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ASCC Minutes
3:30 PM, SAC Conference Room
3rd April, 2008
1. Call to Order/Roll call 3:02
Marko Realmonte
Voting members:
Anthony Garza
Benjamin Pringle
Elowyn Corby
Hugo Puga
Jon Saad
Katie Crane (L)
Nicola Warmuth
Rebeca Villafana
Richard Army
Ryan Kaplan
Sophia Forde
Steven Baumgardner
Will Scott
Mil Alba
Noah Berkowitz-Mitchell
Gary Meyer
Santos Carranco (X)
Voting members needed for quorum (1/2 +1): 10
Votes needed to pass budgets/bylaws (2/3): 12
2. Approval of the Minutes (Nicola/Jon)
Approval of the Agenda (Sophia/Noah)
Donna Mekis, Honors Transfer Program:
Emphasized that a number of high school students wouldn’t be admitted to UC’s—the Honors Transfer Program will offer them an alternative. Information for download at Room 914A. Mekis is looking to develop a cohort of students. Praised Nancy Brown and Michael Mangin as dreamers of program. Marko—how will budget cuts affect program? Donna—in charge of scheduling and everything, etc. Marko—what are the benefits for students at other institutions?
Cabrillo Student:
Cabrillo student and bicyclist addressed senate about the St. Lawrence University library’s bike co-op. Jon—maybe the bike co-op can consider a bike-loan program?
Met with John Garamendi of Santa Cruz High school to discuss role of community colleges. Everyone working about budget problems. Café space. Facilities. WebAdviser task force. Marketing department.
Eileen Jacinto Hill, Cabrillo College Foundation—Opening Gala of SAC:
Student Activity Center grand opening, Thursday, April 24th, 3-5pm. Asked senators if they would be interested in assisting foundation with event; an opportunity to showcase the new facility to donors. Senators discussed whether the meeting could be rescheduled to 4-6pm.
1. Pres. Marko: Our Role in upcoming budget cuts discussion.
Senate discussed fiscal responsibility and priorities in anticipation of aid requests. Marko—95% of student services budget for salary. 800 students have salaries at school. Union, faculty, senate presidents asking for money—thousands of dollars. The senate is a business with an operating budget of $250,000; how can we use this income to best serve students?
· Bookkeeper—Business office request for $25,000-30,000 for a bookkeeper. Benefits-check off—can’t have it if no one takes pictures. Rebeca—even when a student has work-study, the maximum aid is $4,000. Marko—priority, if we make a commitment to spend money on salaries. Will be one time thing. Contracts will be one time thing. Marko—when it comes to losing jobs, student’s jobs seem more expendable than faculty and staff’s. Eric—Afraid of getting cut in recurring payment. Instead of saying that contract can be renewed. Say that it cannot be renewed. Eric—larger class size, minor inconvenience. Lose of student’s jobs, major inconvenience.
· Student Services—Dr. Chen needs to cut $120,000 in Student Services.
· Student Workers—Senate directly impacts workers at Admissions & Records, Business Office, Student Services, etc. Jon emphasized the importance of on-campus jobs. Marko asked if the consensus was that student workers were first priority. Eric claimed that the senate’s job includes defending student workers. “Except for us, they have no alibi.”
· College Budget Problems—Richard—uncomfortable with idea that senate bail college from state budget problems. Sesario—purpose of foundation is to provide scholarship opportunities.
· Greater Problem—Sesario—everything is a big puzzle. The president sees the big picture. “We usually retreat to the area for which we were hired.” Everyone looks at budget; what can I cut and still operate the department.
· Jobs for Students—Gary suggested that grading jobs be created for students. Sesario—students can’t do work that contracted employees do.
· Purpose of Senate—Elowyn described how the purpose of the senate is changing. Before: providing the above and beyond. Now: focusing on helping people get by. Less we spend now, the more we will be able to put appropriate use to. Elowyn—we can wait until next semester to see how classes are with fewer sections. First, students have access. Second, education of higher caliber.
· Cost-neutral Solutions—Ryan asserted that the senate should be protecting and employing people. There are lots of things we could do; such as volunteering. What can we do that is cost-neutral?
· Vision—Steven—what’s your conception of Cabrillo? The hub of community?
· Marko—faculty contributes FTES like no one else.
· New Committee—Jon wanted the senate to strengthen communication by forming a committee.
2. Sen. Noah—SAC Updates.
New brochure. Going through all businesses on brochure. Calling, trying to extend contracts for 2-year period. Survey created. Establish a database, information to give to students Coalition of local businesses—think local first—seeing if they can participate in Earth Week.
3. Sen. Sophia—presentation of Senate shirts.
Senators thanked Sophia for creating and ordering black senate polos.
4. Treas. Richard—Budget update. 2pm Monday.
5. Elections—VP Ben and Eric. Students Striving for Success in Watsonville. Enough clubs. We must announce election results. Go tell everyone to run for senate.
6. Earth Week—Leg. Ryan.
Mark Perry writing an article mentioning Earth Week.
7. Running Start—Sen. Sophia.
The more we talk in classes, the more we spread awareness. Volunteer. Free food. Small commitment.
8. Watsonville Welcome—Rep. Lupe
9. Sen. Rebeca—Chinese Photo Op. with Dr. King.
Dr. Chen departing for China on 17th. To promote the international student program, Dr. Chen would like to film Brian King saying a message in Chinese and to take several new student senate shirts for foreign students.
Sesario—do your purchase requisitions early. Invited senators to budget committee.