This is an eclectic collection of books, films, Web sources and recordings. Most are historical; there are several very good children’s books, historical fiction and reference works. Many are incredibly inaccurate or just imaginative as, for example, Anouilh’s play, Becket, most films and the Robin Hood and Merlin series, but they often make for good reading and/or drama. I would especially include the Plaidy Planta-genet Saga as responsible for keeping most of the Eleanor rumors alive. Regine Pernoud’s biography, Eleanor of Aquitaine, is perhaps the single most accurate source; Alison Weir’s The Captive Queen, the least so. The Penman novels are both factual and exciting historical reading, and Konigsburg’s A Taste for Scarlet and Miniver is sheer delightful fantasy. Ains’ story itself is fiction and diverse. It covers many areas other than her position in historical Aquitaine. Most of these works are part of my own library.

Histories, Medieval Studies, and Dictionaries:

Abelard, Peter. The Story of My Misfortunes. Tr. by Henry Adams Bellows. Lexington, KY: Forgotten, 2007.

Achard, Claude. Anthologie des expressions du Langue-doc. 4th ed. Paris: Rivages, 1983.

Adams, Henry. Mont-Saint Michel & Chartres. NY: Double-day, 1933.

Anderson, Bonnie S. and Judith P. Zinser. A History of Their Own: Women in Europe. Vol. 1. NY: Harper & Row, 1988.

Aries, Philippe & Georges Duby, Gen. eds. A History of Private Life. Vol 2. Tr. by Arthur Goldhammer. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.

Ashe, Geoffrey. The Landscape of King Arthur. Devon: Webb & Bowe, 1987.

Atkinson, R. J. C. Stonehenge and Avebury. London: Her Majesty’s Stationery Office, 1959.

Backhouse, Janet. The Illuminated Manuscript. Oxford: Phaidon, 1979.

Bailey, Rosemary, Gen. ed. France. Washington, DC: National Geo-graphic, 1994,’99.

Barber, Richard, ed. The Arthurian Legends. Totowa, NJ: Littlefield Adams, 1979.

------. Henry Plantagenet. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1963.

Batchelor, John & Christopher Chant. The Complete Encyclopedia of Sailing Ships. Edison, NJ: Chartwell, 2006.

Bellew, Sir George. Britain’s Kings and Queens. London: Pitkin, 1974.

Bernstein, Hilary J. Between Crown and Community. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 2004.

Bickerdyke, John. The Curiosities of Ale and Beer. 1889. London: Spring, 1965.

Black, Maggie. The Medieval Cookbook. NY: Thames & Hudson, 1992.

Briffault, Robert. The Troubadours. Bloomoington: Indiana University Press, 1965.

Briggs, Asa. A Social History of England. NY: Viking, 1983.

Bogin, Meg. The Women Troubadours. NY: Norton, 1980.

Bonnard, Camille, ed. Renaissance and Medieval Costume. Mineola, NY: Dover, 2008.

Bonner, Anthony, ed. and tr. Songs of the Troubadours. London: Allen & Unwin, 1973.

Brabbs, Derry. The Roads to Santiago. London: Frances Lincoln, 2008.

Brandt, William J. The Shape of Medieval History. NY: Schocken, 1973.

Brett, Vivien. Winchester. Hampshire: Pitkin, 1999.

Brooke, Christopher. The Structure of Medieval Society. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1971.

Brooks, Polly Schover. Queen Eleanor: Independent Spirit of the Medieval World. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1999.

Bruder, Annick. Guide du Bordeaux médiéval. Rennes: Sud Ouest, 2005.

Burl, Aubrey. Courts of Love, Castles of Hate. Gloucestershire: History, 2008.

Burns, Robert I. Medieval Law: Lawyers and Their Work. Tr. by S.P. Scott. Vol. 3 of Las Siete Partidas. Philadelphia: University of Pennsylvania Press, 2001.

Cahill, Thomas. Mysteries of the Middle Ages. NY: Anchor, 2008.

Camus, Marie-Thérèse and Robert Favreau. Poitiers Cathédrale Saint-Pierre. Book 3 of Eglises de Poitiers. Poitiers: Bedi Sipap, 2009.

Cantor, Norman F. and Michael S. Werthman. The History of Popular Culture to 1815. NY: MacMillan, 1968.

