ABOA Board Minutes 5/16/12

Members Present: Kenny Pilcher, Ken Patton, Chris Wales, Al Michelson, Jenny Dickerson, Kammie Holmes, Kathryn Lowe, Randal Anders, Jearl Ledbetter, David Allen, Travis Motal

Chris called to order at 6:36

Approve Minutes Randal moved/Al second Unanimous

UIL report – David

Registration is set for $75 for all. No discount for new members.

Report from State is favorable. There is some structure to reward/remove chapters from returning. This means that Chapters could end up with more than one crew at State.

Transfers are local Chapter decision

Insurance is setting the July 1 deadline for registration

A pool of evaluators is needed from each Chapter for the UIL by October 1

Train the Trainer will be a Webinar

Testing dates 2012-13 are in the UIL website

70% for Varsity

(Contact Rick regarding tweak on the payscale. Roger will notify schools.)

February 1, 2013 we will be reimbursed for our registrations

27 UIL Chapters reported on Secretary, Asst. Secretary, Website admin and ABOA is well

The top 7 chapters information are as follows:

Chapter Dues Secretary Fee Asst Sec Fee Website Fee Member Pro

195 22000 8000 Yes 600 Yes

100 18000 5000 Yes 100 Yes

75 17935 Yes 100 Yes

50 12000 4000 Yes 1000 Yes

100 10000 No

60 10000 4000 Yes 0 Yes

25 10000 2000 Yes 0 Yes

2 person camp – Chris, Ken and Rick

Leadership Team

Rick Lucas - Finance, Facilities, Wildcats liaison

Matt McCall – Technology, ideographic

Travis Motal – Mentor training, mentor assignments

Ken Patton – Registration, court assignment, classroom

Evaluators – to be paid a $25 stipend.

Purpose: To accelerate the skills of those who earnestly desire proficiency in their early years of officiating.

Cost: $25 for one day training with each camper getting 3 halves.

Limit 24 campers.

Treasurer report – Rick

Kenny/Kathy to accept. Unanimous.


Kenny move/Jenny second Unanimous to run an ad on radio for $100.

Updated flyer needs to get from Wand to Matt.


Meeting Dates are waiting for Roger to confirm committee.

Constitution Amendments to address Appeal of Board discipline.

Bold text is current writing of the amendment.

Regular text is addition/modification of amendment

Red text is commentary of modification.

Are being modified and brought to next meeting.

Next Meeting June 14

Adjourn at 8:27 Motion made by Kenny/Kammie Unanimous.