Carlsbad Board of Education Mission Statement

The mission of the Carlsbad Board of Education is to create a public school environment, which meets the individual needs of all children regardless of their ability, ethnicity, creed, gender, or social standing. We are dedicated and will provide each student the opportunity to develop intellectually, emotionally, physically, and socially in a safe and orderly environment.

District Goals

·  Improve instruction at the classroom level in all schools demonstrated through student performance and growth.

·  Provide a rigorous, comprehensive curriculum that challenges and engages each student to achieve his/her full academic excellence.

·  Attract, hire, develop and retain an excellent professional staff throughout the district, while addressing the diversity of the district.

·  Ensure parental and community trust and involvement through clear, open, and timely communication.

·  Maintain a balanced budget while effectively maximizing all resources to fulfill educational priorities.

·  Support facility planning and development that is driven by educational priorities including a safe, healthy, well maintained and positive school environment.

·  Recognize achievement and excellence throughout the district.

Mission Statement

Carlsbad Sixth Grade Academy is a diverse community where high expectations and collaboration foster independent, life-long learners.

Vision Statement

Learning Is Our Focus!



Board of Education Mission Statement 2

CSGA Mission and Vision Statements 2

Table of Contents 2-3

Section 1

Student Rights and Responsibilities 3


Attendance Policies 3-4

Attendance Definitions 4

Attendance for Activity Participation 4

Attendance Record 4

Excused Absences 4

Excessive Excused Absences 4

Medical Absences 4

Official Absences 5

Other Excused Absences 5

Prolonged/Chronic Health Conditions 5

Checking out of School 5

Missed Assignments during Absence 5

Suspended Students 5

Procedures for Notification to Parents 5

Parent’s Failure to Meet 6

Distribution of Attendance Policy 6

Limitation on Disciplinary Action for Truancy 6

Tardy – What is it? 6

Truancy – What is it? 6

Summer School Attendance 6

Closed Campus 7


Pre-Advance Placement Program 7

Grades 7

Guidance 7

Honor Roll 7

Student Assistance Program (SAT) 7

Section 4 – HEALTH CARE

Administration of Medications at School 7

Compulsory Immunization of Students 7-8

School Based Health Clinic 8

Substance Abuse – Intoxicants 8

Tobacco and Smoking 8


Accident Insurance 8

Anti-Bullying 8

Positive Behavior Support 9

Cafeteria 9

Cell Phone/Electronic Devices 9

Corporal Punishment 10

Dress Code 10

Fighting 10

Fire Drills 10

Fireworks 10

Hall Passes 10

Hazing 11 Internet Services 11

Lock Down/Shelter-In-Place Drills 11 Restricted Areas / Out of Bounds 11

Security Cameras 11

Selling Merchandise 11

Sexual Harassment 11

Throwing Items 11

Visitors 11


Student Supervision – On Campus 11-12

CSGA Progressive Discipline Guide 12-15

Self Defense 15

Firearm 15

Possession 15

Gang-Related Activity 15



Backpacks 15

Bus Service 15

Boy / Girl Relations 16

Extra-Curricular Activities 16

Detention 16

Lost and Found 16

Lockers 16

Media Center / Library 16

Outside Deliveries 16

Parent / Adult Volunteers 16

Parking 16

Physical Education 16

Schedule Changes 16

School Property and Textbooks 17

Vandalism 17


Teacher Licensure 17

Substitute Teachers 17

Student Academic Performance 17

Tutoring Services 17

Access to School Records 17

Military Recruiter Access 17

FERPA / PPRA 17-18 Pesticide Spraying 18

New Mexico Sex Offender Registration 18


It is the responsibilities of students and parents to inform themselves of current Board policies and of administrative and school rules regarding conduct this is subject to disciplinary action.

A primary responsibility of the middle schools and their professional staff shall be to instill in students an appreciation of our representative form of government, the rights and responsibilities of the individual, and the legal processes whereby necessary changes are brought about.

The school district is a community, and the rules and regulations of a school are the laws of that community. All persons enjoying the right of citizenship are subject to the laws (rules and regulations) of their community. Each right carries with it a corresponding obligation.

The right to attend public school is not absolute. It is conditional on each student’s acceptance of the obligation to abide by the lawful rules of the school community until and unless the rules are changed through established processes.

Teachers, administration and other school employees also have rights and duties. Teachers are required by law to maintain a suitable environment for learning in their classes and to assist in maintaining school order and discipline. Administrators are responsible for maintaining and facilitating the educational program by ensuring an orderly, safe environment in the public schools. In discharging their duties, all school employees have the right to be free from intimidation or abuse and to have their lawful requests and instructions followed by students.


Attendance Policies

Regular class attendance by school age children at all grade levels is not only an essential component in the learning process, in the development of self-discipline, in preparation for post-secondary training, education and employment, it is also a requirement of the Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico (22-12-1 NMSA 1978). Unless excused by the Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico, all school age children shall attend school until attaining the age of majority for at least the length of time of the school year that is established in the District in which the person is a resident.

Any parent of a school age child subject to the Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico is responsible for the school attendance of that child.

The Carlsbad Municipal School District is responsible for enforcement of the Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico. The following rules are intended to support parents and educators in carrying out their responsibilities in preventing truancy, identifying students who may require intervention, and assisting other agencies which may have law enforcement responsibilities under the Children’s Code (32A-1-1 NMSA 1978) or other laws. The state law also requires the schools to report violations of the law to the Juvenile Probation Office of the judicial District where the student resides for further investigation to determine whether the student is neglected or is a child of a family in need of services under the Children’s Code.