------, eds. Medieval Society 400-1450. 2nd ed. Vol. II of The Structure of European History. NY: Crowell, 1972.

Carpenter, Nan Cooke. Music in the Medieval and Renaissance Universities. NY: Da Capo, 1972.

Catherwood, Christopher. Making War in the Name of God. NY: Citadel, 2007.

Cels, Marc. Life on a Medieval Manor. NY: Crabtree, 2005.

One of twenty children’s books in The Medieval World Series.

Chaban-Delmas, Jacques. La Dame d’Aquitaine. Monte Carlo: RMC, 1987.

Chadwick, Nora. The Celts. NY: Penguin, 1971.

Chagnolleau, Jean, Gaston Dez, René Crozet and Jacques Lavaud. Visages du Poitou. Vol. III of Collection Provenciales. Paris: Horizons de France, 1942.

Chant, Joy. The High Kings. NY: Bantam, 1983.

Chapuis, Julien, ed. Tilman Riemenschneider. NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 2000.

Chase, Sarah Leah. Pedaling Through Provence Cookbook. NY: Workman, 1975.

Chaucer, Geoffrey. The Portable Chaucer. Ed & tr. by Theodore Morrison. Rev. ed. NY: Penguin, 1949.

Chicago, Judy. The Dinner Party. 2 vols. Garden City, NY: Anchor, 1979.

Cheyette, Fredric L. Ermengard of Narbonne and the World of the Troubadours. Ithaca: Cornell University Press, 2001.

Clouter, Gregory A. The Lost Zodiac of the Druids. London: Vega, 2003.

Coincy, Gautier de. The Miracles of Notre-Dame. Los Angeles, CA: Harmonia Mundi, 2003.

Collaer, Paul & Albert Vander Linden, eds. Historical Atlas of Music. NY: World, 1960.

Collins, Marie & Virginia Davis. A Medieval Book of Seasons. NY: Harper Collins, 1992.

Collombet, François and Nicolas Bruant. Tr. by Christopher Freeland. Fontevraud. Huitieme Jour, 1999.

Coloni, Marie-Jeanne. Notre-Dame in Paris. Tr. by Caroline Morson. Editions du Signe, 1996.

Contestin, Maurice, André Michelozzi and Jean Roche. Beaucaire. Beaucaire: Ville de Beaucaire, 2008.

Cook, Theodore Andrea. Old Provence. NY: Scribner, 1905; NY: Interlink, 2001.

Corn, Charles. The Scents of Eden. NY: Kodansha, 1999.

Cosman, Madeleine Pelner. Fabulous Feasts: Medieval Cookery and Ceremony. NY: Brazuller, 1976.

------. Medieval Wordbook. NY: Fall River, 2007.

Coulton, G. C. Medieval Village, Manor, and Monastery. NY: Harper, 1960.

Cox, R. Hippisley. The Green Roads of England. London: Methuen, 1914; Glastonbury: Lost, n.d.

Crittall, Elizabeth and Ralph B. Pugh, eds. Victoria History of the Counties of England, Wiltshire. Vol. 6. London, 1962.

Cunff, Louis Le and Dan Lailler. Chateaulin: JOS, 2008.

Currie, Robin. Britain and Ireland. Washington, DC: National Geographic, 2010.

Dawson, Christopher. Religion and the Rise of Western Culture. NY: Doubleday, 1958.

Delaney, John J. Pocket Dictionary of Saints. Abridged Ed. NY: Image, 1983.

Dersin, Denise, ed. What Life Was Like Among Druids and High Kings. Richmond, VA: Time-Life, 1998.

------. What Life Was Like in the Age of Chivalry. Richmond, VA: Time-Life, 1997.

------. What Life Was Like When Rome Ruled the World. Richmond, VA: Time-Life, 1997.

Dickens, A. G., ed. The Courts of Europe. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1977.

Diehl, Daniel & Mark Donnelly. Medieval Celebrations. Mechanicsburg, PA: Stackpole, 2001.

Dietrich, William. The Scourge of God. NY: Harper Collins, 2005.

Dixon-Kennedy, Mike. The Robin Hood Handbook. Gloucestershire:

Sutton, 2006.

Dubard, R. The Beautiful Legends of Mount Saint-Michel. Le Mont-Saint-Michel: Sanctuaire du Mont-Saint-Michel, n.d.

