studies Methodologies / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
The Main Paradigms of National Literature(s) / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.habil.philol., prof. E.Mekšs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., doc. A.Ņeminuščijs
Dr.philol., lect. E.Vasiļjeva
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. R.Sokolovs
Mag.philol., ass. A.Kazjukevičs
The Theoretical Seminar / 6 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
The Literary Historical Seminar “The History of the National Literature of the Period under Study” / 6 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., doc. A.Ņeminuščijs
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. A.Kazjukevičs
The Foreign Language / 7 / examination / Mag.paed., lect. A.Dunskis
Ass. I.Vingre
Compulsory Selective Courses: 8 credit points
The Main Paradigms of Western Cultures / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., lect. E.Vasiļjeva
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Modern Scientific Conceptions and Art / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. R.Sokolovs
The Language Processes in the Literature of the Period under Study / 4 / examination / Dr.philol., doc. A.Kuzņecovs
Dr.philol., doc. G.Sirica
Mag.philol., lect. N.Fjodorova
The Historical Processes of the Period under Study / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.hist., doc. A.Ivanovs
The Cultural Processes of the Period under Study / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. E.Mekšs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Sub-branch: the Comparative Literary Studies
Title of the Course / Course credit (CP) / Assessment Form /

University Lecturer

The Doctorate Work / 80 /
Compulsory Courses: 32 credit points
The Technology of the Doctorate Work Elaboration / 1 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Modern Literary Studies Methodologies / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
The Main Paradigms of Compared Literatures / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.habil.philol., prof. E.Mekšs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., doc. A.Ņeminuščijs
Dr.philol., lect. E.Vasiļjeva
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. R.Sokolovs
Mag.philol., ass. A.Kazjukevičs
The Theoretical Seminar / 6 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
The Literary Historical Seminar “The History of the National Literature of the Period under Study” / 6 / diff.test / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., doc. A.Ņeminuščijs
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. A.Kazjukevičs
The Foreign Language / 7 / examination / Mag.paed., lect. A.Dunskis
Ass. I.Vingre
Compulsory Selective Courses: 8 credit points
The Main Paradigms of Western Cultures / 6 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. F.Fjodorovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča
Dr.philol., lect. E.Vasiļjeva
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Modern Scientific Conceptions and Art / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., ass. G.Markovs
Mag.philol., ass. R.Sokolovs
The Language Processes in the Compared Literature of the Period under Study / 4 / examination / Dr.philol., doc. A.Kuzņecovs
Dr.philol., doc. G.Sirica
Mag.philol., lect. N.Fjodorova
The hisorical Processes of the Period under Study in the Corresponding Countries / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.hist., doc. A.Ivanovs
The Cultural Processes of the Period under Study in the Compared Literature / 4 / examination / Dr.habil.philol., prof. E.Mekšs
Dr.habil.philol., assoc.prof.J.Trofimovs
Dr.philol., doc. A.Stankeviča

See the annotations of the courses in Appendix 2.

See the study plans in Appendix 3.

2.2.2. The Organization of Studies in the Doctor Study


The duration of theoretical studies in the Doctor Study Programme is 2 academic years in the internal course and 3 academic years in the external course. The theoretical seminar classes take place in the second and third academic years.

The theoretical studies finish with the doctorate examination in the 7th three-months’ term.

The examination in the foreign language is to be taken in the 6th three-months’ term.

The last academic year is alloted for the doctorate work completion and defence (or submission and defence).

The doctorate work is elaborated simultaneously with the theoretical research. The beginning of the Doctor’s research process is the approvement of the doctorate work theme and of the candidate’s and the supervisor’s joint working plan at the corresponding department staff meeting in the first week of studies.