
Grounds on which abortion is permitted

To save the life of the woman Yes

To preserve physical health No

To preserve mental health No

Rape or incest No

Foetal impairment No

Economic or social reasons No

Available on request No

Additional requirements

Government view of fertility level: Satisfactory

Government intervention concerning fertility level: No intervention

Government policy on contraceptive use: No support provided

Percentage of currently married women* using

modern contraception : ..

Total fertility rate (1995-2000): ..

Age-specific fertility rate (per 1,000 women aged 15-19, 1995-2000): 9.5

Government has expressed particular concern about:

Morbidity and mortality resulting from induced abortion ..

Complications of childbearing and childbirth ..

Maternal mortality ratio (per 100,000 live births; 1990):

National ..

Western Europe ..

Female life expectancy at birth (1995-2000): ..

* Ever married.

Andorra was created in 1278 when Spain and France settled a land dispute by sharing sovereignty over Andorra. It is a co-principality under the formal sovereignty of the President of France and the Bishop of Seo de Urgel in Spain. The legal system in Andorra is based on French and Spanish civil codes.

Although the Penal Code of 11 July 1990 contains no explicit exceptions to the prohibition of abortion, under the general criminal law principles of necessity, an abortion can be performed to save the life of the pregnant woman. According to the Code, a pregnant woman who performs an abortion or consents to an abortion will incur a penalty of up to two and one-half years of imprisonment. If another person performs an abortion with the consent of the woman, the maximum applicable penalty will be four years’ imprisonment. The penalty will be imprisonment for up to six years if the perpetrator is a physician, medical practitioner or health officer, or a person who customarily, or with the intent of profit, performs abortive practices. An abortion performed without the consent of the woman is punishable by a maximum of 10 years’ imprisonment. If abortive practices performed on a woman actually or supposedly pregnant result in serious injuries or the death of the woman, the maximum applicable penalty will be 12 years’ imprisonment. Any person offering his own or another's services for the performance of an abortion or providing means or suggesting abortive procedures is subject to up to three years’ imprisonment.

Source: The Population Policy Data Bank maintained by the Population Division of the Department of Economic and Social Affairs of the United Nations Secretariat. For additional sources, see list of references.