Duby, Georges. A History of Private Life II: Revelations of the Medieval World. Tr. by Arthur Goldheimer. Cambridge, Mass.: Harvard University Press, 1988.

------. Love and Marriage in the Middle Ages. Tr. by Jane Dunnett. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1988, 1994.

------. William Marshall. Tr. by Richard Howard. NY: Pantheon, 1985.

------. Women of the Twelfth Century. Tr. by Jean Birrell. Vol. 1. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1997.

Dyer, James. Hillforts of England and Wales. Rev. ed. Bucking-hamshire: Shire, 2003.

Eastwood, Kay. Medieval Society. NY: Crabtree, 2004. Part of the children’s Medieval World Series.

------. Women and Girls in the Middle Ages. NY: Crabtree, 2004.

Einhard. The Life of Charlemagne. c.830 Tr. by Samuel Epes Turner. Ann Arbor: University of Michigan Press, 1960.

Egbert, Virginia Wylie. On the Bridges of Mediaeval Paris. Princeton, NJ: Princeton University Press, 1974.

Elliott, Lynne. Clothing in the Middle Ages. NY: Crabtree, 2004. Part of the children’s Medieval World Series.

------. Medieval Towns, Trade, and Travel. NY: Crabtree, 2004. Part of the children’s Medieval World Series.

Ellis, Peter Berresford. The Celts. NY: Carroll & Graf, 2004.

Endres, Günter & Graham Hobster. Castle Ruins of Medieval England and Wales. Marlborough: Airlife, 2003.

Erlande-Brandeburg, Alain. The Abbey Church of Saint-Denis. Vol. 1. Fontenay-sous-bois: Tourelle, 1984.

Evans, Joan. Life in Medieval France. 3rd ed. NY:Phaidon, 1969.

Fagan, Brian. The Great Warming. NY: Bloomsbury, 2008.

Fane-Gladwin, Mary. Channel Island Hopping. London: Sphere, 1982.

Faulkner, Herbert W. Wood-Carving as a Hobby. NY: Harper, 1934.

Favreau, Robert. “Alienor d’Aquitaine.” Extracted from exhibition catalog. Fontrevraud, 2004.

Ferrarm William J. The Fall of the Grand Sarrasin Being a Chronicle of Sir Nigel de Bessin, Knight of Things that Happed in Guernsey Island, in the Norman Seas, in and about the Year One Thousand and Fifty-Seven. Hard Press, n.d.

Firebaugh, W. C. The Inns of the Middle Ages. Chicago: Pascal Covici, 1924.

Fisher, Celia. The Medieval Flower Book. London: British Library, 2007.

Fleming, Laurence and Alan Gord. The English Garden. London: Joseph, 1982.

Fletcher, Nichola. Charlemagne’s Tablecloth. London: Phoenix, 2004.

Flinn, Elizabeth Haight. Medieval Towns and Guilds. NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, nd.

Fontevraud. Special Issue. Paris; Notre Histoire, n.d.

Forrest, Tom. Wine. San Diego: Thunder Bay, 2003.

Fowler, Kenneth. The Age of Plantagenet and Valois. NY: Putnam, 1967.

Fox, Matthew, ed. Hildegard of Bingen’s Book of Divine Works. Sante Fe, NM: Bear, 1987

Fox, Sally, ed. The Medieval Woman. Boston: Little-Brown, 1991.

Francastel. P. Medieval Painting. Ed., H.L.C Jaffe. NY: Dell, 1967.

Freeman, Philip. The Philosopher and the Druids. NY: Simon & Schuster, 2006.

Freund, René. On Foot to the End of the World. Tr. by Janina Joffe. London: Haus, 1990.

Frugoni, Chiara. Books, Banks, Buttons. Tr. by William McCuaig. NY: Columbia University Press, 2003.

------. A Day in a Medieval City. Tr. by William McCuaig. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 2005.

Gibbings, Robert. Coming Down the Seine. NY:Interlink, 2003.

Gibbs-Smith, Charles H. The Bayeaux Tapestry. London: Phaidon, 1973.

Gies, Frances & Joseph. Cathedral, Forge, and Waterwheel. NY: HarperCollins, 1994.

------. Life in a Medieval Castle. NY: Crowell, 1974.

------. Life in a Medieval City. NY: Harper & Row, 1981.

