April 4, 2012
- The Petitions Committee consisted of 9 members and a chair.
- They met or will have met approximately once a month during the academic year from October-May, and have reviewed approximately 170 petitions as of April 2012. (Last year’s committee met during the summer.)
- Committee members reviewed petitions and voted, with the chair voting in the event of a tie or when there were insufficient members present for a quorum (5 members), which happened on one occasion.
- Decisions were based upon a number of factors: the committee’s view of the petition’s validity, the student’s prognosis for success (GPA, course load, relevancy to the student’s major, etc.), whether the petition would lower established curriculum standards, etc.
- A relatively large number of course waivers were approved, which is primarily due to the policy change regarding developmental courses and because these courses are no longer offered.
- A number of exceptions to the 60 hour residency requirement were also given. This was due to the fact that there was a problem with the articulation agreement between Chattanooga State and the Engineering Department, in which a number of students arrived with an excess of 60 hours. The Engineering Department has been made aware of this and is working to improve the situation.
- The results of the Committee’s decisions follows:
Petitions Oct. 4, 2011 – Apr. 4, 2012
Type of Petition / Approved / Denied / TabledExcess Hours / 22 / 6 / 1
Waiver of Course / 26 / 9 / 1
Exception to Last 24 Hour Residency / 26 / 2 / 1
Exception to 60 Hour Residency / 6 / 1
Course Substitution / 3 / 2
Blanket Petition / 16
Suspension/Dismissal / 6 / 20
Other / 2
Respectfully submitted,
Lynn C. Purkey
Chair, Petitions Committee