Parents may be subject to criminal sanctions for violation of the law. In addition, the law contains provisions authorizing the Children’s Court to order a suspension of a habitual truant driver’s license for up to 90 days on the first determination of habitual truancy and up to one year for any subsequent finding.

A child subject to the provisions of the Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico shall attend school for at least the length of time of the school year that is established in the school District in which the child is a resident. Any parent of a child subject to the provisions of the Compulsory Attendance Law is responsible for the school attendance of that child.

The Compulsory Attendance Law of the State of New Mexico (22-12-1 NMSA 1978), states that after continued unexcused absences or habitual truancy by a student, it shall be reported to the Juvenile Probation Office of the Judicial District where the student resides for an investigation. After review by the JPO, that office may forward the habitual truant referral to the Office of the District Attorney or law enforcement agency having jurisdiction, for the filing of charges under the compulsory school attendance laws.


Habitual Truant: A student who has accumulated the equivalent of ten (10) or more unexcused absences within a school year.

Unexcused Absence: An absence from school or a class for which the student does not have an allowable excuse pursuant to the law or rules of this Board.

Attendance for Activity Participation

Out of school on day of or before event:

Being out of school any period on the day before a weekend event will result in the student not being allowed to participate in the (those) event(s). Students must be in school all periods on the day of an event or contest. Any deviation or exception (excused absences, Dr. Appointments, Funerals) must be approved by the Principal or Athletic Coordinator, before the event occurs.

Students suspended OUT-OF-SCHOOL may not compete, perform, practice, or workout with the team during the time of suspension or be on the field/court during any of the above activities. If a student is suspended IN-SCHOOL, he/she will be allowed to compete, perform, practice or work. Being TRUANT will result in the student not competing, practicing, or performing on the day of the truancy.

Attendance Record

A record of student attendance shall be made for each class taken for every instructional day in every public school or school program in the district.

Each school will provide for early identification of students with unexcused absences and habitual truants and provide intervention strategies that focus on keeping truants in an educational setting and prohibit out-of-school suspension and expulsion as the punishment for truancy.

The principal will be responsible for maintaining the accuracy and consistency of school attendance records. Each teacher must keep accurate and consistent school records for every student in his/her class.

Excused Absences

A parent shall notify the school where the student attends, each day the student is absent, and provide the reason(s) for the absence. If the school has been notified, and the parent anticipates the absence will extend beyond one school day, the parent may provide a written explanation of the reason(s), signed by the parent, to be presented on the first day of the student’s return to school.

The principal or his/her designee may, in addition, require a written verification from the student’s licensed health care provider if a student is absent due to the student’s health. If a parent has not contacted the school on the first day of the student’s absence, the school will make a reasonable attempt to contact the parent before the end of the day and shall document the contact and reason(s) for the absence. The school will record the absence whether it is excused or not, and the reason for the absence.

Excessive Excused Absences

If the principal determines that a parent is calling to excuse his/her student’s absences excessively, which means 5 or more non-medical excused absences per semester, the principal will require that a conference be held and that an attendance contract be signed which states that further student absences could be determined to be unexcused. Excessive student absences shall be monitored for patterns (i.e., every Monday or Friday).

Medical Absences

Parents are requested to provide documentation of all medical absences.

Official Absence (OA) - Extra-Curricular Activities

Eligible students who are participants in school-sponsored extra-curricular activities may be absent from school for such activities as provided in (22-12-2.1 NMSA 1978) of the law, provided further that such excused absences from school for school sponsored extra-curricular activities shall not exceed 15 days per semester and no class may be missed in excess of 15 times per semester.

The Attendance Clerk will keep track of student days missed due to excused school and/or extra-curricular activities.

Other Excused Absences

Student absences may be excused if the parent provides a medical note to excuse a student for a family emergency. In the event of a death in the family please provide an obituary notice. Other extenuating circumstances may be approved by the school principal.

Prolonged/Chronic Health Conditions

If the student’s health condition is chronic or reasonably expected to last fifteen (15) days or more and the student’s condition does not prevent him/her from completing school work, the parent shall provide a written statement from the student’s licensed health care provider, including a prognosis, as to the length of the student’s absence and the student’s ability to complete school work.

On receipt of the healthcare provider’s written statement, the student will be placed in a homebound school program until he/she is able to return to school.

Regular education students assigned to homebound will receive three hours of homebound instruction per week; special education students assigned to homebound will receive five hours of homebound instruction per week.

Checking Out of School

A parent, guardian, or authorized agent must check a student out of school, through the main office, anytime that a student is to leave the school campus. Positive identification will be required of ALL persons checking out students from school.

Missed Assignments during

Excused/Unexcused Absences

A student will be given one day for each day missed upon return, on excused or unexcused absences, to complete or make-up missed assignments and tests. If a student fails to complete or make-up missed work, the teacher shall refer the student to before or after school tutoring to allow student to complete missed work. The teacher will identify and date assignments in the grade book.

Students, who are absent and miss assignments and/or tests at the end of a grading period, will receive an incomplete and have one day upon return for each day missed to make up the work. If the absence occurs immediately preceding an extended holiday (i.e., Christmas Break), the student must make up the work during the first week upon return. Students who are suspended will have one day for each day missed, to complete and make-up missed assignments and tests.

If a child is out for one or two days, the student will pick up missing work from their teachers upon returning to school. If a child is out for 3 or more consecutive days, then a parent may request homework to be gathered for pick up. When requesting work, teachers will be given 24 hours to gather work before it will be available. Work may be picked up in the front office by a parent.

Suspended Students

Suspended students are not allowed on any school campus during their suspension. Suspended students may not participate or be present during any extra curricular activity while they are suspended. This includes, but is not limited to Band or Chorus performances or other practice.