------. Marriage and the Family in the Middle Ages. NY: Harper & Row, 1987.

------. Women in the Middle Ages. NY: Crowell, 1978.

Gillingham, John. Richard the Lionheart. NY: Times, 1978.

------and Peter Earle. The Middle Ages. Ed. by Antonia Fraser. Berkeley: University of California Press, 2000.

Gimpel, Jean. The Medieval Machine. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1976.

Giraud-Labaite, Claire. Fontrevraud. N.p.: Ouest-France, 2008.

Godolphin, Francis R.B., ed. The Latin Poets. NY: Random House, 1949.

Goodrich, Norma Lorre. King Arthur. NY: Harper & Row, 1986.

Godwin, Joscelyn. Music, Mysticism and Magic. London: Penguin, 1986.

Goldstone, Nancy. Four Queens. NY: Viking, 2007.

Gottfried, Robert S. The Black Death. NY: Free, 1983.

Grafton, Carol Belanger, ed. Medieval Life Illustrations. NY: Dover, 1996.

Graveline, Noël. Les plus beaux volcans: Aubergne, Aubrac, Velav. Beaumont: deBaisieux, 2009.

Gravett, Christopher. Knight. Oxford: Osprey, 2008.

------& David Nicolle. The Normans. Westminster, MD: Osprey, 2006.

Green, Miranda J., ed. The Celtic World. NY: Routledge, 1996.

Greggio, Simonetta. One Hundred & One Beautiful Small Towns in France. NY: Rizzoli, 2006.

Griffin, Emilie, ed. Bernad of Clairvaux: Selected Works. Tr. by G.R. Rogers. San Francisco: Harper, 2005.

Grivot, D. Autun Cathedral. N.p. Delta, 2000.

Groves, Marsha. Manners and Customs in the Medieval Ages. NY: Crabtree, 2006.

Guibert, Abbot. Self and Society in Medieval France: The Memoirs of Abbot Guibert of Nogent. Tr. by C. C. Swinton Bland. Ed. and rev. tr. by John F. Benton. NY: Harper, 1970.

Green, David. The Battle of Poitiers 1356. Gloucestershire: History, 2008.

Grun, Bernaard, ed. The Timetables of History. New Third Revised ed. NY: Touchstone, 1975.

Hallam, Elizabeth, ed. The Plantagenet Chronicles. NY: Crescent, 1995.

------. The Plantagenet Encyclopedia. London: Tiger, 1996.

Halliday, F. E. An Illustrated Cultural History of England. NY: Viking, 1967.

Halperin, Marian Ragan. Monks and Monasteries. NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, nd.

Harding, Mike. A Little Book of Misericords. London: Past Times, 1998.

Hardisonn Jr., O. B. Christian Rite & Christian Drama in the Middle Ages. Baltimore: Johns Hopkins, 1965.

Harvey, John. The Master Builders. NY: McGraw Hill, 1971.

Haskins, Charles Homer. The Renaissance of the 12th Century. NY: Meridian, 1957.

------. The Rise of the Universities. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1957.

Hayman, Richard. Church Misericords and Bench Ends. Pembroke-shire: Shire, 1989.

Heer, Friedrich, ed. The Fires of Faith. Vol. 2 of Milestones of History. 2nd ed. NY: Newsweek, 1973.

------. The Medieval World. Tr. by Janet Sondheimer. NY: Mentor, 1961

Henderson, George. Chartres. Baltimore: Penguin, 1968.

Hilton, Lisa. Queen’s Consort. NY: Pegasus, 2010.

Hindley, Geoffrey. The Medieval Establishment. NY: Putnam, 1970.

“History in La Vienne.” La Vienne Historica. N.d.

Hoffmann, David. Welsh Herbal Medicine. Aberteifi: Abercastle, 1978.

Hollister, C. Warren. Medieval Europe. 2nd ed. London: Wiley, 1964; 5th ed. NY: Knopf, 1975..

Hoppin, Richard H. Medieval Music. NY: Norton, 1978.

Hopkins, Andrea. The Book of Courtly Love. San Francisco: Harper, 1994.

Howard, Emma. France: History and Landscape. London: Compendium, 2008.

The Hours of Jeanne D’Evreux. Facsimile ed. Paris: Draeger, 1957.

