Name ______

New Deal “Apps” Project

Directions: Work with your group to create an “App” out of 1 New Deal program. Your group will be assigned 1 program from the New Deal. Follow the steps below to create your “App” and place it on the “New Deal Phone.”

STEP 1: Your New Deal Program. Write the name of your assigned program below.


STEP 2: Research. Find the required information for your New Deal program and write it below.

a.  What problem (of the Great Depression) was the program supposed to fix?

b.  What service did the program provide?

c.  Give 3 more interesting specific facts about the program.

STEP 3: Design. You will need 2 main pieces to your “App”: a) an icon, b) an advertisement.

a.  ICON: Draw and color an icon to represent your “App.” For example, if the CCC is your New Deal program, you could draw an icon with trees in it (or something—I don’t know, be creative! J).

-Your icon should be on blank paper, colored in, and at least 4” x 4” in size.

-Below the icon, write the name of your program in big, bold, visible letters (ex: “Civilian Conservation Corps, CCC”)

b.  ADVERTISEMENT: This should be in paragraph form, providing all the information from your “Research” step above (Step 2).

-Must tell the: problem the App fixes, service it provides, and 3 or more interesting, specific facts.

-Must be written creatively! Sell the App, don’t just list facts! Convince people to download it!

-Must be written on blank or lined paper, at least 6”x6” in size. Everyone should be able to read it!

STEP 4: “Download” to New Deal Phone. Attach your icon and advertisement to the “New Deal Phone” in the back of the room. The phone will have everyone’s project on it, looking like the main screen of a SmartPhone.

Names: ______

RUBRIC: New Deal “Apps” Project

A / B / C / D-F
ICON (5 pts) / -Size is 4”x4” on non-lined paper
-Brightly colored and visually attractive
-Name of Program written below icon in big, bold, visible letters / -Almost 4”x4” in size
-Colored in and nicely drawn
-Name of program written below icon in bold letters / -Smaller than 4”x4”
-Little to no color, pretty un-inventive
-Name of Program written below icon / -Icon missing (0)
Or very weak (1-2)
-No color (1-2)
-Missing name of program (1-2)
ADVERTISEMENT (10 pts) / -Provides all required info: problem, service, over 3 specific facts
-Creatively written to “sell” the app
-All info correct, complete sentences, paragraph form / -Provides all required info: problem, service, 3 specific facts
-Written like an advertisement
-All info correct, complete sentences, paragraph form / -1 or 2 pieces of required info missing
-Just tells facts about program
-1 or 2 pieces of info incorrect or not in complete sent.’s / -More than 2 pieces of required info missing
-Incomplete paragraph or sentences
-Many incorrect facts
APPEARANCE & EFFORT (5 pts) / -Paragraph typed or neatly written, easy to read
-Partners both constantly on task
-Partners cooperated very well together in planning and completion / -Paragraph has some parts that are difficult to understand or read
-Looks good, but could have taken more time
-Partners split up the work with little cooperation / -Paragraph is mostly hard to read
-Mostly used class time inefficiently
-Split up work unevenly, almost no cooperation / -Paragraph missing/incomplete, OR icon missing/incomplete
-Lack of effort in class time
-No cooperation between partners

TOTAL: _____/20 points