Hughes, Dom Anselm, ed. Early Medieval Music Up to 1300. Vol. I of The New Oxford History of Music. NY: Oxford University Press, 1955.

------. Most Wise and Valiant Ladies. London: Collins & Brown, 1997.

Husa,Vaclav. Traditional Crafts and Skills:Life and Work in Mediaeval and Renaissance Times. Prague: Artia, 1967.

Husband, Timothy B. & Jane Hayward, eds. The Secular Spirit. NY: Metropolitan Museum of Art, 1975.

Huizinga, J. The Waning of the Middle Ages. NY: Doubleday, 1956.

Jarrard, Kyle. Cognac. Hoboken: Wylie, 2005.

Jiménez, Ramon L. Caesar Against the Celts. Edison, NJ: Castle, 2001.

Kaufmann, J. E. & H. W. Kaufmann. The Medieval Fortress. NY: Da Capo, 2004.

Kerr, Julie. Life in the Medieval Cloister. NY: Continuum, 2009.

Kibler, William W. Eleanor of Aquitaine: Patron and Politician. Austin: University of Texas, 1973.

Lachman, Barbara. Hildegard: The Last Year. Boston: Shambhala, 1997.

Landsberg, Sylvia. The Medieval Garden. London: British Museum, n.d.

Léon, Vicki. Uppity Women of Medieval Times. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997.

“Les trésors cachés de Poitiers.” L’Espress. Special Poitiers Edition.

Logan, F. Donald. A History of the Church in the Middle Ages. London: Routledge, 2002.

Longuespé, Noëlle. Le Mont-Saint-Michel. Strasbourg: Signe, 2007.

Macaulay, David. Cathedral. Boston: Houghton Mifflin, 1973.

Magne, Félix. Le Reine Aliénor. Princi Néguer, 1998.

Marks, Claude. Pilgrims, Heretics, and Lovers: A Medieval Journey. NY: MacMillan, 1975.

Martin, Sean. The Cathars. NY: Thunder’s Mouth, 2004.

Martindale, Andrew. The Rise of the Artist. NY: McGraw Hill, 1972.

Matthew, Donald. Atlas of Medieval Europe. NY: Equinox, 1983.

------. King Stephen. London: Humbleton & London, 2002.

Mauatord, Madelaine. Paris. Edison, NJ: Chartwell, 2008.

McCullough, David Willis. The Unending Mystery: a Journey Through Labyrinths and Mazes. NY: Pantheon, 2004.

McEvedy, Colin. The Penguin Atlas of Medieval History. NY: Penguin, 1961.

McGrail, Seán. Ancient Boats and Ships. 2nd ed. Buckinghamshire: Shire Archeology, 2006.

McLynn, Frank. Richard and John. Philadelphia: Da Capo, 2007.

Melczer, William, ed. and tr. The Pilgrim’s Guide to Santiago de Compostela. NY: Ithaca, 1993.

Merwin, W. S. The Mays of Ventadorn. Washington: National Geographic, 2002.

Mitchell, Sabrina. Medieval Manuscript Painting. NY: Viking, 1965.

Moerk, Alice A. Popular Musics: A Short History. 2nd. Ed. Sarasota: Peppertree, 2012.

Mokhtefi, Elaine. Paris. NY: Hippocrene, 2002.

Molesworth, H. D. European Sculpture. NY: Praeger, 1965.

Moore, Tim. Travels With My Donkey. NY: St. Martin’s, 2004.

Mortimer, Ian. The Time Traveller’s Guide to Medieval England. London: Bodley Head, 2008.

Mullins, Edwin. Cluny. NY: Mullins, 2006.

Neal, Lisa. France. NY: Hippocrene, 2001.

Nicolle, David. The Crusades. Oxford: Osprey, 2001.

------. History of Medieval Life. NY: Barnes & Noble, 1997.

------. The Normans. Vol. 9 of the Elite Series. London: Osprey, 1987.

Noble, Christine, et. al., eds. Heroes of the Dawn: Celtic Myth. Amsterdam: Time-Life, 1996.

Nouveau Dictionnaire Provençal-Français. Vol. I (A-J) ed. by Ėtienne Garcin. Fabre, 1841; Dictionnaire Provençal-Français. Vol. II (P-Z) ed. by Simon Jude Honnorat. Digne,1847.

Oman, Charles W. C. Castles. NY: Beekman, 1978.

O’Neil, B. H. St. J. Castles. London: Her Majesty’s Stationary Office, 1953.

Orme, Nicholas. Medieval Children. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2001.

------. Medieval Schools. New Haven: Yale University Press, 2006.

Paine, Michael. The Crusades. Edison, NJ: Chartwell, 2005.

Painter, Sidney. French Chivalry. Ithaca, NY: Cornell University Press, 1940.

Parker, Derek & Julia. The Compleat Astrologer. NY: McGraw-Hill, 1971.

Pernaud, Regine. Eleanor of Aquitaine. Tr. by Peter Wiles. NY: Coward-McCann, 1968.

Pirani, Emma. Gothic Illuminated Manuscripts. London: Hamlyn, 1970.

Pognon, Edmond, ed. Les Très Riches Heures du Duc de Berry. Tr. by David Macrae. Chantilly, France: Crown, n.d.

Pozzoli, Milena Ercole. Castles of Loire. Vercelli, Italy: White Star, 2002.

Radford, C. A. Glastonbury Abbey. Andover: Pitkin, 1973, 1992.

------. Tintagel Castle. London: Her Majesty’s Office, 1939.

Reese, Gustrave. Music in the Middle Ages. NY: Norton, 1940.

Reston, Jr., James. Warriors of God. NY: Anchor, 2001.

Reeves, Compton. Pleasures & Pastimes in Medieval England. Phoenix Mill: Compton Reeves, 1995.

Reston, James Jr. Warriors of God. NY: Random House, 2001.

Riché, Pierre. Daily Life in the World of Charlemagne. Tr. by Jo Ann McNamara. State Park: University of Pennsylvania, 1978.

Rizzi, Silvana. The Best of France. Tr. by Richard Pierce. Vercelli, It: VMB, 2005.

Robb, Graham. The Discovery of France. NY: Norton, 2007.

Robertson, Jr., D. W. Abelard and Heloise. NY: Dial, 1972.

Ross, James Bruce & Mary Martin McLaughlin, eds. The Portable Medieval Reader. NY: Viking, 1949.

Rouse, E. Clive. Medieval Wall Paintings. 4th ed. Buckinghamshire: Shire, 1996.

Schevill, Ferdinand. History of Florence. New York: Harcourt Brace, 1936.

Schnurer, Gustav. Church and Culture in the Middle Ages. Tr. by G. J. Undreiner. Patterson, NJ: St. Anthony, 1956.

Schierbeek, Bert & Kees Scherer. Spain. NY: Follett, 1967.

Seidel, Linda. Legends in Limestone. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1999.

------. Songs of Glory: The Romanesque Facades of Aquitaine. Chicago: University of Chicago Press, 1981.

Simeti, Mary Taylor. Travels With a Medieval Queen. London: Phoenix, 2003.

Sinclair, George. Historic Maps and Views of Paris. NY: Black Dog & Leventhal, 2009.

Sitwell, Sacheverell. Monks, Nuns and Monasteries. NY: Holt Rinehart & Winston, 1965.

Softly, Barbara. The Queens of England. NY: Bell, 1976.

Somerville, Christopher. TravelBook Britain. 4th ed. Heathrow, FL: AAA, 2007.

Stephenson, Carl. Mediaeval Institutions. Ed. by Bryce D. Lyon. Ithaca: Cornell University, 1954.

Stokstad, Marilyn. Medieval Art. NY: Harper & Row, 1986.

Stuart, Susan Mosher, ed. Women in Medieval Society. University of Pennsylvania, 1976.

Sykes, Homer. Mysterious Britain. London: Weidenfeld & Nicolson, 1993.

Thompson, John M. The Medieval World: An Illustrated Atlas. Washington, D.C.: National Geographic, 2009.

Thorndike, Joseph J., Gen ed. The Light of the Past. NY: American Heritage, 1959.

Toman, Rolf, ed. Romanesque. Cologne: Könemann, 1997.

Trembinski, Donna. Law and Punishment in the Middle Ages. NY: Crabtree, 2006. Part of the children’s Medieval World Series.

Ure, John. Pilgrimages. NY: Carroll & Graf, 2006.

Vaughan, Jenny. Castles. NY: Watts, 1984.

Waddams, Canon Herbert. Saint Thomas Becket. London: Pitkin, 1969.